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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by grashopper8

  1. Hmmmm....I actually like the fact that this is a soapy rose. One of the other notes in here (the sage, maybe?) has a soil/dirt quality that I'm not really into, though.


    The tonka is a nice touch, smooth like vanilla but not as sweet or foody.


    The musk also softens the otherwise biting rose.


    I like this, but I prefer Libra (my only 5mL rose BPAL).


    3.6 out of 5

  2. Initially. the acai berry and tea dominate Daiyu. Then, the most beautiful musk note EVER starts exploding from my skin and takes the fresh scent into fruity, creamy territory. The chrysanthemum and jasmine are supporting the scent nicely, and are so well blended that I am struggling to pick them out.


    Jasmine haters, you will not be able to find the jasmine in this scent.


    I am reminded primarily of Tamamo-no-Mae.


    Very lovely! This one deserves additional consideration....


    4.5 out of 5

  3. This reminds me of Midnight Kiss and Mme. Moriarty. A red fruit/patchouli party.


    It's nice, but I am trying not to buy scents that are too similar to eachother (to my nose, anyhow).


    I'll stick with my Madame for my juicy patch fix!


    3.5 out of 5

  4. This reminds me a little bit of Snow White, a scent I didn't like because it seemed dusty to me.


    I feel like Cytherea is soft and quiet, a little sweet, and a bit dry and boring.


    I like the amber note in here, but I'm not attracted to the other notes.


    Good thing the Carnaval is so immense! So much to try....


    2 out of 5

  5. Spicy! I can pick out the clove, carnation, and patchouli.


    Honestly, I totally hate carnation, but the patchouli and clove complement it rather nicely.


    I wouldn't wear it because of the carnation, but I will say it's the closest I've come to understanding why people like it as a scent. The patchouli really brings out its best qualities, in my opinion.


    3.6 out of 5

  6. This reminds quite a bit of Monyette Paris, because of the coconut/floral blend.


    It's totally yummy, but since it smells so much like Monyette (which I own), I'm not interested in buying more.


    My personal hoarding assessment aside, the combination of lilac, coconut, tonka bean, musk, and tobacco is blended seamlessly and it's a surprisingly smooth and lovely scent.


    A winner!


    4.3 out of 5

  7. This is interesting, and indeed well-blended, but it ends up a bit "off" on me and I can't describe why.


    It's incensey and fruity and musky and floral and maybe there's just too much going on. Plus, I don't really like fig in perfume, so this probably didn't stand a chance anyhow.


    Oh well!


    2.5 out of 5

  8. WOW this really smells like wine in the decant!! Wet, I swear there's ethanol evaporating off my skin!


    After it dries down, it's more of a spicy, incense blend. The wine note is still there - a very dry red wine. I smell a hint of vetiver, and for some reason I'm also reminded of mulling spices.


    This is a little pungent for me, but if I smelled it on some mysterious man-beast I hope I could hold myself back!


    3.6 out of 5

  9. At first, it's all Bazooka gum. It changes as it dries, and I can smell the leather, as well as something I can't quite identify. It smells masculine to me after a few minutes.


    Really interesting. I agree with Rheliwen that it would be worn by Gogo in Kill Bill, that's a hilarious and accurate pin-down!


    Weird, unique. Not my style, but I can see why people like it.


    3.3 out of 5

  10. This has a masculine zing to it, but it's dark and a little rich, and the black musk adds a deep sweetness in the base. The orange flower fades too fast (as it usually does on my skin), and what's left is a slightly fresh incense/musk scent.


    Sexy, but maybe a bit manly for my rotation. If you want a musk scent for your man, this is your best bet!


    3.8 out of 5

  11. This is just LOVELY!!!!!!!! A smart impulse-bottle-buy, I must say!


    A light drizzle of honey mead, a pretty herbal tone, some sweet young honeysuckle, a faint swirl of incense....


    The overall effect is soothing, feminine, clean, and fresh.


    This is a happy warm summer scent, I feel like I'm in a field of sweetgrass and wildflowers.


    I want to cuddle me! This will be in heavy rotation for the remainder of my summer.


    4.8 out of 5

  12. I quit drinking soda (for the most part) years and years ago but now I want a frosty glass of ginger ale Sooooooo freaking bad!


    I would also love to know what BPAL or layering of BPALs would smell like ginger ale. Keep us posted and let us know if you find what you're looking for! :P

  13. This scent is mainly Caramel single-note on me. It's very rich and sweet. It's like the caramel note from Red Lantern.


    I like it, but it's a little too intensely foody and thick to be something I would reach for.


    3.7 out of 5


    ADDED Aug. 19:


    I don't like caramel as a note in perfume, and it's pretty dominant for me here, so I can't say this scent appeals to me much.


    I can't really even pick any other notes out, all I can smell is sickly thick sweet caramel.


    Well, I guess I am smelling the teakwood after the drydown.


    Too sweet for me though.


    3.4 out of 5

  14. This starts out with clean, luscious honey, and there is some crisp ginger cutting into the sweetness.


    Then, the creamy gardenia and a hint of soft jasmine add a lovely floral breath.


    This is definitely not single-note honey, I would even say that honey is not the main note - the ginger and the florals are more dominant to my nose.


    It is a beautiful blend, surely one of Beth's masterpieces, and damned if I don't only have 1/4 imp to suck dry....




    4.8 out of 5


    Edit to add: Won a 5mL from ebay, and was it worth it!!!! I should say that jasmine can be one of my favorite notes (when it is sweet and heady rather than sharp and penetrating), but the jasmine in Honey Moon is lusciously delicate - to die for! Gorgeous, honeyed jasmine-gardenia-ginger heaven!!!!!!

  15. First of all, if people are saying this smells like Snow White with apples, then I need to try Snow White again - maybe my 07 bottle was "off" or something, because I thought Snow White smelled like dry, dusty coconut and I totally hated it (no offense!).


    My first impression was "Holy shit, this cobalt bottle is gorgeous!" A very nice surprise! The bottle art is chilling and beautiful. How special! (I have book# 495 / 1000)


    Wet on the skin, it smells like tart, fresh apples and something cool and minty - I think it's eucalyptus, but there definitely is mint because it is having that cooling effect on my skin.


    As it dries down, the apple note does fade. Now I feel like the eucalyptus note has a floral note along with it. So, basically, I have no frickin clue what I'm smelling, but it's fresh and floral with a little fruit. Maybe even some melon??


    I've been wearing it for a little while now, and I'm still not getting musk from it. It smells clean, floral, and a little sharp - I'd almost call it aquatic.


    I'm not sure if it's love in terms of my usual perfume preferences, but it is a work of art and I'm curious to see how it changes as it ages.

  16. One of my favorite old perfume layering combinations is Body Shop's Woody Sandalwood layered with Body Shop's Patchouli. It's simple, sexy, intense, earthy....


    Sri Lanka is a similar combination of sandalwood and patchouli, but it puts myrrh and a touch of cedar into the mix. If I had smelled this when the Body Shop combo was my signature scent, I would have flipped the f*$# out! This is awesome!!


    I don't see myself getting the chance to wear this very often, because I work in an environment where people have specifically stated their hatred of patchouli and I wouldn't want to annoy anyone with my scent.


    However, on weekends when I'm hanging out with old friends, I think this would be a lovely twist on an old favorite perfume. Therefore, I'll keep the imp but I won't dive in after a full bottle - I just can't wear it often enough to justify 5mL.




    4.8 out of 5

  17. There's some nice, creamy sweetness from the pumpkin, tobacco, and tonka bean, but I really hate carnation - it gives me an instant headache.


    This scent is smooth and sweet and yummy, but the carnation clashes for me because I really don't like that note.


    I will pass on my decant!


    3.5 out of 5

  18. I got a half-decant of Snake Charmer in a swap, Thanks Lindsay!!! :P


    This smells like Snake Oil, with coconut and a little more incense. However, it does not have the lasting power of Snake Oil, and it also is similar enough that I don't feel the need to blow money on a full bottle. I might just be trying to justify not jumping in the SC-fan conga line because it's so hard (or expensive) to acquire, but for now I think I can be happy with my little decant.


    Mmmm I do like the scent, though....


    4.8 out of 5

  19. Wow!!!!


    This is a beautiful, delicate Winter scent! The hint of pine wood is just that - a subtle hint, nothing dominant at all. The plum and musk add a lovely bit of sweetness (although this is Not a sweet perfume), and the stargazer lily is a gorgeous, soft, cool floral.


    For a little while in the drydown, I also get a faint suggestion of apple cider in there.


    This is just wonderful, and I don't always gravitate towards the wintery scents. Finely tuned!


    4.7 out of 5
