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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Monster

  1. Monster


    In the imp: Super sweet caramel with a hint of mint. Oh boy Wet: Minty caramel...like Mentos and super sweet sticky candies. Very odd, not sure this is going to agree with me but I'm having fun sniffing it. Dry: The mint quiets down (but is still very much there) as this dries. I'm getting more musk now....still LOTS of caramel. Overall: I'm not sure if this one is for me. I need to test this out a bit more (especially on it's own. I've been testing lots of oils today). Caramel scents can sometimes be a bit too sweet for me and paired with the mint, this one is just odd. It's a lot of fun but certainly strange. You've gotta try this one just for it's weird factor! ETA: Ok, it's been a day now and I've decided that I can't do this one. The caramel is just too sweet on me. Oh well.
  2. Monster


    In the imp: Strange. Sort of reminds me of a classic perfume you find at atique stores that's been sitting around for a long time. Wet: Hmm...I really can't pick out one note. This really has a "classic" feel to it (without smelling like old people). The neroli is tame...probably because of the patchouli. Dry: Oleander is a white flower, isn't it? Yup, that's what's making it's presence known right about now. It's not awful, I was just enjoying the scent without it. This has a powdery feel to it, still very classic, heady, good throw...romantic and refined smelling. Overall: I can appreciate this one but it's not for me. This is really pretty but it's something I see an older, more refined woman wearing (which definitely isn't me!)
  3. Monster


    I'm having terrible luck with my untested imps today! I keep running into gardenia and jasmine. Oh well. I'll give it a go anyway. In the imp: Ummm I think I may have a mis-labled imp on my hands becasue this smells just like Carnivale Diabolique. The oil is even the same dark yellow color. Wet: Lemon, smoke, ummm....a bunch of crap that's not listed in this one at all...NO jasmine whatsoever. Dry: Carnivale Diabolique. I just tested this next to CD and it's a replica...there must've been a mix-up at The Lab becasue I see other people reporting the same thing. Overall: Well I love CD so this is nice but I'm pretty sure this isn't what it's supposed to smell like!
  4. Monster


    Yup, very soapy. I could only test this on my finger (I know this is just the type of scent to give me a headache). This reminds me of Crabtree and Evelyn soaps. Soft, clean rose with a bunch of other floral notes to compliment it. Very femenine floral, it smells "pink" to my nose. I can appreciate this but it's just not for me.
  5. Monster

    Fire of Love

    In the imp: Cedar! Wet: Cedar, pine sap, musk maybe? This has a cooling sensation on my skin...I don't smell it but I feel some eucalyptus. Dry: This dries to a wonderfuly woody scent...pine sap and cedar all the way! I must try this on my husband and make him smell like a dirty sexy outdoosman Overall: A REALLY pretty wood scent. This smells just like fresh wood. It brings back memories of my childhood when my family moved out of our small, starter home to the new house down the street that was fresh, brand-new and just built. The whole place smelled just like this. Mmmm. So nice. A keeper for sure!
  6. Monster

    The Isles of Demons

    In the imp: Sharp, astringent-like...a green version of Loup Garou Wet: Sharp herbals with a background of hot, sweet flowers...definitely violet. I'm not detecting any vetiver whatsoever. Dry: This dries down to a heavy floral musk on my skin. Overall: This one gives me a headache
  7. Monster


    I just read what the notes are and...I'm very very scared. But we shall see! In the imp: Woahhh diaper jasmine Wet: Stil diaper jasmine with awhole bunch of flowers that give me headaches. Why did I put this on my skin? Dry: Welp...dry is definitely a lot easier on the nose. I'm getting a bit of plum now along with a gentle whiff of lily of the valley. The final dry down stage is the same wet, just a bit more mellow and with a "bubble bath" smell that I always associate with orchids. Overall: NOT for me at ALL but for those of you who like jasmine and white flowers, this one is for you!
  8. Monster


    In the imp: Sweet syrup...like crushed sweet tarts. Strange..not what I was expecting at all! Wet: A quick burst of the fruit tarts smell and then all of the sharp floral notes start to show up to the party. The rose in this very very sharp...almost headache-inducing. Dry: This dries into a super floral-scented powder on my skin. Overall: Not for me. Unfortuantely it reminds me f old people and medicine
  9. Monster

    The Torture Queen

    In the imp: Crisp white musk Wet: A very clean "perfumy" sort of scent. Someone already mentioned that this reminded them of CKOne cologne and I agree, it is very similar (which isn't a bad thing, I used to wear that scent a lot in the early 90s) Dry: The "chrome" note comes out a bit more which is showing up on me as almost an aquatic. Actually, now that I think of it...my husband used to wear a cologne called "Chrome" (YEARS ago in 1999) and the note actually reminds me of that. This is paired with sweet vanilla musk. I'm not detecting any gardenia at all. Overall: A very interesting scent. This is a bit more "perfumey" than regular BPAL oils yet this smells like a more natural version of CKOne. It's really clean, fresh and pretty and like CKOne, I think this one could be worn by either a man or a woman I can appreciate this scent but unfortunatly it's not for me.
  10. Monster

    Honey Moon

    In the imp: Sharp...honey and jasmine. Wet: Beeswax and honey with jasmine right there taunting me. The gardenia isn't helping either >< Meh. Dry: As this dries the heinous floral notes really mellow out...a lot (surprisingly). I can still smell that stinky diaper scent of jasmine underneath everything but if I ignore it I'm smelling a wonderfuly rich honey scent with a slight herbal note. Very pretty! Overall: Unfortunately I think the jasmine in this ruined it for me...maaayyybeee...I'll have to wear this a bit more to see how I feel. Without the jasmine this is drop dead delicious. I'm on the fence
  11. Monster


    ... Luxuriant amber, warm Egyptian musk, fierce saffron and soft myrrh, almond, cardamom and golden lotus. In the imp: Warm spicy almond Wet: Oh Bastet! Why have I waited this long to try you?! The musk in this reminds me of "The Ifrit". It's giving me images of hot sand dunes at sunset. The amber is spiced and reminds me a bit of "The Lion"...this smells like the love-child between the two (The Ifrit and The Lion). Dry: Good lordy laawwwddd this is heavenly! This dries down to one of the most beautiful things I have ever sniffed. The almond has backed down a bit leaving a warmed musk with amber on my skin. No powder either, just awesomeness. Oh yes. Overall: This is a summer scent to me. My skin is warm and golden brown right now from being outside and the Bastet lifting off smells oh so lovely and sunny. Mut...have...5ml....
  12. Monster

    The Organ Grinder (2006)

    In the imp: Creamy wood! mmmm (the oil is a nice, amber orange color) Wet: A milky almond mixed with a gentle pine note that makes me think of...milky sap. This is sweet (but not too sweet), spicy and woody. It's really unusual. I don't think I've ever smelled anything like this. The patchouli isn't terribly strong but instead keeps the sweeter notes being too flamboyant. If you don't like patchouli don't let this one scare you away, it's really beautiful. Dry: There really isn't a note that stands out on it's own when it's dry, it's just a nice, slightly milky, spicy wood scent. I know that's not very descriptive but that's really the only way I can describe it right now. I'm at a loss for words. I feel like this could be a milky version of A. Mechanism. Overall: Gorgeous! Very wearable, not overpowering or cloying at all. This has great throw and lasts for hours on my skin. I will be purchasing a 5ml of this for my CD collection
  13. Monster

    BPAL Fruit Blends - the many variations

    Upa Upa hangs around on me for quite some time. Unfortunately I haven't discovered a lime scent that lasts more than an hour on me. Mr. Nancy wins the race but...still he doesn't hold it together for very long (he does smell wonderful though)!
  14. Monster


    I've been dying to try this! A wonderful forumite frimped this to me with a recent purchase. Oh happy day! In the imp: Sweet pine and juniper. Wet: A sweet, slushy aquatic mixed with pine trees and a dash of juniper. I'm usually not a fan of aquatics but I love love love the labs "snow" notes. Dry: This dries down to a very mild pine scent. This is like...Snow Moon, light! Overall: I always love me a pine scent, this one is really gorgeous...a keeper!
  15. Monster


    In the imp: Sweet, herbal and slightly floral Wet: Right away I get orchid and lilac. It's clean smelling like really expensive bubble bath. The juniper is contributing a sweet sort of scent to this but itsn't too strong at all, just a faint whisper in the background. I'm not detecting any red musk at all. Judging by the color of this, there really isn't much in here. Dry: A bit more sandalwood and rosewood now...the orchid is fading fast. I'm left with a slightly powdery floral scent that's grounded with sandalwood. Overall: Not bad but not for me.
  16. Monster

    Devil's Claw

    In the imp: Sharp, earthy, slightly medicinal smelling Wet: Well hello beautiful vetiver! This is a subdued vetiver, with a hint of something spicy (like cinnamon..??) I think there might be a teeny teeny pit of amber or patchouli in here as well. There's that soft, slightly powdery feel I usually associate with some ambers. Dry: The vetiver fades a bit into the background (still prominent) as the rest of the spices and herbs (?) take center stage. This reminds me a bit of Arcanas Zombie Cucumber (which I adore). I like this one alot better though, it has better throw and lasts a lot longer on my skin. Overall: My imp isn't going to last very long at all. This is a gorgeous scent, mildy smoky (in an incense sort of way) and really comforting. Ahhh I could sniff this stuff all day. Love love loooveeeee!
  17. Monster


    In the imp: Sweet patchouli. Ooh la laaa! Wet: Earthy patchouli with a fresh peach preserves scent. Something about this reminds me of red musk. Dry: The peachy/fruity scent is mellowing out and letting the patchouli step into the foreground. Patchouli is one of my all-time favorite notes (and the Lab does it oh so well) so I'm LOVING this one right now. This reminds me of Urds little sister. The ptchouli is a lot more tame in this blend, my skin really sweetens this up. It's bordering on cloying...but not quite. The dry phase still reminds me a lot of a red musk...a VERY sweet red musk. Overall: Hmmm...this one confuses me. It has all of the elements of a *love* blend for me but...hmmmm...I instantly loved it wet on my skin but after wearing this for a couple hours I think it might be a bit *too* sweet for me. It's a shame. I'm gonna keep it around to see how I feel about this another day. ________ **October 2014 edit** So I'm revisiting this because I completely forgot I had tried this, received another imp of Imp (heh) and when I tried it on, I completely fell in love with it. I said before that this one was too sweet for me, but that isn't the case now. Instead, this reminds me of a softer version of my all-time favorite BPAL scent, Urd. It's Urds sunnier, gently sweeter littler sister. There's just something wonderful that happens when Beth pairs patchouli with fruit notes. I love love love it. Imp is a new favorite GC scent for me and I'll be including a bottle of it with my next order.
  18. Monster

    What Scent Is This?

    I'm resniffing this now and out of the bottle it smells very much like gingerbread. There's strawberry on here but not "cake" to my nose. it's like a strawberry gingerbread. Does your smell anything like strawberry??? I've never seen a light yellow Shub before. The bottle I have is the original CN version and is dark reddish orange and is thick. I've come across a recent imp of Shub and thatone was dark reddish orange as well. Not sure why yours could be yellow...have you tried e-mailing the Lab? I hope they haven't reformulated!
  19. Monster

    Upa Upa

    In the bottle: Woaahahhhhh buttery rum! Wet: Buttery cocnut pineapple rum! This is a dreamy pina colada scent...not cheap smelling at all, rich and spicy and delicious. Dry: Warm, spicy coconut. Again, Beths rum note is outstanding. This is such a dreamy, tropical scent...and a fruity perfume that actually lasts on my skin. Overall: This is another household favorite, my husband and I both have been wearing this one since last summer. Yummy!
  20. Monster


    In the bottle: Perfect smoky vetiver. Love love looovvvveeeeeee. Wet: An almost "airy" smelling vetiver...like a tropical breeze is blowing through the smoky ash. This is lovely. There's a green quality to this too, just hint of something lush. Dry: This gets even better as it dries. Maybe I'm crazy but I smell just the slightest hint of cherry o-O (??) Maybe my nose is playing tricks on me. The vetiver isn't as smoky anymore..it's still very prominent but has now alllowed more of that airy, lush quality to come through. Overall: One of my favorite Luau scents by far. I had to track down an extra bottle of this since my husband and I both love to wear it. This is by far, the most beautiful version of vetiver I have ever sniffed! Husbands Review: "This smells like antique clothing from a haunted mansion....with the faint memory of an old perfume left in the garment." I love his reviews!
  21. Monster

    Tiki King

    In the bottle: Coconutawesomesauce! Wet: Balmy, almost lemon fresh coconut with a background of wood. Sooooo gorgeous! Dry: Smoky coconut incense! Wowza, I like this even better than Tiki Queen...this is incredible. This has that "after sun" smell...where you're coming in from the beach at sunset, your skin is golden brown and smells lightly or coconut oil. Oh I just love this. It almost smells like Snake Charmer...if she went on vacation to an island somewhere. Overall: Welp...a new instant favorite for me. Freaking drop.dead.gorgeous ETA: Husbands review: "Smells like a spice candy in a Halloween store that's scented by warm vanilla candles." I think that's a good thing!
  22. Monster

    Screeching Parrot

    Boozy grapefruit punch, a bit like Hawaiian Punch! Beths rum note is to die for. I love this stuff. Screetching Parrot doesn't last too long on my skin, it's the type of scent you need to reapply every couple hours, but it's worth it! This also works incredibly well in my scent locket. Another great addition to the Tiki Bar scents. I'm so happy I've finally got my hands on all of these.
  23. Monster

    Boo Bam

    In the bottle: Holiday Moon....is that you? Wet: Yup! This smells JUST like Holiday Moon (which I love love love)! This is fresh, slightly citrus smelling with lots of bamboo. Dry: This is a bit more citrus smelling than Holiday Moon but it's almost an exact replica to my nose...maybe a bit more heady...but pretty much the same Overall: LOVE!
  24. Monster


    In the bottle: Sweet, light floral aquatic. Wet: Just like in the bottle, but with more of a sweet, slightly peppery floral note. This isn't something I would typically go for but I'm really really enjoying this! Dry: I really can't pick out individual notes...this (again) slightly sweet, mildy floral aquatic scent. It doesn't smell like bathroom spray, or laundry detergent or mens aftershave(as many aquatics do to my nose). This is femenine, pretty, clean and really pleasant. Definitely "beachy"! Overall: I've been wearing this one a lot even since I picked it up a couple weeks ago. It's not my regular, masculine, smoky, resin, scent...but I really enjoy the way it smells on my skin
  25. Monster


    In the bottle: Girly sandalwood Wet: I'm smelling plumeria with sandalwood. The sandalwood isn't feeling smoky or incense-like to my nose, the floral notes make this smell more femenine. I'm not used to smelling sandalwood in this way...I like it though. It keeps the floral notes grounded. Dry: Awwwww booooo! :'( This went to bathroom spray on me. The sandalwood is still there but the plumeria just sort of wilted into a powdery smelling Glade air freshner. Overall: Not for me, but I'm still glad I have a partial bottle of this to complete my Luau collection