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Posts posted by grashopper8

  1. I tried a whole bunch of 'em and I still like just straight up Snake Oil the best.

    Yeah, I'm gonna have to go ahead and completely agree with you there. Snake Oil is ridonkulous and I loooove it and the Snake Pits interesting, but I don't feel like any of them are better than Snake Oil (on me, and in my opinion).



    Snake Oil is straight up baby powder on me so I don't like it at all.

    I have a decant of Snake Oil 04 and a fresh imp of Snake Oil from the lab, and the baby-powder-esque note is much more subdued in the aged Snake Oil.

    However, I love them both, and the "baby powder" reminds me more of nag champa than baby bums, so you may not find my opinion very convincing....

    But if you tried an aged Snake Oil it may be more palatable to you, and might be more harmonious with your chemistry.

  2. I received this frimp of the original Scorpio along with my Salome locket in a BPTP order (a bday gift from the Boy : -) I'm overjoyed because it's such a lovely scent, and just a bit sad because I'll never get the chance to own a bottle. 'Tis better to have loved and lost, though, I say!


    In my opinion, Scorpio is mainly a tuberose/gardenia scent, with a hint of musk and the faintest whisper of spice way in the distance.


    It's a creamy, warm floral, fresh without being sharp and yummy without being cloying.


    I absolutely adore it! A lovely gift within a gift. I used it to christen my scent locket, quite appropriate as a Scorp and on my bday!


    This is completely different from Scorpio 07, I will treasure them both.

  3. Thanks for the quick feedback, Delirium1009 and portalkat! Those are both good ways to get around using ccnow and paypal together. I didn't realize that I was costing the lab money by doing it that way....


    Maybe the "If you are paying via paypal" statement on the lab's page could be amended to include a link to the "how to order" and "shipping questions" faq's, to further assist dummies like me who just wanna give the Lab all my monies in the easiest way possible. Just a suggestion to hold the hands of the less-experienced BPAL'ers out there, I consider myself a pretty good explorer but I tend to only look things up when I need them, and that gets me into trouble sometimes :P


    Thanks again for the advice, I'll be sure to take it!! :D

  4. Ugh I wasn't aware of the whole "don't use CCNow anymore if you're using PP" situation, and now I need to cancel my CCNow order because I was going to pay with PayPal.


    How do I go about canceling the CCNow order? (I just sent money straight through PayPal for what I was trying to order.)


    In the future, if I want to use PayPal, how do I figure out shipping cost? Do I have to fill up my CCNow cart and then just not finalize the order, and then make a PayPal payment separately?


    My brain is small and hurting and I don't want to screw up orders or be screwing the Lab outta money, please help! :P

  5. AGH. What. I was promised cake :P


    This is... well it starts as a sort of cake-y wine. Which, gross. Then it gets heavily spicy, with a really sort of tart, green undertone (I'm not sure WHAT that is... for some reason I want to say olive leaf? nooo. I want olive leaf to smell like real olives.) It just gets weirder and weirder, and hits some strange tickly place high in my nose, and blech.


    This is gonna sound weak, but: Ditto.


    I don't really like this. I don't all-out hate it, but it's just not doing it for me.


    I washed it off after a few hours and spotted on some standby Snake Oil to get over the blahs Haloa put me in.

  6. naeelah's post definitely said it best, props to that awesome list!


    For my personal preferences, here's my faves:

    #1. Green Tree Viper

    #2. Death Adder

    #3. King Cobra

    #4. Habu


    #5. Temple Viper (on the edge of liking this one, maybe it will age into something better, but I got a fake grape note that kind of ruined the experience for me...but in the imp it smells divine if you like incense blends)


    I am going to buy bottles of green tree viper, death adder, and temple viper. King Cobra and Habu are yummy, but are not different enough (on my skin) from Snake Oil for me to justify spending the money.


    All the other ones I didn't care for, and here's why (this is purely based on my picky preferences)

    Boomslang was dusty, dark chocolate, and was too cocoa-ey, almost a dry feel.

    Coral Snake was apple, and I didn't really dig it.

    Cottonmouth was too intensely floral for me, it made me a little naseous.

    I didn't care for the leather note in Western Diamondback.

    Banded Sea Snake was too spicy for me.

    Asp Viper was almond, and I absolutely hate almond.

    Saw-Scaled Viper was too cinnamony and gingery for me.

    Australian Copperhead, I never even put on my skin. I just didn't like the smell.

  7. Wow, this is special....


    The first time that I applied Scorpio this morning, I got incense and woods with a faint smokey sweetness. One of the gorgeous spices from Snake Oil was swirling around....


    I just re-applied, using just a touch rather than slathering, and it is mostly musk this time. It really depends on your chemistry, maybe.


    This is a sensuous, deep, scorp-orific blend. I am sooo happy I have 5mL! I will be enjoying this scent on days (and nights) when I need a little extra Scorpio come-hither hip-swaying sensuality.


    Sexy! :P


    ETA: I've let this age a little, and it's even more seductive! One of my favorite BPALs! First applied, I definitely get the same initial impression, with incense, woods, Snake Oil notes, and musk. Dried down, it's the loveliest myrrh scent ever! It's similar to Queen of Clubs once it's dried down, so if you like QoC, you should seek out some Scorp 07.


    4.8 out of 5

  8. Suddenly this reminds me of Herbal Essences shampoo. :D


    Yup! I'm so so glad you went there!!!! :D Hahahaha that's exactly what was scratching at my brain. I opened up my decant (a frimp from cheshirecat, holla!), and the first thing I did was say to myself, "MMM!!! What the Hell does this remind me of??!!"


    This dries down beautifully, it's just a friendly, clean, fruity floral. I totally love it - mainly because when I was in middle/high school, I wished that I could buy a Herbal Essences perfume.


    Even though Kindly Moon isn't terribly unique, it's still fun and sweet and reminds me of being a teenager. (I mean, it wasn't that long ago, but...years are going by so much faster now....)


    If I had to describe it in one word, I'd say: Cute!


    If your family is all into BPAL, get your daughter a bit of Kindly Moon. She'll flip out :P: -) This is a young scent (or young-at-heart ; -)


    I don't think I need a bottle, but I'll be keeping my little imp for sentimental reasons!

  9. I didn't get as much sweetness out of this as others did, it was more of a powdery, incensey opium floral. Delightful for sure, but I wouldn't say it went sweet (with my chemistry, anyway).


    yeahbutnobut used several adjectives that fit Kubla Khan perfectly, so I'll just quote them below in agreement:

    hyponotic....harmonious....pretty....interesting....contrasting....luminous.... otherworldly....smooth


    And...that about sums it up for me. Kubla Khan fits in the 'good things' category.

  10. All I get out of this is rose, with a bit of a soapy quality. I only picked out a poof of narcissus immediately upon application, and it disappeared quickly. When I sniff my wrist up close, there is a slight plastic tinge. This seems to go away as the scent dries down a bit, though.


    Pride is okaaay, but I don't see myself wearing it again. I'm picky when it comes to rose, and I also wasn't it the right mood for it today....


    If you're a rose conniseur, you MUST try this, because it's not completely unpleasant to me, and that's saying something.

  11. First off, I don't like caramel (as I re-discovered today), so don't take too much stock in the negativity that ensues below.


    I tried this the same day that I tried Incubus, which is also heavy on the sweet thick caramel note. This may have confused my nose for the day.


    But, whatever the reason, I got hit by the wall of caramel and never got anything else out of Kill-Devil. I kept trying to get a hint of honey, and a few times I think I may have, but the caramel-rum note was so strong and sticky and sweet I just couldn't enjoy it.


    I can see why other people might like this, but it's too much caramel for me. I will pass this along!

  12. The caramel really takes center stage in this perfume, and I've discovered I'm not that into caramel (well, I learned that when I hated caramel candy as a kid, I guess). So, my review will be biased against Incubus because I don't like caramel. And I am dumb for trying it yet again....


    Anyways, in the imp, this presented itself as incredibly accurate to its namesake; sweet but out to Getcha at the same time. It's just plain hot and cold all at once, hot from the caramel and tobacco and cold from the icy mint.


    On my skin, the mint was gone within seconds (as it often is) and after that, all I could smell was yicky sickly sweet caramel. It completely took over my nose, and I left it on for over 2 hours, but I couldn't sift through the scent to find anything else.


    I blame whatever repressed childhood event which led me to hating caramel so much. (Really, who hates caramel? Blah)


    (Kill-Devil did the same thing on me. It could be my chemistry, too.)


    Whatever the reason, not for me. Off to a better home!

  13. On me, this smells like gardenia, pineapple, and a hint of lemon (which I'm assuming is actually the ginger). It's very pretty, but it's not sticking out as a must-have-bottle blend. It's a little soapy on me, as well.


    I'm getting too used to being bowled over by unique BPAL potions!!! Hehe - even when I like something, if it doesn't make me tap dance, I'll shrug and let it pass me by. Someone else will love this way more than I'm giving it credit for! A happy, light, tropical floral with a flash of I-think-it's-fruit. And yet, I'm still gonna probably swap it :P

  14. Nag Champa. So happy!!!!!!!!!


    Delicious. I wish everyone everywhere smelled like this all the time.


    Reminds me a bit of Guerlain Insolence without the florals (??) Yes, that's right....I think it's because there's a tonka bean note in Insolence...


    Seriously lovely. Round of applause from my little corner!!!! :P

  15. I received this as a frimp from the scent psychics (I mean the lab) - Thanks so so so much! Always waaay too generous, and more than appreciated. :P


    Now onto Ultraviolet:


    ....when I sniffed my wrist I thought it was going to singe my eyebrows off. It was like a raging bonfire of eucalyptus.


    Hahaha :D yes. yes it is. For a moment. And then....


    This is one of the most beautiful wildflower florals I have ever smelled. I love the scent of spring violets, because they remind me of playing in my backyard as a child, dressed up in a salvation-army bridesmaid's dress pretending to be a hawaiian princess or 'i dream of jeannie.' Or, when my brother was involved, maybe Zelda or Princess Toadstool. (shout out to the children of Nintendo)


    But I digress. I am quite partial to mint and eucalyptus, so the opening blast made my brain tingle with glee! My skin amps these notes, and as expected, within 10 minutes the mint is completely gone (bye bye!) and what remains is a hint of eucalyputs with the most beautiful, delicate, accurate violet note in the universe.


    I have tried several violet scents, including Borsari Violetta di Parma. Borsari smelled gorgeous in the bottle, but once on my skin, it turned rotten and sour and gave me a headache. I gave up on violet scents from then on and decided they just wouldn't ever work for me.


    I am head over heels in love with this cool, dewy violet scent. I could just DIE! I can't say how much I love this. Easily in my top ten, and it is quite certain that I am in need of a full bottle of this. (My bank account cringes....I tell it "Deal with it!! Make it work!!")


    Ultraviolet will be a scent I turn to often. Totally my style.

  16. For those of you whose favorite part of Snake Oil is the spices, this once's for you.


    With my skin chemistry, Banded Sea Snake is just Snake Oil with twice the spice. It's just too much for me, and I'm not a huge fan.


    I can see others loving this blend, but for me it was just sensory overload. Too much spicy woodsy, and not enough vanilla gooeyness.



  17. Event Horizon is a lovely perfume. A bit commercial and I feel like I've smelled it before, but it's still lovely.


    I agree....I feel like this scent is familiar but still good. Almost woodsy.


    I am reminded of a little magick shop in Bristol, Rhode Island called the Magick Mirror. The smell when you walk through the door, that of mingling unburnt incense sticks wafting from their 'for sale' bins - it's a little 'come hither,' very welcoming, and warmly mysterious. I'm envisioning crystal points and sterling silver jewelry and tarot cards and porcelain faeries. And I feel like I'm about to walk behind the hanging tapestry to get a psychic reading....


    People who don't like to smell "head shop" or "incense" should stay away from this. Me, I may have to order 5mL. It's just fantastic!


    I would imagine a scent named Event Horizon to be cold, murderous, intimidating, and warped. This perfume is a different interpretation - it turns you into the black hole, and you draw everyone to you by smelling frickin AWESOME!

    I'm not the one on the edge of space-time doom and non-existence; rather, I am the center of the gravity well and I'll just sit here working my mysterious ways and let you all come to me!


    :P :D :D

  18. Home to the Brethren of the Coast and a notorious safe-haven for pirates, this island was once described as the common place of refuge for all sorts of wickedness, the seminary of pirates and thieves.

    Damp air trapped in limestone caverns, heady greenery, hothouse orchids, nicotiana blossoms, bois de chandel, elemi, palm wine, garambullo, pega-pega, flame of the forest, and a swirl of Haitian vetiver.

    My oh my! The pressure of the first review! :D

    I'm having trouble putting my finger on any individual notes...this is a fresh, tropical floral, and I am assuming that the orchid is dominating. This is very young and bright, and awfully pretty. I feel like I'm sitting near a freshly arranged bouquet of dewy blossoms. (adjective overload.....)

    Something about Ile de la Tortue is reminding me of childhood. I feel like I've smelled this kind of scent before, and it's making me smile.

    It reminds me of gardenia, although I don't think there's any in here. (I guess my nose isn't very sophisticated....)

    Very nice. I don't know if it's something I would wear regularly, but I wouldn't be surprised to see some all-out raves about this one :P

  19. In the bottle: :D Whoa yum, this smells like yellow cake with a hint of strawberry. I think I'm gonna be in trouble here...


    Wet on skin: Turns to sweet strawberry candies, with a baked cheesecakey vanilla frosting background.


    Dried down: This is a beautiful Soft strawberry, with maraschino cherries (not dark cherries, this is candied), and delicious creamy vanilla frosting/cheesecake. It's AWESOME!!!!! :P


    Throw: I put this on twice before leaving my house, slathering my wrists and neck, and sadly it eventually stayed very close to my skin. The first half hour in the car it had great throw, but after the drydown, it was very subtle and I had to sniff my wrist to notice it. It lasted for a good 6 hours, but like I said, it was pretty much for my enjoyment only.


    Overall: I am in love with this scent, and I will use it sparingly so I can enjoy it for a long time. I'll have to use it on days where I don't want a huge perfume aura, and would rather just hint at my deliciousness. (wait What?) hehehe


    I think this is more unique than the original Beaver Moon, but it is not as strong. One of my precioussssessss for sure though.......


    ETA: After it's aged a bit, the berries become a little less sugary (still sweet, but not as candy-ish). The cheesecake also comes out a bit more than it did when it was new. I am still completely in lurve!


    I put some in my scent locket today, and I'm gonna enjoy it to the fullest!

  20. Absolutely Gorgeous.


    I don't think it's possible for me to rave about this properly.


    A perfect soft jasmine with poppy, ylang-ylang, and herbal notes that remind me of lavernder.


    Incredible. I can't live without this, and I dont' intend to. My first more-than-one-bottle venture.


    Did I mention that this is incredible? Oh yeah I guess I did. Well, I ran out of adjectives because I'm settling in to a dream-drenched restful slumber. Goodnight!!! :P


    Edit: This has quickly become my all-time favorite BPAL. I am Totally obsessed!!!

  21. Samhain '06


    I got a decant of this from the forum, and decided to try it today. (I have a bottle of '07 on its way right now, and I'm just giddy! Wheee!)


    In the imp, it smells like apple cider, and not much else. Once I put it on, I got whiff of the gentlest patchouli-vanilla in there too (very discreet, and not really easy to pick out - this is not a strong or forceful patchouli at all). Then, I started getting the same sweet note that surprised me in Singing Moon...an almost peach, kind of sweetgrass note. It was dead-on the same essence....


    After an hour or so, I sniffed again, and it was just warm, happy apple cider with some kind of tasty sweentess, not quite vanilla but maybe....


    And now, it's dried down to luscious dripping honey. (This is about 5 hours into the whole experience.) It's just delicious!


    :P :D :D

    Every stage of this fragrance is yummy, and it never smells like an autumn Yankee Candle like I worried it would!


    SOO glad that I have a 5mL of '07 on the way, I hope it compares! Very happy that I tried this, I can see why people go nucking futs over it : -) Hey watch your mouth!

  22. ooohhhh mmmmm this is a nice little feminine garden herbal floral butterfly wings faeries in slow motion kind of scent!


    It begins strongly with lavender and backed by jasmine and rose, and I guess there's a little musk in there to sweeten the deal, but I can't pick out the musk with my nose.


    This begins to dry down into a scent memory that I can't put my finger on....I think it's the combo of black rose and star jasmine, it's really making my brain itch! What does this remind me of??!!


    I like Sophia a lot, it's different than what I thought I might be interested in a perfume, but it does make me happy. It's best after it's dried down for a little while....just feminine, pretty, and herbal. I have a 5mL, it's probably aged somewhat b/c I got it on the forum, and I think I'm just gonna keep the whole thing! :P

  23. This certainly is quite dark, the color of molasses. This one needs a little shake-shake invert before trying...it needs a mix to properly sample, as there seems to be a little bit of separation.


    Definitely dark chocolate, a tasteful note that isn't quite as foody as I expected. In the imp, it's a little rotten-milk smelling, but once on that sourness is completely non-existent and it's just a dark chocolate Snake Oil.


    The chocolate fades in about an hour, and I'm left with a dried-down, pleasant Snake Oil. It's pretty good, but I don't see myself springing for a bottle.


    If you're into dark chocolate or cocoa as a BPAL note, and you like Snake Oil, you'll freak out over this. It's just not enough to make me wild, personally, though.

  24. So.......


    I've discovered that I really don't like leather as a note in perfume.


    My skin chemistry turns it into bleach. Yep, that's right: Clorox, chlorine bleach, sodium hypochlorite, whatever you want to call it, that's what this stuff smells like to me.


    Snake oil and bleach. :D I gave it a good 45 minutes, and it smells the same, and now I can't get it off with soap. It's got great staying power, at least :P


    Major bummer for me. Those who dig leather scents will love this one, I'm just not loving that note. Off to the swaps!
