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Everything posted by Monster

  1. Monster

    The Coil

    In the vial: Electric mint! Wet: Cool mint and eucalyptus over sweet floral notes and a quick breeze of "ozone" (which is showing up as laundry detergent smell on my arm). This definitely has a sinus clearing effect! I'm not detecting any ginger at this stage...and it's really hard to pick out the individual floral notes. Dry: After this settles and drys down for a while, the initial electric mint notes subdues and allows for the smallest hint of ginger to peek through. I'm left with a gentle, floral perfume with a metallic tang in the background. Verdict: This scent was just a lot of fun to smell. All of the Steamworks blends are like that...fun, interesting little works of art. They're truly bottled images that create a synesthesia effect...purple flowers paired with mint...I actually visualize the purple and white lighting coming out of The Coil. I know that's the idea of all BPAL oils but, it's just a lot more prominent with The Steamworks scents. This isn't a perfume I would wear, but I really enjoyed experiencing it. A real treat!
  2. Monster


    A very kind forumite included this in a package she sent me after hearing how I was crazy for lime scents latley. Independent is (in my opinion) the holy effing GRAIL of lime scents! Oh how I love this one...ohhhh I wish this were available in 5ml size! I agree with the person who said "fizzy citrus soda". That is a perfect description of this oil. It's bright, fizzy, cheerful and care-free smelling. Surprisingly, this citrus blend actually lasts a while on my skin (unlink most citrus scents which usually fade within minutes). This one kicks around for about an hour before it disappears into my flesh. Beth, if you are reading this...GC?? Please?? Pretty please???
  3. Monster


    Effervescent lime, a squish of ginger and a cool breath of mint (just enough to make this feel "sparkly"). Since Detox is mostly comprised of citrus, it is a fleeting scent on me (my skin eats up citrus notes like crazy). It is beautiful while it lasts. I'm not too sure of it's purifying and detoxification effects (I haven't had a chance to put it to use yet) but, even if this doesn't do a thing for me physically...I sure do love its scent!
  4. Monster

    Bon Vivant

    Not much to say about this...exactly as described! This is a sparkling, boozy white grape paired with juicy strawberries. This is sweet, delicious smelling and a lot of fun. A lot of people reported this as smelling "plasticy" but I don't think it is at all. I'm surprised it too me this long to discover Bon Vivant! I love this one!
  5. Monster

    Frau Holle

    In the vial: Sweet pine! Wet: Snowy, pretty, soft pine mixed with sweet herbs. I'm not detecting any of the floral notes and I'm unsure what flax is supposed to smell like in perfume...no musk yet either. Just sweet, pretty pine with herbs Dry: After 30 minutes this is pretty much the same. I've been waiting for the musk and flowers to arrive but they've decided not to come. Oh well, the party is just fine with the pine and sweet herbs. Verdict: This is like a softer, less chilly version of Snow Moon on me. I really like this one! I hope it makes another appearance this Yule!
  6. Monster


    In the vial: Stinky diaper floral! I'm afraid to put it on my skin... Wet: Smells sort of like lilacs, orchids and honeysuckle had an orgy on my arm. Not so bad! Very sneeze-inducing but I can appreciate it. Dry: BIG florals, powdery, purple, HUGE (or as they say up here in the Northeast...YOOGE!) Not for the faint of heart. Verdict: This is a floral lovers dream! Love-In-Idleness is VERY strong. I can appreciate this but I'm not too much a fan of floral blends and after a while this would just give me a headache. If you're not a fan of flowers...steer clear of this one. If you like your perfume with lots of petals, this is for you
  7. Monster


    In the vial: A golden-colored oil that smells green and masculine to my nose. Wet: Hmmm...lets see what I can pick out here, leather? herbs? musk? oakmoss? tobacco? something sweet...a "perfumy" note...I think it's lavender. Yup. Lavender. Leather is the strongest note on my skin. I love it but, while I dry and dissect this perfume I want to pick it up and put it to the side so I can properly look at the other notes! Dry: Ok, when I sit back and smell this as a whole this is a mildy sweet, fresh mostly masculine perfume (I can definitly get away with wearing this one though) with a nice leather note keeping everything together. When I wave my hand about a foot from my face this smells of sweet pipe tobacco and leather. Verdict: Love it! I can't stop sniffing my arm. My little imp isn't going to last long. I will very much enjoy this while it lasts
  8. Monster

    Ol' Roswell Cemetery

    In the vial: Floral notes mixed with dirt and possibly citrus? Wet: Really sweet smelling flowers (almost fruity!), blended with dirt. There's definitley rose in this, but it's not overwhelming, just enough. The floral notes definitley overpower the dirt note in this one...however I don't find the huge bouquet that's in this to be obnoxious at all! Dry: A few sweet herbal notes are coming through, lots of plants and live things in this...it's very complex and pretty. This doesn't smell somber to me at all. After about an hour the rose is more predominant. Verdict: This doesn't smell like a funeral to me at all. This reminds me of a peacful spring day, sitting in the graveyard with a book and just enjoying the peace and quiet (in my case,only spot in my town where I can actually have peace and quiet and enjoy the outdoors all at the same time!) I really love this one. Ol' Roswell Cemetary surprised me like Springtime in Arkham...a very floral blend that I keep finding myself going back to. A winner for sure!
  9. Monster

    Banana Peel in a Graveyard

    In the vial: Sweet dirt! Wet: Fresh dirt and bananas...bruised and ripe. This isn't a scary, nail polish-scented banana, it's pretty accurate. I'm really into this banana note! Dry: Awww...as this dries the banana starts to go sour on my skin I had such high hopes! There is still a nice, soft note of dirt. Everything is nicely anchored down by a drop of patchouli. Verdict: I WISH the banana didn't go sour on me! I really love the way this smells wet and the way the dirt plays off of the other notes (minus the banana) when this is dry. Very creative scent idea though!
  10. Monster

    Eau de Ghoul

    In the imp: Sparkling, fresh, effervescent ginger twinkling over a soft background of wet dirt. Wet: First sniff on my skin I'm getting a heavy dose of cumin. Yowza! Mixed with the dirt note it almost smells like pencil shavings. I'm not so sure about this cumin note. When I inhale deeply, I smell/taste the cumin note in the back of my throat like I just burped up some Indian food. Dry: As it dries the cumin note continues to stand it's ground and bothers me more and more. Underneath it I smell ginger mixed with a light cinnamon note. Usually, when dirt is involved, it stands out on me. With Eau de Ghoul, that isn't the case. The dirt note provides a nice background for the Ghoulies glide over. Verdict: I think I would like this without the cumin note. To me, this smells like I put perfume on my skin with fingers dirty from cooking. A great interpretation from The Graveyard Book (which I love) but sadly, the scent just isn't for me.
  11. Monster

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Ahhhhh! The labels keep getting more and more beautiful and creative with every release!
  12. Monster


    Looks like the Lab is priming a lot of Epitaphs latley! I got this as a freebie with a recent order as well In the imp: Powdery florals. Wet: Baby powder (which may account for the "mist" note) with a bouquet of flowers in the background. The lily and the rose are mixing together in a way where I can't really pick out each one individualy...so I guess the description is spot on, huh? Beth never ceases to amaze me! Dry: This is pretty much the same dry. The strong baby powder smell settles down a bit and blends nicely with the floral notes. Verdict: Epitaph is a perfect, BPAL work of art. It's a really pretty, femenine perfume...great for floral lovers or those of you who like delicate scents. This one isn't for me, but I certainly can appreciate it. This smells just as described. ETA - This vaugly reminds me of Lilith Victoria. This is a more floral, lighter version but has that same, sweet powder feel to it. I actually think I'm starting to really enjoy the way this smells on me. *sniff* Hmmm
  13. Monster

    Serpents with Glittering Eyes and Forky Tongues

    In the vial: Sweet, fresh herbal perfume. Wet: Hmmm...an herbal, clean, soapy sort of smell. The lime in this is just a squish, not the gigantic lime note I was hoping for. The citrus in this is very gentle, it's more of an herbal blend on me. Dry: The citrus is almost entirely gone now (as expected) and I'm left with a fresh herbal scent (with just a dash of something sugary smelling...the currants?) This reminds me of very expensive, French milled soap you buy at fancy boutiques while on vacation. Verdict: This is nice, just not for me. I thought I was going to like it more than I do so I'm a bit dissapointed. It's not bad, I was just expecting something different. If you like clean-smelling herbal scents, this one is for you!
  14. Monster


    Out of the vial: A mildy sweet peppery scent! Wowza! I know I'm going to love this one. Wet: Peppery amber. The amber is very similar to the one used in The Lion. Mmmm spicy! Dry: I'm not getting ANY floral notes at all. They have to be in there...but I'm just not detecting them! I'm left with a beautiful spicy amber scent. I can't stop sniffing my arm. Oooh ohhh! I know what this reminds me of...Arcanas Ganesh (just a lot less sweet)! Verdict: Bam! Gonna buy a 5ml of this with my next order. I want to smell like this all the time. Hermia is really mild, a close to the skin scent that just makes me feel sexy. Mmm ahhhh...this imp isn't going to last a very long time. If you don't like floral scents, don't let the notes scare you away. Try this!!!
  15. Monster


    I have NO idea why I waited so long to try this one! This is a drop dead gorgeous incense blend! Penitence isn't a hippie incense, more of a church incense (a bit darker and not as sweet as Cathedral). This smells like All Souls without all of the cake. Penitence is pure, perfect, smoky incense. If you love resin scents, get this one. Do it now! ____________ ETA: 11/18/14 Simple, pure and meditative church incense. This layers incredibly well with rose. Incredibly throw and longevity, a little goes a long way.
  16. Monster

    The Sea Foams Milk

    This is a wonderful example of Beths creative genius! The Sea Foams Milk smells exactly as described...milk cresting on an ocean wave. It really really does! In the vial, on my skin and dry this is pretty much the same, a clean, refreshing aquatic scent with a smooth and creamy milk note (like sookster said, the same one from Milk Moon). A regular person wouldn't think to pair these two notes together, but Beth is scent Goddess with magical abilities. It's true. 'Nuf said. This is awesome...and I don't even like aquatic scents. This one rocked my world.
  17. Monster

    Giant Vulva

    Bottle: Vanilla...flower? Hmmm.... Wet: Woah! Not what I was expecting at all! Vanilla and copal. Bam. That's it. Reeealllly nice. Wow. There's almost a slightly citrus quality to this. Dry: As this dries it becomes muskier. I'm not detecting any waxiness or honey. After about an hour I'm left with a sweet, gentle vanilla musk scent. Verdict: I'm really glad I purchased a bottle of this. Giant Vulva is something I could wear all year 'round. It's a nice "every day" scent, good for the office...close to the skin, quiet and pretty. I was really afraid of the beeswax note (which usually grosses me out) but fortunatly it's not showing up on my skin at all. A winner!
  18. I've actually had this bottle sitting in my box of oils for months now. I completley forgot I had it! Doh! Bottle: Mandarin right off the bat. Citrus. Wet: Oooh very unique! This is fresh, sparkling citrus with a bunch of other things I can't quite put my finger on. This has a clean, "perfumy" quality to it. Dry: Citrus notes always dissapear on my skin, but I sure do appreciate them while they're around! As this dries the other notes that I "can't quite put my finger on" are coming out more. This smells expensive and commercial to me, which isn't a bad thing! After about an hour I can finally pick out one individual note and that's the black tea. Verdict: I really like this one a lot. Citrus is always fun for it's morphing qualities. I always know i'm going to smell citrus first and whatever is behind the curtain will always be a surprise. For me, this was a pleasant one! This dries into a nice bitter tea scent, unisex, clean and an overall really wearable scent.
  19. Monster

    Velvet Bandito

    Dust, tumbleweeds, cedar, and tobacco. This is gonna be a short review for me.... This is a soft, potpourri clove smell on me. Normally I LOVE clove but there's just something about this that doesn't sit right with me. I decided to try it on my husband to see if I'd like it better. After wearing it all day we both came to the conculsion that it just smells like the Christmas Tree Shop (a store selling home goods over here in New England) and potpourri. Oh well.
  20. Monster

    Velvet Tiki

    Bottle: Yummy sweet topical fruits! Wet: I agree with the person who said "beach skin". This smells like I'm outside on a beach with a tropical, fruity drink, covered with coconut oil and watching the waves crash against the shore. This is fruity, slightly floral and full of tropical goodness. Dry: The bright, fruity top notes gently fade away and allow the floral notes to take center-stage. This isn't overly floral though, the background of fruit prevents this from being headache-inducing. I'm not too too familiar with the floral notes in this (with the exception of the orchid) so I really can't pick out individual notes. I think the orchid is contributing to the "dusty" quality some people are reporting. I agree, this definitley has a "dusty" velvet feel and I think it's becasue of the orchid. This one has a great throw and lasts all day on me. Very pretty! Verdict: I just may have to order a back-up bottle. This is something I see myself wearing often. I've tried 3 of the Velvet Paintings blends so far and this one is my favorite
  21. Monster

    Strawberry Moon 2009

    Bottle: Sweet strawberry bubblegum Wet: Big POP of Bubbalicious strawberry bubblegum against a bright green summer lawn. The strawberry note is mild in comparison to the 2005 version. Dry: The strawberry fades away to almost nothing as this dries. At one point this smells a lot like a strawberry herbal tea I have. Eventually the strawberry is barley detectable and I'm left with a sweet, mildly fruity grassy note. Verdict: This is definitley a lot different than the 2005 version. The Strawberry note is more sophisticated and well-blended in this one. I really love both but I still like the 2005 version better (since the strawberry note lasts a lot longer in the 2005 version). 2009 is gorgeous and something I will be reaching for a lot. My husband LOVES this one on me
  22. Monster

    Planting Moon

    Bottle: Plants and dirt! Ooh yes! Wet on skin: Sweet jeebus this is incredible! Fresh herbs and tomatos all smashed into fresh, wet dirt. Summery, warm, earthy...love <3 Dry: As this dries I can smell more of the wildflowers. Other than that, this pretty much stays the same on me. This is a garden in a bottle. Verdict: I love love love Beths "dirt" note...or anything that includes her dirt note so obviously this one is a winner for me Planting Moon is very wearable but I think it would also make a great atmosphere spray for BPTP.
  23. Monster


    In the imp: Mildly sweet and slightly fruity. On my skin: On my skin this almost smells like a berry infused white tea with honey. I'm not detecting too much lilac in this at all. This is gentle, sweet and unobtrusive. This seems to have great lasting power yet it hugs my skin. As it dries the myrrh comes out more. There is a refreshing quality about this, like lounging outside at sunset in the springtime with a cup of light tea and smelling the sweet scent of smoldering incense nearby (lol Dr. Suess would be proud of that sentence ). This really just relaxes and soothes me. Dry: After about an hour I can smell the lilac, which only adds to my springtime sunset daydream. Underneath the lilac sits a nice, warm base of myrrh and resins. It's mildy floral, sweet and with a slow dance of incense. Very pretty! Overall: This is a very wearable scent. I see this one as being very popular, there's something in this for everyone
  24. Monster


    In the imp: Dark, thick and smoky vetiver. On my skin: On my skin this isn't as sharp and masculine as it is in the imp, when you put it on the tonka pops out right away giving this a smooth, sweet edge. Vetiver is one of my favorite notes and paired with the tonka... As it dries I'm picking up a bit of the carnation, just a hint though. It's adding a kick of spiciness to the vetiver. Through all of this there is a foggy haze of musk. I'm guessing that's what will be left in the final dry down stage. Dry: 1 hour later this is exactly as I expected, a nice, smoky musk sweetened by tonka. I'm picking up the amber note now as well as a dusty and powdry accompaniment to the musk. I picture blood red skies, foggy haze and a charred field of grass. Overall: If you like vetiver you NEED to try this one, it's probably one of my favorite vetiver blends so far. I wouldn't say it's a masculine blend, possibly unisex but VERY wearable for the girl who doesn't want to smell too "girly". This is dark, mysterious and sexy (VERY sexy!). I'm sad I only have a few drops of this. I'll have to get my hands on some more, this one is very "me". If you're a Snake Charmer fan, chances are you will really enjoy this one
  25. Monster

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    They are lovely bottles. I think they look very...literary. Sadly, half of them are not blending so lovely on my skin. Awwwww crappy :'( I saw DD put some of the scents online, was going to pick up one or two but don't think any will work on me either. The labels are beautiful though, I love that skull with ribbons (??) behind it. It sort of remidns me of the Haunted Mansion at Disney World