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Posts posted by grashopper8

  1. OOoooh! Hello Morocco!


    Yeah, I can see why this scent has so many fans. It's a warm, well-balanced perfume. I'm shocked to have experienced a carnation that I don't hate with a passion! Usually, the spicy pepper of carnation amps to smell just *bad* to me, but in Morocco, it adds a hint of spicy floral without ever going sharp or sour.


    This is what I was hoping Lush's Potion would smell like. (I hate Potion.)


    Sultry, yet clean somehow. This actually reminds me of Black Lace, I can't tell you why other than that my nose is pretty immature, and they just smell similar to me.


    I'll definitely keep my imp, Morocco is a winner!


    4.2 out of 5

  2. Ummmm...This is interesting, but not really something I want in my BPAL box as a wearable fragrance.


    It's got a weird nutty sweetness to it, hovering over herbal notes. It's an interesting combination, but it doesn't really suit me. I think I would like the walnut bark note better if it was complemented by something else - to my nose (which is not all that sophisticated), I feel like something's clashing here.


    It's more palatable when it dries down for a few minutes, but it's still weird to have foody notes combined with green herbal notes. I think that this is a fascinating scent, but it is a little over my head. Maybe someone with a bit more of an adventurous and discerning nose will love this more than I can.


    2.9 out of 5

  3. Ooohh, purdy pink color!


    This does smell incensey, indeed. It's a musky, sweet incense. I like it, but I have other BPAL incense blends that I like better, so I don't know if I'd ever wear this again.


    Very pleasant, smoky incense scent - if that's what you're hunting for, definitely don't miss Blood Pearl!


    3.7 out of 5

  4. Juicy red fruity scent with a wonderful roundess from the cream and sugar. A total winner! The cherries don't dominate rudely (something some people love, I know, but I just don't), and I think I'm smelling strawberry, also.


    It is wearing longer than I expected, as well. Bloody Mary smells just about how I was hoping it to, except a little better. Very wearable and fun! I like it.


    4.5 out of 5

  5. Whoof this is an intense blend!


    My skin amps spice like crazy, and my chemistry made no exception for Voodoo Queen. She started out dizzyingly spicy, and all I could really notice was clove. (I have no nose for spice, so my review is terribly ignorant in that sense.) After an hour or so, the resinous qualities came out more, but it was still really spicy. (why are you still reading this review? It's terrible, I can't describe what I'm smelling, totally out of my league with this one ; -)


    I can see why Voodoo Queen has such a cult following, especially for ladies who love dark, spicy scents. I think I will try to leverage my decant to swap for other rares, but I would definitely keep it if I wasn't on a noob-scent-quest-for-the-hard-to-get-BPALs.


    Not everyone can pull this off, it's fascinating.

  6. Jasmine and sandalwood is a classic fragrance combination, and it's a great success in Beth's blendy artistan hands.


    I'm a sucker for jasmine, so Peitho and I are fast friends. The woody undertones complement the almost-spicy jasmine note nicely, and give it a little edge.


    I like it, but it's a little headache-inducing up close. It's pretty, and overall pleasant. In terms of notes, I am not getting much sweetness or warmth here (I can't pick up on any vanilla or musk). Those creamy notes must be way in the background, but they're not rounding out the blend as much as I expected them to by reading the description.


    This is a nice jasmine scent, and I'm glad I got to try it, but I have other jasmines that I simply love more.


    3.8 out of 5

  7. Devil's Claw - If you've ever has the misfortune of smelling the scent of an ashtray full of cigarette butts that have been soaking in rainwater for several days -- that is what this smells like. On me, it's smoky, soggy, rank, and vile. I like scents that have a touch of gritty vetiver in them, but this one... well, suffice it to say, I must wash it off NOW!


    Hahahaha that's hilarious : -)


    I thought I liked vetiver until now, but this smells like vetiver with the afore-mentioned wet ashtray smell. It's like being on a damp porch on a cold, cloudy morning, smoking a cigarette with some guy you don't really like and who decided to douse himself in some nasty cologne, with the smell of those wet, stale butts in the air. (They're Parilament Lights.) Oh, and, that guy lit a lock of his hair on fire by accident the night before, and you can smell a hint of burnt hair.


    There's probably guys out there who would like this scent, but I hope I never have to smell any of them. I really just don't like this blend, sorry!


    1 out of 5

  8. I have to start out by saying I usually don't like cherry in perfume, and that's probably why I am not more ecstatic about Hollywood Babylon.


    Wet, this is red candies - a sweet cherry-strawberry. The heliotrope then begins to come forward, and adds an interesting foil to the fruit, it blends nicely.

    As it dries, the red musk and amber become more prominent, and the scent develops a Dragon's Blood quality. It certainly begins to smell incense-y.


    I agree with pensarepink about the strawberry incense - and, yes, such a thing does exist, and it smells almost exactly like this!


    Cherry-Strawberry-Vanilla Incense. It's strangely appealing.


    I like this scent, and if someone else was wearing it I would probably approach them and ask about their perfume. I usually hate cherry perfume, but in this blend, it's not quite as fake-smelling and childish. The musk, amber, and vanilla really round things out, and the heliotrope adds a nice hint of floral.


    I also have to say that Hollywood Babylon matches its scent description perfectly - girly red fruits being eclipsed by an emerging darker side, the scent of lost innocence and yielding to temptation. The longer I have this on, the more I like it.


    A few years ago, this would have suited me perfectly! However, the days when I wore a strawberry-vanilla perfume while partying in tapestry-draped dorm rooms, incense and pot smoke drifting in the air....those days are behind me now. (I really did wear a strawberry-vanilla oil, and I still have it. It's just too funny, this scent is so evocative!)


    I will hold on to this imp for the memories (as cloudy as they are hehe). I don't see a 5mL in my future, but it's a great scent.


    4.2 out of 5

  9. In the imp, this smells very balanced and interesting - the sweet orange citrus notes and delicate orange blossom blend into the patchouli quite well.


    On my skin, the scales teeter and then break, as the balance is overthrown by the patchouli. However, it is a wonderful-smelling patchouli.


    It reminds me of my old signature blend of Body Shop oils - 50% Woody Sandalwood, 50% Patchouli. Brings back great memories, but I already have a gallon of the Body Shop oils, so I don't have a need for Masquerade.


    I wish it smelled more like it did in the imp! Oh well. It's still a lovely scent.


    3.7 out of 5

  10. This is an incredible, delectable sandalwood blend. The red musk adds such an interesting softness, a great idea (rather than more commonplace sandalwood-vanilla blends).


    The woods are dry yet precious, and sweetened to an almost tobacco/incense quality.


    I can see myself wearing this, but if my man-bear put some on, he'd better frickin watch OUT, I'd totally be his sheep! I would say that Fenris Wolf is unisex in the sense that some sandalwood scents can be pulled off by either/or. I think he'd amp the rosewood and sandalwood, where I'd amp the red musk and amber a bit more.


    Sexy! :P


    4.3 out of 5

  11. This smells like Arbor Mist or something. :D


    It's nice in its own right, but the champagne note is a little too realistic. I feel like I spilled some bubbly on me, and I'm eating a strawberry candy.


    If you want strawberries and champagne, look no further. In my opinion, though, that whole idea sounds a lot more romantic than it smells! :P I will admit that it smells less icky to me after it dries down for a few minutes, but personally, this blend isn't making friends with me. (Maybe it's because I had Victoria's Secret Strawberries and Champagne in my bathroom for...how shall I put this...poop spray. I have to assume that factors in to my impression!)


    2 out of 5

  12. Ooooh, wow!


    I am really attracted to myrrh, despite the fact that it's a little loud for me to pull off....


    Anubis starts out warm and honeyed, and then gets deeper as the myrrh develops. It's a deep, resinous blend, very incensey.


    The herbs take a backseat to the resins with my chemistry.


    This is a dark, exotic scent. The honeyed softness makes it feminine enough to wear, but it's so intensely dark that I'm not sure if I would wear it again. It's an awesome scent, but doesn't seem to suit me personally....I will try it again at a different time of the month and see if it works any better.


    3.7 out of 5

  13. I expected this to smell a little different than it actually does.


    I've learned that plumeria can be hit or miss on me, and this blend is a miss.


    It's bright, clean, and fruity, but it's just not working. It's a little too fresh for my taste, but I can see how other people would love it as a perfume. It's okaaay, but it won't get any love from me.


    This is the first BPAL with pear in it that didn't turn into a 5mL consideration. Oh well, onto the next one!


    2.5 out of 5

  14. Wow, this is an intense floral....


    I am reminded first and foremost of Givency's Amarige. This is so similar to my nose, it's striking.


    Amarige tends to go a bit sour on me, but this doesn't quite go there.


    I think it smells like tuberose, really. It's attractive, but I'd have to be in quite a ravenous mood to pull it off.


    This is a likeable scent, but it's not quite "me."


    3.3 out of 5

  15. I get incense resin, citrus peel, spice/woods...


    There's a hint of something unpleasant in this blend, I think it's carnation - a note that I just don't jive with at all.


    This is earthy and spice rack-y, and is kind of masculine in my opinion.


    I don't really like it, though. It's just not doing it for me as a perfume.


    1.5 out of 5

  16. Umm.....


    This certainly is a strange one.


    I would agree that there's clove in here, for sure. Other than that, it's a mysterious blend.


    I can understand the mentions of chamomile, dandelion, sage, and resins. I am thinking frankincense or myrrh?


    In my opinion, it is a spicy masculine blend. It reminds me of the Sportive Sun, but sharper and spicier. I'm glad I got a chance to try it before it was discontinued, but I think I will pass the imp along for others to sample as well.


    2.5 out of 5

  17. This is YUMMIE! :P


    It reminds me a lot of Beaver Moon '05. I smell delectable vanilla buttercream frosting. I can't pick out berries at all (I have only touched on a dab), perhaps if I slather I'll get berries....


    For now, since it reminds me so much of delish BM '05, I'm going to be stingy with my decant (until I can get some more - maybe then I'll pour it on)!


    4.7 out of 5

  18. Yum! Fruity plumeria fun times!


    I was really excited to try the Yule '07 Noche Buena because of the plumeria. (And yes, that is totally because of Bath and Body Works. Sue me ; -) When I tried Noche Buena, the plumeria was so dominant and fresh that it was a little too high-pitched (so to speak) for my taste.


    Thalia is what I anticipated Noche Buena to be - a bright, sparkly, yet soft, plumeria blend. The clean fruitiness of the pear and champagne really round out the fresh floral, and it blends together into a happy little scent. I am getting a hint of light musk here as well.


    I'm finding out that every BPAL with pear in it is made of gold on me. (here's lookin' at Juliet, my favorite GC so far!)


    I am naive for wanting Noche Buena to smell like this, because for someone who wants a true plumeria scent, they should find it in Noche Buena.


    Thalia, however, is just glorious on me, and I totally love it! I knew I would, just from reading the description. I see a 5mL in my future : -) It's an energetic, cheerful blend.


    4.7 out of 5

  19. Lilac fougere, white musk, and leather accord.

    I got a half decant of this as a frimp from the Fantastic dpoulsen21 : -D

    At first, I smell a powdery lilac that is softened by the white musk. It takes a little bit for the leather to come out, and it is very subdued to my nose - I can't really smell it.

    This is mostly lilac and musk on me, and does not strike me as masculine, but after it's on for a few minutes, I can see how it can be interpreted as manly.

    A very interesting scent, although it is familiar enough for me to feel like I've smelled it before. Lilac fans should absolutely seek this out, it's soft and clean - not headachey, sharp, intense, or fake.

    4 out of 5

  20. (This review is for Midway: Resurrected.)

    I began by testing a drippy drop from the cap, and it smelled just like I had hoped - a sugary, yummy goodness, almost-caramel but not sickeningly so, almost-cake but not really....


    So then, I slathered the hell out of it, and only then did I catch a whiff of the "plasticky" business that people have mentioned. It's almost rubbery, actually. I can only smell it with my wrist in my face, and it fades and disappears completely within five minutes.


    Then, it's back to sweet, carnivalley goodness. I don't get funnel cake at all (sadly), but I get cotton candy and smooth, sugary yum-fest - yo yeah - morselized niblets of love. I also get the deep scent of candied apples, without really smelling the apples but for cryin' out loud this stuff is fun!!!


    It really does smell like a carnival. Not like a Six Flags park, but like a warm summer night at a rural fair, with soft yellow lights everywhere and the scent of warm, sticky goodies hanging lazily in the air.


    Midway is a decadent, fun-filled, sugary-sweet indulgence. It reminds me of the commercial perfume Pink Sugar, but 100x better (PS makes me ill, it's gross on me). I'm so so happy Beth resurrected it for BPALversary, it's freakin delish! My wrist is going to be chained to my nose for the day : -D


    Nom nom nom.


    Yes. Nom nom nom indeed.


    4.8 out of 5

  21. I find this to be a fruity scent. (?!)


    Wet, it's papaya and cucumber to my nose, with some other green freshness in the background. It smells like a juicy green smoothie. Honestly, I'd rather drink this than smell like it.


    As it dries, the fruit calms down a little bit, and it acquires an almost floral quality.


    A fruity, young scent - a little too fruity for me to hoarde, I think. I'm really amping the papaya, and I didn't expect that at all. This is reminding me a lot of the discontinued Victoria's Secret Tranquil Breezes, actually. I'm feeling a little waffley about Green Phoenix, I think it's pleasant but it's not love at first sniff for me.


    Ergh! I can't decide if I love this or not! It's sweeter than what I wanted it to be, I was hoping for something a little more green and grassy. It's quite pretty after it dries down, though, and it really is reminding me of the aforementioned VS:TB, one of my favorite nostalgic 'fumes. I will rock this in the springtime.


    3.9 out of 5

  22. Oh my Goodness! This is so pretty!


    On me, White Phoenix is a beautiful white musk scent backed up by soft, gentle white florals. The musk really stands out the most, with everything else in the background. I can't pick out any florals separately, because the bouquet is so well blended. It's pillowy soft!!!


    Any musk fans should try this one, it is so gorgeous!


    Akurarei, I have to second your comment about Snow White - I was hoping for SW to smell more like this on me.


    I'm so glad I have a 5mL!! This is my first BPAL musk lurve. It reminds me a little of China Musk.


    4.6 out of 5
