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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by grashopper8

  1. I was expecting something juicy, golden, and warm. What I get is more powdery and incensey than I prefer.


    It's very nice, but I would have liked more amber in this. Maybe some vanilla to cream it up a bit.


    My bottle of Dragon's Milk is superior so I'm sticking with that!


    3.6 out of 5

  2. I got a goblin squirt of this, and it had absolutely no scent.


    I had a decant from a decant circle, and it smelled like perfection, like grapes and leather and musk and it was insanely wonderful.


    So, if you get a goblin squirt that smells like nothing, it's definitely not representative of what Dungeon actually smells like!!

  3. I just....don't even know where to begin with this one.


    First off, I'm kicking myself for being into BPAL for more than a year and just now getting around to trying Brown Jenkins. I wish this one would have been in my first imp pack.


    I adore a good sandalwood...and this one has to be the best I've ever had the pleasure to smell. It's just...perfect. I love sweet smells especially, and this one is :D


    Sweet, sandalwoody, just a little coconutty. I love this...it seriously just shot to...dare I say...my #1 BPAL spot? I rec'd my bottle (unsniffed) of this on Friday (4 days ago) and I have worn nothing but Brown Jenkins since it arrived. Seriously...that has never happened to me before. And what's funny is that yesterday I got a bit more incense than I did on Sat. and Sun. I can't wait to see how this ages....and I think I need many, many more bottles of this.


    Seriously, just... :P


    Thanks to ladyjc for pimpin' out some of her Brown Jenkins to me!! :D


    I am almost positive that there is jasmine in this scent. If there's not, then whatever I'm wrong, but I am almost certain there's a touch of jasmine.


    I expected more coconut, and I'm pleasantly surprised that it's just a touch - the note is finely balanced in Beth's signature harmonious style.


    The sandalwood is so.... 'white,' I don't know how else to describe it. (Not exactly an expert here, lol)


    I expected a darker scent. Brown Jenkins is incensey and sandalwoody, but it maintains a lightness of being somehow - probably from the lack of vanilla tones. It's a warm, but not explosive, sandalwood blend.


    The scent steadily improves during the drydown, and all I can say is "Buttah." It's simple, yet strangely addictive....


    4.6 out of 5

  4. I am mostly reminded of Red Lantern with this oil - A deep, dark musk with a rich, sweet caramel base. The patchouli note is palatable, friendly, and warm; and there is also a dried leaves/sweetgrass hue.


    (It is quite lovely, but I got sick of it after a little while - I blame my monthly visit for that, it was the first day of my 'deal' : -)


    Life sure has been busy - I can't believe it's taken me this long to start testing the Four Seasons bath oils! :P

  5. :P Sookster did a great job describing this scent!


    It's got the remarkable scent of late-summer meadow flowers and dried sweetgrass, with some kind of round undertone, maybe a musk? I'm faintly reminded of Hay Moon and Coyote.


    I'm really glad I went for the full-on Moonbeasts fan pack, because this scent lives up to its description and is uniquely evocative!


    I agree, excellent sillage and throw.


    Sad that summer is over! Dog Days captures that longing, it's like being a kid a recess in September and you can still feel the sun's warmth, but the leaves are just starting to turn and the grass is browning and the wildflowers are drying out and this scent carries on the first chilly autumn breeze....


    4.6 out of 5

  6. Damn it, this is BREATHTAKING!!!! :P


    It smells like aged Ode to Melancholy (which is a Completely different scent than fresh Ode to Melancholy), which is to say that it smells diviiiiine.


    Sweetly herbal, fresh, almost candy-like. The rose is so sweet and unlike any rose note I've ever smelled; it doesn't have any of that sharpness or rude intensity that rose usually has on me. Gladdener reminds me of expensive, highly scented guest soap - fruity, herbal, sweet, and fresh all at the same time.


    I am almost as obsessed with this scent as I am with Lilith Victoria. Goin' broke for teh BPAL!


    5 out of 5

  7. My eyesight's going a bit - are the two bottles posted above (Summer Summoning & Pancake Breakfast) JBA scents? (Can you tell I haven't been keeipng up... :P)


    Also, I have a Pumpkin Patch set that I'm unsure of which year it was from. The labels are shiny, and there's a small number tag on each. I tried looking at the Reviews topics, but none of them had pictures. I think it's 2006, not sure though.


    The two bottles are indeed MVJBA scents. Pancake Breakfast is crack-in-a-bottle, I'm real close to thinking about the possibility of taking a bite out of my wrist. :D

  8. g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s.


    I am buying two more bottles.


    An instant must-have scent. I am a bit speechless right now, but this is just beyond perfect.


    Just like the precious Lilith B, this perfume is only going to get more beautiful with each passing day. What a gloriously flawless celebration!!!


    Love :P Love Love Lilith Victoria!!!!!


    6 out of 5

  9. Not as much of the fan of the super-buttery pumpkin note in this one....I got a faint whiff of leather when I first applied, but now I just smell sweet popcorn.


    Meh, not for me.


    2 out of 5


    ADDED Nov. 22:


    The pumpkin in this scent really sticks around, it's dominating the blend. Very much like pumpkin pie, buttery and warm.


    I can also detect the musk and a hint of leather.


    It's good, but very foodie. I guess I don't love pumpkin as a perfume, I probably shouldn't try Pumpkin Patches haha

  10. At first, I really loved Pumpkin I. It is foody, warm, buttery, and the splash of fruit is fun, as is the hint of coconut.


    However, after a few hours, I just grew sick of it. It's a bit too foody for me - there's some baked-goods/bread/cake/pie kind of note that just gets cloying after a while.


    Love the Cabin Fever clip! :P I guess that's what it did to me, too, after a while : -)


    2.8 out of 5

  11. Weirdly precise to the listing of notes, Ichabod Crane starts out as a creamy wool and beeswax blend. After a moment, the lily-of-the-valley comes out and lends a lightness and clean spike to the other thick notes.


    This is fascinating and unique, but it's not really twanging my heartstrings....


    3.2 out of 5

  12. Wow, this really is a perfect apple cider potpourri scent! It smells like every apple-cinnamon potpourri, air freshener, candle, etc. I've ever smelled. It's warm, beautiful, and churns up all sorts of autumn and winter memories.


    I'm not sure if I would wear this as a perfume, but if I had a bottle I would use it in an oil burner.


    4.3 out of 5

  13. maple maple maple maple BPAL maple maple maple


    excuse me, *ahem,* one of my dreams just came true....


    This tastes like an appley, mapley oatmeal. It's got a foody sweetness that is nicely shot through with crisp apple. I can also slightly detect the ambery hay note from Hay Moon.


    I like this, very fun! It doesn't smell like horses to me, though (I guess that's not really a bad thing). Hay Moon makes me think of horses more because of the stronger hay note.


    I do wish there was more maple, but I'm obsessed with maple so I don't know if I could ever have too much. (Can't wait to try the MVJBA Pancake scent whee hehehe)


    I want some trail mix now : -) Yum!


    4.1 out of 5

  14. I had forgotten the notes to this one before I slathered some on, on my way out the door, and I'm proud to say that I described it as "lightly honeyed rose" before reading the scent description : -)


    The honeyed cream is light and faint in the background, and the rose really dominates the scent. After 6 or so hours of wear, the honey and cream notes are more noticeable, because the rose eventually fades.


    It's a lovely scent, I'd have to be craving it to wear it again because rose is moody on me - but it is entirely befitting of its namesake. This is exactly what a young, fresh, classically refined girl should smell like!


    4.4 out of 5

  15. Chimera is delicious, but not because of the honeysuckle, which is only a slight touch and honestly I can't say that I even knew there was honeysuckle in there - because Chimera smells like resinous warm Cinnamon Buns of glory.


    Parthenope was a powdery jasmine/baby powder scent on me, and not noticeably honeysuckle.


    I vote very strongly for Eos, it's a bright, dripping-with-sunshine honeysuckle blend and it's quite beautiful - I gifted my best friend a 5mL, she looooves it and it's the only BPAL she owns.


    I also vote very strongly for Juliet, which is an incredible morpher depending on whether it's fresh or aged. When it's brand new, it has a crisp pear note and is a lightly fruity floral, but after it's aged for a year or two it's the most beautiful scent in the world on me - my BPAL GC holy grail. It's just fanstastic, highly recommended!!!


    Another wonderful scent is New Orleans, it has a lovely sweet jasmine note and the honeysuckle lazily swirls in beautifully. I very highly recommend New Orleans as well.


    I haven't tried Hermia, but after reading the description, I will be on the lookout for it! Same goes for Lolita.


    I remember liking Twilight, although for some reason I never wrote a review, so I can't remember whether it was awesome or just "meh, okay."


    If your mom likes lavender, try to find some aged Ode on Melancholy. It's a soft, gentle lavender, with beautiful wisteria, which smells sweet and pretty and has a similar quality as honeysuckle.


    My votes, in order of honeysuckle-ness, are:

    #1: Eos

    #2: New Orleans

    #3: aged Juliet (if you can find some)


    Have fun BPAL'ing!!! :P

  16. Yum yum yum yum yum!!!


    I have only tried this and the original Lick It.


    The original had a soft vanilla under the peppermint. Lick It One More Time seems to have a deeper sugary vanilla note, almost like caramel.


    It's delectable!! I prefer the original, but this is also yummy!


    4.2 out of 5

  17. Mossy, dark-green floral. The notes that stand out to me are the floral notes, the moss, and the seaweed.


    It starts out more harshly green, then as it dries the peony and lily come out more.


    It's pretty, but it's a bit too high-pitched to be something that appeals to me personally. I'm super-picky with aquatic blends.


    3 out of 5

  18. This has that cold pine + lunar herbal feel that I associate with scents like Old Moon and Moon of Ice.


    It's actually so similar to Old Moon that I can't really tell the difference. I think this is because pine tends to amp on me. I wish I could smell violet. : -(


    It's very nice, but I don't think I would wear it again.


    3.1 out of 5
