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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Monster

  1. Monster

    Dragon's Heart

    In the imp this is mostly dragons blood. On my skin...BAM! Dragons blood. I've never been a fan of this note but I'm willing to give this one a chance considering all of the wonderful musk notes. As it dries the dragons blood subsides a bit and I'm getting a lot more black musk. I love red musk, it's one of my favorite notes but I'm barely smelling it in this blend. :/ Meh. Oh well. This ended up all dragons blood and black musk on me.
  2. Monster

    Black Butterfly Moon

    In the bottle: Dark florals and sharp moss Wet: Very sharp moss and BIG floral notes, on the verge of giving me a headache... Nooooo! This has a commercial perfume quality to it. Dry: As this dries it mellows out quite a bit (but is still REALLY strong, probably one of the strongest blends I've tried). I really can't pick out individual notes. This smells of dark floral notes, woods and moss. The more it settles into my skin, the more tolerable this gets....I can also smell the orchid and lily notes more, which I like. The color purple comes to mind. As it dries it fades from black to a rich plum to a royal purple to violet purple and softens up from there. Overall: Hmmm not for me. I took a risk with this one (considering all of the floral notes). This is a very dark, femenine blend. Black Butterfly Moon isn't something I see someone wearing every day to work, it's a perfume you put on when you're going out at night or for dress-up occasions. I also think it smells expensive and extremely classy. While I can appreciate the beauty of this perfume, it's just something I will wear (even though I really DO love the final drydown stage). If you like BIG floral blends, this one is for you!
  3. Monster

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    I love love love the 'weenie labels this year!
  4. Monster

    Hellhound on My Trail

    I finally snagged a bottle of this! I missed it while it was on the website and I've been trying to track down a 5ml ever since. Out of the bottle: Musky vanilla and bay rum Wet: Mmmm bourbon vanilla. This is actually very similar to Boadicea! There's a soft, slightly smoky kiss of vetiver in here not too much...just enough to give it a hazy feel. All of the notes are so well-blended in this one. Dry: As Hellhound dries the vanilla amps up on my skin. This isn't too boozy, just a musky, smoky vanilla on my skin. I wouldn't classify this as masculine either. To me, this is a nice dark femenine vanilla scent. Overall: I love this! I can see what all of the fuss is about. Hellhound is VERY similar to Boadicea to me, from start to finish it reminded me a lot of the Warriror Queen (minus the leather note). I'm so happy I finally own a 5ml of this
  5. Does anyone else think Boadicea and Hellhound On My Trail smell very similar? I just received a bottle of Hellhound and am blown away by how similar it is to the WQ
  6. Yup! The Salon scents smell the most "expensive" to me. I'm not sure what sort of notes you like but, Carceri D'Invenzione (in The Salon) is the most decadant perfume I've come across. The notes include redwood, red sandalwood, black pepper, blonde tobacco and frankincense. It's one of my personal favorites
  7. Monster


    First of all I just LOVE the label art for this one. The whole series is fantastic but Giallo is my favorite I decided to pick up a bottle of this since there were a few comparisons to Snake Charmer (which I love). Giallo goes on strong at first. It's mostly orange blosson with some "perfumey" notes (I think that might be the jasmine and violet leaf). The jasmine in this isn't strong at ALL. It's very subdued, I can't really smell it at all. I only get a faint "impression" of it (if that makes sense). As this dries, the initial big, bright "prefumey" quality fades away and I'm left with some nice citrus notes mixed with a bit of resin. This doesn't smell like Snake Charmer at ALL to me. Shake Charmer was a dark amber with coconut, vanilla and incense. Giallo has BIG citrus notes and a lot more floral componants (did Snake Charmer even have any floral notes in it?). Yeah, Giallo and Snake Charmer smell nothing a like to my nose. Unfortunately, citrus doesn't stick around too long. Giallo fades within minutes of putting it on. It's really lovely while it's there though. It will be interesting to see how this one ages. Hopefully the patchouli and amber will deepen and help the citrus stick around a bit longer. I'll keep it and see what happens!
  8. Monster

    The Queen's Croquet Ground

    A fresh bouquet of red roses. This is the real thing. I just LOVE this. I want my house to smell like this all the time...must...buy...large bottle! As with all of the BPTP sprays, the scent lasts forever (especially if you spray it on pillows and curtains). ETA: I purchased a bottle of this for my sisters birthday a couple years ago and she absolutely loved it, so much in fact, when she ran out she bought herself another.
  9. Monster

    Ysabel Bath Oil

    Ohhh I like how the darker oils settle at the bottom. Purdy! Give this one a good shake before using! I'm testing this directly on my skin... Ohhh boy! Carnation incense! Carnation incense! This is femenine without being sweet and girly. Gorgeous! This is softer, gentler than the perfume oil (and of course, without the rose). As it dries the frankincense goes a bit powdery on my skin...but not in a bad way at all. The carnation is still dominant. This goes beautifuly with the perfume oil. I'm so happy I own this set. Ysabel is by FAR the BEST Warrior Queen
  10. Monster

    Saloon #10 Atmospheric Spray

    This is perfect....leather with fresh, dried tobacco leaves and a sweet boozy note (similar to Beths "beer" note). My husband is in LOVE with this one. I sprayed some on his pillow before he crawled into bed and he sat up with wide-eyes saying "Wow that smells amazing...what is that?" He then proceeded to snuggle his face into the pillow and mumble things like "Oh that's nice". I told him I'd pick up a large bottle for him, and I will He just loves BPTP atmosphere sprays. I do too, I don't think I've smelled a bad one yet! Saloon #10 is another win!
  11. Monster


    Ahhhhh! This is so good! I'm all about dark rose scents lately. I can't seem to get enough of them. Ysabel really is a lot like Red Rose (from the Unity set)....just with less clove. In the bottle Ysabel is all dark, velvety rose and carnation. On my skin the cedar and incense are present immediatly. The musk note gives the rose a sultry, velvet-like feel while the carnation and clove add just a teeny kick of spice. This is one of the most lovely things I have ever smelled. <3 As the oil dries into my skin the initial big, boldness of the incense and cedar fades away to just a faint, smoky hint of resin. Rose is still very present throughout...now it's just a nice rose incense blend on my skin. THIS is how I like floral scents to be. This is exactly it! If I were to sum it up in two words it'd be "resinous rose". Oh boy. Ysabel is by FAR my favorite Warrior Queen. I hope she'll be up for a while longer because I think I may need to pick up a backup bottle. Time to slather away!
  12. Awww I can see Snow White as being a great beh beh scent Another recommendation for a child (not a baby but maybe 7-14 years old) would be Jester. I always thought it was a fun, fruity scent
  13. Monster

    Boot Hill Room Spray

    Mmmmm pure leather. I think there also might be a bit of sage in here? Or possibly a teeny bit of vetiver? This smells like the outdoors and adventure, like grassy green things smooshed underneath rugged boots and big, wide open spaces. I love this.
  14. I talk about Urd everywhere around here but...URD Not so much for me, but for my husband. I always streak my BPAL through my hair and whenever I have Urd rubbed into my scalp he'll start huffing my head, kissing my face and uh....rubbing himself on me and commenting on how good I smell It just mixes really well with my chemistry.
  15. Monster

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    I tested I Died for Beauty (ylang ylang and violet stirred by hyssop, frankincense, and grave loam) earlier and I think it smells almost EXACTLY like Guerlains L'Heure Bleue (aniseed note, bergamot, tuberose, carnation, violet, rose, neroli, tonka bean, iris, benzoin, vanilla.) The notes aren't too similar but I swear it's almost a dead ringer. If there's another L'Heure Bleue fan out there who just-so-happens to own an imp of I DIed for Beauty, you've gotta compare the two and let me know waht you think!
  16. Ya know, it really does remind me of Mead Moon!
  17. Monster

    Dragon's Hide

    The oil color of this one is BRIGHT reddish orange which tells me it's gonna be heavy on the dragons blood. We shall see. I'm not a fan of dragons blood so...I will proceed with caution... In the imp...Rawwwrrrr! Dragons are bleeding everywhere! Someone get a tourniquet! Sweet jeebus this is strong. I'm not even going to attempt to put this on my skin. Judging from the imp though this is a great, masculine version of dragons blood. For those of you who love this note, dig in! I will be standing way over here -------->
  18. Monster


    This is like All Night Long with more incense! I swear there's red musk in this one. Why am I smelling red musk? Sin also reminds me of Red Phoenix. I LOVE this one already. Sex in a bottle! A glorious, red hot patchouli blend. I Sin A 5ml is in my future. I think I may have a new every day scent. Urd has some competition!
  19. Monster

    The Black Tower

    In the imp this is leather! sandalwood! ozone! Oh my! Very nice...and interesting On my skin this is really complex. It smells like a more rugged, masculine version of Torture Queen (also without smelling like CKone ) The dominant notes are leather, sandalwood and bright ozone. I'm really liking this so far. I wouldn't call this an "ozone scent", it's more of a clean, woodsy sort of perfume. Gender neutral. As this dries the grass notes come out more. I was hoping for vetiver but this is just a lawn clippings smell...a very very nice lawn clippings smell. The Black Tower does a perfect job capturing the imagery of the description. I'm not sure this is a scent I will wear too often, it does smell very good on me I'm just not blown away. I'll let this one stick around to see how it holds up though
  20. Monster


    Yay almond! Almond scents are always fun for me becasue it's always the same thing...it goes BAM! ALMOND! RAWWRR!!!! and then it will quickly proceed to Act II: The Other Notes. Seraglio is ALMOND at first. As is quickly fades the other notes are revealed...orange-dipped roses. Does that make sense? Probably not but that's the first image that popped into my head. I'm not picking up any clove or nutmeg in this. Seraglio is just a citrus-scented rose on my skin. I'm not sure if this one is for me but I sure did have fun sniffing it. Like I said, almond scents are always fun
  21. Monster


    Hmmmm...this is ALL lavender on my skin. I like lavender in my bath, I love lavender soap but, as a perfume...not to much >< Lavender perfumes either smell like classic masculine perfumes to me or like medicinal old lady body powder. Unfortunately, Envy and I were not meant to be
  22. Monster

    The Obsidian Widow

    I received this as a frimp with my last Lab order. I wasn't planning on trying this one since the notes look scary to me but hey, the Lab has surprised me before so I'm going to give it a whirl In the imp this is all wine and jasmine. *cough* On my skin the first thing (of course) that shows up is jasmine. I have enjoyed a few jasmine scents in the past but, I'm not so sure this is going to be one of them. It's a touchy note for me. As this dries the jasmine is still dominant. Behind the stinky diaper jasmine I can smell a lovely rose which is sweetned by the wine note. Overall, this is a very "perfumey" scent on my skin. Myrrh and wine blended together have never sat well on my skin and by throwing jasmine into the mix this oil was doomed from the start. Oh well, I'm sure I'll find a good home for it
  23. Monster

    Sea of Glass

    The desciption of this one (and the title!) is very intriguing. I received Sea of Glass as a frimp with my last order from the Lab and wow, what a find! I'm not usually a fan of these types of scents (aquatic/ozone/clean smelling scents) Sea of Glass this one is really lovely on me. This is bright, fresh, clean and I think there might even be a bit of lily of the valley in here. I would describe this as an aquatic floral. It's not sharp or headache-inducing at all, this is pure, innocent, light and very pretty. I just love the way this smells on my sun-warmed skin. A surprise for me! I'll be using all of this imp.
  24. Monster

    I Died For Beauty

    In the imp this is violet incense! The smell of this is very familiar to me, it reminds me of something from my childhood but I can't quite put my finger on it. Hmmm... On my skin the violet note pops out right away. This is a glorious, beautiful violet. On my skin, this reminds me almost EXACTLY of Guerlains L'Heure Bleue. This is beautiful. The notes are all very well-blended. The only thing that really STANDS out on it's own is the violet...a nice, sweet, soft violet. This is really sexy and femenine smelling. Ok, so I had to compare this side-by-side to the real L'Heure Bleue (vintage parfum version) and it really is almost a dead ringer. I Died for Beauty has more of an incense feel to it but they're pretty much exactly the same. Beautiful! I'm going to pick up a bottle of this, oh yes!
  25. Monster


    In the imp this all cypress to me. On my skin the patchouli jumps out at me right away. The cypress adds a fresh, green note. It really pairs well with the patchouli. I'm not getting much of anything else. As this dries it remains unchanged...just cypress and patchouli on my skin. I think there might be a hint of rose but it's pretty much just a nice, cozy woody scent. Really nice! I will be keeping me imp