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Posts posted by grashopper8

  1. Wet, this smells divine - it reminds me of Toblerone Chocolate Orange, a yummy Christmas treat I used to get when I was young. It's a lovely swirl of citrusy orange blossom, rose, and honey.


    As it dries, the orange blossom disappears in a few minutes. Jezebel turns into baby powder and rose on me. Maybe a slight hint of honey...


    Dried down further, it's honey with rose. (Not a honeyed rose, but honey with a hint of rose.)


    I like it, and I think I'll wear it today, but I'm not blown away. If the orange blossom stuck around (which it never does on my skin), I would buy a 5mL.


    ETA: So, I slathered a bit and put some in my scent locket, and I really don't like it. The honey in Jezebel smells strongly like baby powder (this doesn't happen all the time to me, but sometimes - and especially if an imp is fresh). I got this imp from the forum, so it probably wasn't brandy-new. This smelled like baby powder with a hint of rose allll day. I'm just not a fan. If you are looking for a baby powder scent with a hint of rose and a faint tickle of honey, Jezebel is your girl.

    Also, I think that if I hadn't put it in my scent locket, I might have gotten more honey out of it, because in the locket it never really 'dries down' or interacts with skin chemistry.

    Off to the swaps from me though!

  2. This is a soft, lovely, wearable rose scent. It is delicate and feminine and 'smooth.'


    I can get hints of opium poppy and the slightest honey-powder sweetness in the background.


    Just beautiful! I can understand the hype.


    4.5 out of 5

  3. This has an incensey, woody quality to it from the frankincense, but the florals cool it off a bit.


    I like it, but it's a little powdery/soapy on me. It's just not unique enough to my nose for me to wear again.


    I'm glad I got to try it, though.


    3 out of 5

  4. peaches and.....peaches and....


    licorice? musk?


    This is a sparkly, fruity scent, but not cloying or sticky-sweet in any way. The ripe juicy peaches are balanced from being too cutesy-fruitsy by the complementing herbal and floral notes, and the white musk is like a slowly-blinking lover's gaze.


    This is smooth, soft, and attractive. I don't think I would wear it often, but it's pretty and young.


    Definitely a scent for a teenage girl to try, when she's sick of less-sophisticated fruity-fresh commercial perfumes. If I was in high school, I'd snag me a boyfriend with Fae!


    3.7 out of 5

  5. This is a very clean-smelling, almost soapy perfume. I saw the word "astringent" used to describe this, and I think it is more of a softly clean smell, not quite biting.


    There is an undercurrent of incense. I do not detect tuberose or caila lily, but it's so well blended that they might just be swirling together in an unrecognizable harmony.


    I think it's nice, but it's too soapy on my skin for me to swoon over.


    3 out of 5

  6. This smells like baby powder on me. Amber does this with my chemistry, so I'm not even sure what amber is supposed to smell like.


    I can smell a hint of spicy carnation in there, and it balances out the sweetness of the powder just a bit.


    It's attractive and very smooth. Smells the way drizzling caramel looks (in smoothness and color, not smelling like caramel at all though).


    I can see why this is a love potion. It is a bit too "clean" on me though, and not sultry enough, simply because of amber misbehaving. What a little brat. I am amber's aunt-with-no-backbone, and when I babysit, the lil' stinker tears my house apart and I can't control him.


    3.3 out of 5

  7. This is mostly rose to my nose, but a very pleasant, soft rose (not too soapy or cloying). I am not really detecting any honey or fruit or carnation, but I have to assume that they temper and balance ( :P ) the scent.


    I do like this, but I don't tend to wear rose as a perfume.

    As a rose scent, I give it 4.5 out of 5.

    As a wearable perfume with my tastes, I probably will not reach for this again.


    ETA: Well, after wearing this all day, I have to say that it is the prettiest rose scent I have ever smelled because the rose is so gentle and subdued and never biffs me in the face like rose usually does. Whatever magick Beth has poured into Libra has somehow balanced the rose while still letting it be the star. I decided to hold on to my imp and start looking for a 5mL because there are some days, especially if I've used a rose soap, where I'm just in the mood for smelling like a fresh-cut, soft, gorgeous rose, but I don't want to smell like potpourri. This is lovely, and I didn't give it enough of a chance at first because I have stricken out so often with rose where I like it at first and then I get sick of it after an hour or two.

    4.7 out of 5 stars, I changed my mind ; -)

  8. This is very green and herbal but doesn't ever become "sharp." The citrus and neroli come out first, and then calm down into the background. I am not picking out lavender, but my brain keeps saying "herbal," so I'll stick with that. It's aquatic and fresh and clean, and as it dries down more, it softens.


    I like it, even though it's not really my style. 3.8 out of 5

  9. Wet, I could smell some sweetness at the beginning - perhaps from the florals? As it dries down, it becomes more herbal (juniper) and woodsy (sandalwood).


    After a few minutes, the wood smells drier and dustier, and then it starts to smell a little like body odor.


    Not a winner with my chemistry, methinks. :P

  10. Wet on my skin, it smells like lovely sweet tea with a hint of floral.


    As it dries, the tea mellows and slips away, and the cherry blossom really dominates.


    This is more heady than i expected, and smells kind of "perfumey" to me. It is reminding me very strongly of some commercial perfume I already have, although I'm having trouble pinpointing it. I was expecting an incense blend with a hint of green-springtime freshness, but it's actually a strong floral on me.


    I absolutely love the opening 10 seconds, but after that, it doesn't inspire me. Just not my "type."

  11. I absolutely hate almond as a perfume (as a kid I got sick once and the bathroom smelled like almond soap and I've had negative associations ever since).

    However, I just had to meet Salomé because I have the fantastic locket.


    I am SO glad I did!


    Jasmine is pretty much my favorite fragrance, and the star jasmine in Salomé is just lovely. A hint of musk rounds it out, and if there's sandalwood in this blend, I can't detect it outright, but there is something warm about it, making it an almost incensy blend.


    I only smell almond when I sniff the imp. It disappears completely once it hits my skin.


    If you are looking for an almond scent, this may not be the way to go.


    If you love jasmine, and you'd like to try a jasmine blend that has an incense "feel" to it, then try out Salomé for sure!


    I give it a 4.4 out of 5

  12. Wet, this blend somehow tumbles together to smell like mostly gardenia or tuberose on me. I am not familiar with all of the notes listed in the scent description, but none of them are really coming out that much....


    I suppose it is slightly fruity, and I can attribute that to the pear note - I have been learning that pear loves me.


    The florals are humid and lush, but not super-heady or too intense, so I am assuming that they are nicely balanced by the cool notes of lotus and cucumber.


    I'm really glad that I own this 5mL. It has stumped me a little, and I like that. It's artfully blended and just lovely!


    ETA: I get a really weird note in the background with this one - buttered popcorn. (Ew!)

    Does this happen to anyone else?

    The first time I wore it, I assumed it couldn't be the 'fume, but the next time I wore it the popcorn came back. What in the world could be causing it?

    Don't care that much though - it's still an awesome scent. I blame my chemistry.

  13. This was exactly what I imagined a Blue Moon scent would smell like. It's cool yet soft, and aquatic yet silky....like a wispy scarf grazing a lazy brook in the night breeze.


    It's so pretty! I should have bought it when it was new, but no worry, I found it on the forum! A keeper.


    Edit to add: A lovely Rainy Day scent. Makes me feel more one with the weather, rather than feeling gloomy and bored. I feel like celbrating the rain when I wear Blue Moon!

  14. Nyx

    When I smelled this in the imp, I knew I would like it.


    The freshness of the rose is softened by the jasmine and warmed by the myrrh.


    I'm not sure how often I will wear this, but I am hanging on to the imp and will enjoy it thoroughly. Why it is bringing me back to childhood, I am not quite sure, but I am liking it. At least a 4 out of 5, maybe more.




    ETA: I wore this again, and like it even more. I really love the scent of myrrh, which I didn't know well enough to recognize until now. It makes this floral warm and incensey, and keeps it from becoming boring or one-dimensional. I'm still not sure exactly why this scent is tugging at my heart, but it makes me feel relaxed and safe. I give it a 4.4 out of 5.

  15. This is for the 05 version, I think.


    Sugar Cookie is very buttery. It's pretty much all I can smell. Butter with a hint of vanilla. I smell like a popcorn Jelly Belly.


    Not lovin it....kinda barfy. Sorry! :P

  16. Mint has never lasted for more than a few minutes on my skin, so I wasn't surprised that it evaporated immediately from Tokyo Stomp, too.


    Wet, this is a yummy thin-mint cookie. After it dries, I'm left with a bland, flat, artificial-smelling vanilla.


    I wish I liked it. Ah well, swappy doo!

  17. The ginger, citrus, and bergamot in this blend are really intense, and make Faiza kind of medicinal on me. It's giving me a headache....it's definitely a dark, dangerous blend, but it's simply not working on me. It's fruity, it's spicy, it's citrusy, it's musky, it's floral....Geez, what's not in there? I'm simply overwhelmed. I feel like I should like it, but I just can't handle it.

  18. Crushed roses and blackcurrant tarts.

    Expecting a fruity rose floral.

    Wet, I got a creamy, foody, baked-goods scent. ??? Re-reading the description, I see the word Tarts. Aha, there's the mystery of foodiness revealed.

    Drying down, I get the berries and rose, but it's still in the midst of some flaky, sweet, buttery tart. Yummy pie goodness.

    I frickin really like this combination. It's so unique! Roses that you want to eat? Huh?

    It's like roses dipped in sweet syrupy goodness. I'll hold on to this little one....it deserves some more wear.

    ETA: I wore this today in my scent locket and on my skin. It's delectable and unique, but there were moments where it was just a bit much. I really slathered in it, and the rose helps it stick around allll day. It's great because it's warm, juicy, berry pastry with a dollop of sweet cream, all on a bed of fresh rose petals. I really love the combination, but there were a few moments where I found myself wishing that the roses weren't there....

    As a scent, it perfectly embodies what I would imagine as an Alice in Wonderland blend. Couldn't have dreamed up a more fitting interpretation if I had a million years.

    As a perfume, I don't think I'll slather it on again because it was a little overwhelming at times. I may touch a bit on if I pick up AIW to read again someday, and I think I'll probably keep my frimp (thanks lab!), but I don't need a bottle.

  19. strange....I guess I can see why people smell grapefruit, but I get a sharp, spicy lily with a sweet hint of something syrupy. It's an aquatic lily scent on me. Fresh, almost a hint of fruit I guess.


    Interesting, but a bit astringent as a perfume.


    ETA: Wait, I do get citrus here after it dries down more. It also seems to become a little generic somehow, like something I've smelled before. It's reminding me of Elizabeth Arden's Sunflowers.

  20. Alice stays quite true to her scent description - honeyed rose with carnation and bergamot.


    This goes a bit too soapy for me, and I'm just not in a rose mood today.


    It embodies little miss Alice quite nicely, though, I must say. I can see why so many people like her, I'm just not feelin' it though.


    Edit to add: I just tried a fresh-from-the-lab frimp, and the experience is a bit different. There's more of a musky, creamy feel to Alice than I remember - along the lines of Snow White and Dana O'Shea. It must be the milk note.


    I actually like this a lot more the second time around. Glad I gave it another chance!


    4 out of 5
