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Posts posted by grashopper8

  1. This is a cool, crisp, night-floral. The blue musk is only in the background to ensure that this scent isn't too harsh or sharp because the florals are so fresh and green. I'd characterize LNM as a white/pale floral with a balanced coolness and an ethereal quality.


    My nose isn't very well-trained when it comes to these moonlit florals, so I find that this blend actually reminds me very much of the Gibbous Moon and Swan Maiden.


    I can't say that I don't like it, but I will say that it's not quite my style. I tend to go for florals with a little more humidity and roundness to them (like New Orleans, Juliet, Delight, etc.), and I'm honestly jasmine/ylang ylang's biggest fan. So if you don't like those kinds of scents, you can't take my opinion into account. : -)


    Even though I don't think I will keep Long Night Moon in my collection, it's about a 3.5 out of 5 from me.

  2. I got an imp of O fresh from the lab, so it hasn't aged at all.... So, with that in mind, I have to say that O is the most powdery BPAL I have tried as of yet. It's not bad, but I mean "Wow!" is it powdery! Some people claim that honey or amber can go baby-powder, especially when it's fresh, so I may still buy a 5mL of O and let it chill for a while before I really make a judgement.


    I can smell the honey, too - it's soft and happy and clover-y.


    I like powder, so I'm not disappointed, but I really get the feeling that there's more to explore here, and that I'll benefit from acquiring a bottle to set aside with patience.


    As is, it's still at least a 4 out of 5, because it makes me so damn smiley! :P

  3. Edit: This is my favorite GC scent ever, but I like it aged. When it's fresh, I don't really like the pear, and the scent just smells completely different. But, when it's aged, it's just exactly the perfect scent for me. This was a mystery for me for a while, because I even suspected that I had a mislabeled imp when I compared my fresh 5mL to the initial imp that I had!

    It's just absolutely breathtaking. I get compliments on it whenever I wear it.


    So I am wearing BPAL's Juliet today, and it is striking me as very similar to Lush's B Never Cocktail guest soap (ltd. holiday '07 stuff). I have no freakin clue why, as it seems that none of the notes are the same. I never even considered trying Juliet because it sounded like it would be too sharp or too fresh smelling, and I'm not a huge fruit fan (or so I claim....)


    I caught a whiff of Juliet at a recent Meet & Sniff, and scooped up an imp because it reminded me a lot of Sleepy Moon, which is my favorite BPAL (and the Cocktail soap smells kind of like Sleepy Moon which is why I scooped it up in the first place). After putting Juliet on my skin today, I realized that it also reminds me strongly of the Cocktail soap. Why? How? I don't know. It doesn't even have ylang ylang in it!


    All I can say for sure is, Juliet has a striking similarity to Sleepy Moon and Cocktail to my nose. Should I blame chemistry? My nose? Whatever the case, I'm taken and need two bottles soon.


    Oh, what does it smell like? Well, I can try to explain....it's a very soft, jasmine-esque floral (maybe this is from the honeysuckle?) with a lovely roundness from the white musk.


    Seriously. Juliet is a hidden gem that I never would have sought out and I'm so glad she's this beautiful. Not joking about ordering two bottles ASAP (and this is coming from someone who owns like 10 bottles and doesn't often buy them).


    Lurve lurve lurve lurve lurve :P


    5 out of 5

  4. I may have partially answered my own question here, but in case anyone else is interested, I'm gonna post it anyway...


    Sleepy Moon is my favorite BPAL, and I've been hoarding it like crazy, and I just discovered that GC Juliet smells so similar on me (??? it's true)


    I have no freakin clue why, as it seems that none of the notes are the same. Juliet is "Sweet pea with stargazer lily, calla lily, heliotrope, honeysuckle, white musk and a touch of fresh pear." I never even considered trying it because it sounded like it would be too sharp or too fresh smelling, and I'm not a huge fruit fan (or so I claim....)


    I caught a whiff of Juliet at a recent Meet & Sniff, and scooped up an imp because it reminded me a lot of Sleepy Moon. After putting Juliet on my skin today, I realized that it is just so awesomely similar that I need more. Why? How? I don't know. It doesn't even haveany of the same notes in it!


    All I can say for sure is, Juliet has a striking similarity to Sleepy Moon (and, incidentally, Lush's B Never Cocktail soap) to my nose. Should I blame chemistry? My nose? Whatever the case, I'm taken and need two bottles soon.


    Does anyone agree with this assessment? And if so, what would you layer with Juliet to make it even more similar to Sleepy Moon? (I've also posted this reply in the Lush/BPAL thread for Juliet's Cocktail simiarity.)

  5. I totally :P the Cocktail soap! I really want to stock up before it's all gone. As for a BPAL scent that is similar, I have no clue, but I'll be checking back often to see if anyone knows of one.


    So I am wearing BPAL's Juliet today, and it is striking me as very similar to the Cocktail soap. I have no freakin clue why, as it seems that none of the notes are the same. Juliet is "Sweet pea with stargazer lily, calla lily, heliotrope, honeysuckle, white musk and a touch of fresh pear." I never even considered trying it because it sounded like it would be too sharp or too fresh smelling, and I'm not a huge fruit fan (or so I claim....)


    I caught a whiff of Juliet at a recent Meet & Sniff, and scooped up an imp because it reminded me a lot of Sleepy Moon, which is my favorite BPAL (and the Cocktail soap smells kind of like Sleepy Moon which is why I scooped it up in the first place). After putting Juliet on my skin today, I realized that it also reminds me strongly of the B Never (Lush) Cocktail guest soap. Why? How? I don't know. It doesn't even have ylang ylang in it!


    All I can say for sure is, Juliet has a striking similarity to Sleepy Moon and Cocktail to my nose. Should I blame chemistry? My nose? Whatever the case, I'm taken and need two bottles soon.


    Does anyone agree with this assessment? And if so, what would you layer with Juliet to make it even more similar to Cocktail? (I'm copying this reply in the 'limited edition = general catalogue thread' for Juliet's Sleepy Moon simiarity)

  6. Um, so I tried Lush's B Never Cocktail guest soap, and I am obsessed!! It is soooooo gorgeous, it smells so awesome....and it's a holiday-07 limited edition soap..... :D


    I have two questions for anyone who cares...


    1. Has anyone else tried this? And, more importantly,

    2. Is there a BPAL blend that smells like Cocktail?


    I would just spring for a bottle of the B Never Cocktail perfume, but not only is it like $100, it's not BPAL and I've suddenly become a bit monogamous....and did I mention that it's a hundred freakin dollars??


    Here are the essential oils in the perfume (although "perfume" is also an ingredient, and is therefore a mystery to me):

    Lavender, Bergamot, Jasmine, Rose, Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang.


    Any suggestions will lead to money for Beth-n-friends! Please share your secrets! :P :D

  7. You're going to hate me, but Beaver Moon '05 keeps its identity after the drydown. I've only tried it once or twice because I got an almost-empty sniffie as a freebie, and it smells like vanilla cupcakes with a buttery note that actually sticks around on me. I have the same problem where the buttery, bakey note evaporates immediately from my skin (it happened with Beaver Moon 07 and Pumpkin Cheesecake). I wouldn't recommend trying to get a whole bottle unsniffed, though, because they are sooooo expensive.


    I would also recommend Bliss to you, it smells exactly like freshly baked chocolate brownies and stays that way on my skin. It's ridiculously delicious. :P

  8. This is a lovely bouquet of white florals with a hint of green freshness. It's very fresh and pretty, and I like the scent. Personally, I like my florals to be a little rounder, creamier....this has a slight sharpness to it that keeps me from being totally in love. This is similar to my taste in wine, I tend to shy away from wines that are very dry or green. I would compare Swan Maiden to an Italian Pinot Grigio. It's very nice, but a little too fresh and crisp for me to go bonkers over.

    I definitely would call this an early spring scent. It has a tangible lightness to it, but with decent throw. Nice!

  9. The scents of the blossoms of darkness, condensed into one perfume. Features a rose base, softened with lilac and wisteria.

    I did not get any rose from this scent, not even a hint....strange, considering most of the reviews, and the scent description itself.

    I must agree that this smells the same in the imp as it does on my skin, which is to say:
    Ylang-ylang, jasmine, wisteria, and lilac.

    I know that ylang-ylang and jasmine are not listed as notes in this fragrance, but this blend is so evocative of those notes that I can't help but detect them, even if they are false impressions.

    I really like this scent, not head-over-heels 5mL lurve, but I will keep the imp for when I need a sweet, heady, spring bouquet.

    Edit to add: I'm trying it again today, and now I smell a balanced blend of rose and lilac and wisteria to round it out. I don't smell jasmine or ylang-ylang at all this time. What the hell was I on the first time I tried this? : -P

    It's a little too powder-poofy for me, I hope it wears off soon : -/

    3.0 out of 5

  10. Aww bummer, I really wanted to like this one!


    It smelled good in the imp, but with my chemistry, it took a turn for the worse. It turned purely into plastic. Very icky and made me so very sad. :P I gave it about 15 minutes before slathering over it with something else. (which was Bliss, and that deliciousness more than made up for the disappointment of my chemistry-failure with Marshmallow Poof : -)

  11. I mean this in the best possible way, because the perfume I am about to compare Titania to is one of my all-time favorites, mainly because of memories but also because of yumminess:


    Titania smells a lot like Victoria's Secret Tranquil Breezes, a long-lost discontinued scent from the VS Garden. Bottles of the cologne (which cost like $20 back in the day) go for like $100 on ebay, lots of ladies are obsessed! :D


    Tranquil breezes has a strong cucumber note which is not present in Titania; so I am going to re-acquire an imp of BPAL Squirting Cucumber to layer with it. I'm totally psyched! :D


    All that aside, Titania is a pleasant, herbally-fruity-floral. Sparkling, dewy, white-fleshed fruits....Very nice, in my opinion. If it didn't remind me so much of Tranquil Breezes, I'm not sure if I would like it as much, but it makes me so happy that I don't know if I could objectively review it. But where's the fun in having an objective opinion? I mean, isn't that an oxymoron? Mwah in that case, I freakin love this little BPAL!


    Hidden treasure for fruity floral fans :P (and I don't even usually go for those!)

  12. MaidenGenevive, I completely agree with everything you said about Bliss. You're right, it's not quite milk, not quite dark chocolate, and smells just like brownies or hot cocoa.


    It's insanely delicious. Scrumptious. I absolutely ADORE this scent!!! MMMmmmmmmm!!!!!


    I also give it a 5 out of 5, it's so yummy! I need to buy a 5mL like yesterday, and I also need some Bliss soap. Need.


    This scent makes me believe that chocolate actually can be better than sex....something I'm not sure I've ever said....


    Lurve! :D :P Thanks a billion to cheshirecat for sending me the double-size imp of precioussss!

  13. I've obsessed about Pumpkin Cheesecake enough that it's time I finally reviewed it.


    It's totally delicious. It's a little more pumpkin, a little less cheesecake than what I expected, but it's outrageous.


    I'll cherish the precious drops that were given to me. It's absolutely divine!!!


    Can't think of anything else to say, I love it I love it I love it.

  14. Ok.. First off, Love Spell smells like grape soda on me, but not in a bad way....I would recommend Temple Viper from the BPAL Carnival Diabolique for that.


    Second, for those of you that like VS Vanilla Lace, BPAL's Dorian dries down to an almost identical scent.


    Third, my favorite VS scent EVER was Tranquil Breezes. After it came out, Bath & Body Works came out with cucumber melon which I hated and still do (sorry to those of you that dig it, I just hate it blah). So, I wouldn't want anything that smelled plasticky or too sweet, but I would be interested in trying a BPAL that reminds someone of VS Tranquil Breezes. I can't seem to find a listing of the notes in it, but it's mainly cucumber, with a hint of light florals and maybe a bit of melon but not ick cloying melon, like watery fresh melon.


    I tried BPAL Squirting Cucumber, which was okaaay, but not my fave.


    Any suggestions?

  15. This is nice!


    I mostly get jasmine and tubersose and ylang-ylang. The plum is more in the background; I wouldn't really classify Suspiro as a fruity scent.


    It doesn't last long on my skin (jasmine rarely does on me), but it's pleasant.


    Much nicer when it's kept virgin in my scent locket, and lasts all day!


    I don't know if it's unique enough to hold on to, but I'm glad I tried it. Pretty!

  16. I found this description of Cartier Declaration online:

    The tangy top notes of bergamot and bitter orange are soothed with earthy notes of rosewood, coriander, oakmoss, and patchouli.


    Bergamot, Bitter Orange, Birch, Oak, Moroccan Artemisia, Cardamom, Musk, Vetiver, Oak.


    This scent is my dad's holy grail, but I'd love to find him a BPAL scent that smells similar. It's an understated, lightly woodsy, clean-vetivery smell...Not really soapy, yet clean, and not overpowering or too strong.


    Any hints on what imps I should shove at him for the upcoming holidays? :P

  17. This is a very soapy scent, on me it is just linden flowers with a faint hint of herbal sweetness. It kind of reminds me of a watery version of Singing Moon.


    Then, it's gone. Byebye! :P


    It's not exactly mind-blowing as a perfume, but as an interpretation of a Unicorn, it's very appropriate!


    I liked thinking about The Last Unicorn, though:)


    Props to The Last Unicorn, that's the only reason I wanted this imp in the first place!! :D


    ETA: I put a bit more on today, and it's got a hint of fruitiness and softness to it, almost a white musk note. It's aquatic but soft as a cashmere sweater. I like it, and although it won't get regular lurve, I won't swap it 'cause it's the Unicorn. It's subtle and soft and pretty, and again, I have to say that it perfectly captures the ethereal Unicorn in liquid form. Bravo to the artist, Beth!!


    3.6 out of 5

  18. This is a scent which doesn't have much of a precedent in my mind, it's a strange one but oddly pleasant.


    In the imp, it's a creamy marshmallow with a hint of lavender.


    Once on, the herbal notes evaporate quite rapidly, and TKO becomes pure sugary, um....sugar....duuuh, it just smells like sugar, I think. :P It's hard to describe, I've never smelled a perfume that had this quality before..


    My fiance said it smells like "cotton candy...but, like, cotton candy bubblegum..."


    It's pleasant, but doesn't necessarily calm me. I'm not sure whether I like it, but I will say that it's unique!

  19. Thick, syrupy goodness! This is a hazelnutty, chocolatey, buttery blend. My head is just swimming, it's so gooey!!


    I really love this, if it was a dessert it would be too rich for me to finish off.


    But I would still try! :D Delicious!


    Thanks to cheshirecat for the decant, and for enabling me - I bought a 5mL on the forum within minutes of sampling this :P

  20. Dorian smells exactly like Victoria's Secret Vanilla Lace. It's totally spot-on the same scent with my chemistry. I like it because VS Vanilla Lace is my best friend's signature scent, but since Dorian reminds me so strongly of it, I'm not really taken with it.


    I can see why it's popular, but I'm not overly excited personally. : -/ meh

  21. I have to start out by saying I Really love this! :P


    In the imp, it's a quiet, herbal floral, and perfectly fits the heartbreak of its poem.


    After it's applied, it becomes an understated, fresh floral. It reminds me a little bit of child perfume by Susan Owens, without the intense throw.


    It starts out with a hint of lavender, but it's truly a background note.


    Once it dries down, I get a soft, almost tropical floral. I am assuming it is the wisteria, but it reminds me of plumeria or pikake.


    The white musk is faint and just helps to round out the freshness of the bouquet.


    I am wearing this in my scent locket, so even though it fades fast on my skin, I am still enjoying it all day! Very pretty, feminine scent. This goes on my list of 5mL GC's I have to save up for! :D

  22. Juicy Snake Oil.


    Seductive and feminine. Deep red scent, if I had to assign it a color.


    I am totally in love with this, and will wear it when I'm in a Snake Oil mood but want something a little....different.....


    I'm not sure how to describe it, it's just dripping with sex!! :P


    Only drawback is short wearlength, I'd say 4 hours max. Guess I just have to buy a bunch huh!!


    Instant bottle buy, I think I will order it right now before the carnival heads out of town!!!! :D

  23. Le Serpent Qui Danse


    A round floral, with depth and substance. As it wears, it somewhat reminds me of a candy, or a cloying wine. The vanilla has an unusual interaction with the florals, leaving it a scent that's a bit hard to describe.


    [3 - Like] What a unique mixture of notes.


    Wow, took the words right out of my mouth, MaidenGenevive: "A round floral." It's creamy and floral at the same time, and I'm totally liking it!


    I love gardenia, and this scent added a nice little twist - I really like BPAL's violet, it's green and purple and girly. And this vanilla is clean on me.

    It lasted about 4-5 hours on my skin, but in my scent locket, it lasted alllll day, and didn't morph. I could smell pretty violet-vanilla-gardenia goodness all day, and it was good : -)


    Thanks to miss apple for the frimp! :P


    I give this a 4 out of 5, and like it enough to keep the imp forever. I'm not sure if I'm obsessed enough for a bottle, but I'll come back to it eventually and may decide to in the future.

  24. Gingerbread Poppet 04


    I got an aged bottle of GP through a swap with miss apple (Thank you Forever!!!).


    Can I just say, it is purrrrr-fect! It is so much better than what I expected, So Spot-On!!

    It smells EXACTLY like gingerbread, not too fake-cake, not too spicy, and not too intense or strong. Just kick-ass awesomeness! I love how it chills out after a few hours and gets a little more vanilla-ey, too....


    I have it in my scent locket today, too, so I am still experiencing its awesomeness. It's been 4 hours, and it's fading fast from my skin, but it's going strong in the locket. Highly recommended if you want to extend the length of wear, especially for something as delicious as this!


    I was so worried that this scent would be too overwhelming, or fake-smelling, or would give me a spicy headache. But nope, I'm obsessed. :D :P


    If I was to rate this on a scale of 1-5, it's a 5+ for me.

    Instantly one of my BPAL faves, and my family is gonna flip for this at all our upcoming get-togethers! This reminds me of why I love the winter holiday season (even if I'm not religious at all, it's awesome to be with the whole fam damnily!)
