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Posts posted by grashopper8

  1. A sugary vanilla musk, with the same "cotton" note as Black Lace. This does smell a lot like Victoria's Secret Vanilla Lace to me, but I said the same about Dorian, so who knows with my nose....


    This certainly is sweet, but it's not cakey or buttery like many vanilla scents can be.


    I do think it's pretty; however, I like Black Lace a little more and will wear BL when i crave this kind of fragrance. If I had tried AL first, maybe I would have bought a 5mL, but since I have BL I don't feel the need to have a lighter, more innocent version.


    I see why there are so many fans of Antique Lace, because it is so easily enjoyable, soft, and pleasant. Glad I got to try it!


    4.2 out of 5

  2. Wet, this is sweetly piney from the cypress. The pine disappears almost instantly, and it quickly dries down into a powdery, sweet patchouli. The combination of fig, patchouli, and tonka bean is very interesting, and makes for a scent that's unique but still approachable - and somehow familiar.


    This would be a great fragrance for patchouli enthusiasts to try out, as it brings out a different edge to patch. The sweetness of the fig really complements the dryness and smokiness of the patchouli and the balance that is struck between creamy/sweet/fruity and woodsy/smoky creates almost a powdery scent.


    Fascinating. I don't need to keep it, because it's not really my style, but it's a well-executed, finely tuned perfume.


    4.1 out of 5

  3. I knew I would love this, and Surprise! :P


    Delicious red blend - it's Dragon's Blood without cloying smokiness, just smooth, juicy sweetness. There might be red fruits in here, I saw people mention cherry. And, the creamiest pretty gardenia, ooohh!


    As it dries, the sweetness mellows and the incense quality comes out a bit more. It's absolutely freakin gorgeous, I wish I could get more! Maybe I will try layering Dragon's Milk with some gardenia and cherry.


    However -

    The longer I have this on, I do have to echo sentiments that I wish the opening stage lasted longer. The juiciness and gardenia fade awfully fast, and all that lingers is faint incense and a hint of sandalwood. Not awful, but not what grabbed me in the beginning.

    It's like a flash of red hot passion and it's so good and so completely delectable and then all of a sudden - it's low-key and lazy. Nice, but not making-me-drool-good-times.


    The opening stage is a 4.8 out of 5, the dried-down scent is a 3 out of 5.

  4. Wow, another winner! I have reviewed like 6 new loves in a row the past few days, this is crazy!


    The combination of iris, white florals, gentle herbs, and the softest bass note of myrrh and sandalwood...it is just magical.

    Upon drydown, the florals die down somewhat and the sandalwood and myrrh take the stage. What a lovely morph! Simple and elegant and just makes me feel a little like royalty, myself. I miss the opening stage, but it's still really pretty.


    My dog just went nuts over the spot where I tested on my finger : -D She likes it, all sniffing and trying to lick it! Hehehe she's never done that before for BPAL (peanut butter maybe, but perfume?)


    Nefertiti is another perfectly balanced blend. Beth continues to amaze me. BPAL oils are all masterpieces of fine art!


    Did I say I'm a fan of this scent? Yeah? Good.


    4.3 out of 5

  5. I tend to like soapy florals, so after reading reviews, I had a good feeling about this oil.


    In the imp, it's reminding me a little of Eos and Bitch...it's herbal, and floral. Maybe lavender? Maybe not? Honeysuckle? Ylang-ylang? Urgh I have no clue, my nose is failing me.


    On my skin, it goes super-soapy, and ends up smelling a lot like a Plumeria Lei perfume oil that I got from Hawaii. Translation: aaahhhhhh mmmmmm.


    I know it's soapy, but it's also quite lovely, in my saponified-soul's opinion. I hope I don't have to test it for intent any time soon, but after an argument I will see if it helps get me out of "The Red." I think it's really soothing, and it smells like a morning type scent to me.


    4.2 out of 5

  6. Oh my goodness this is fantastic! :D


    The combination of cinnamon and myrrh is just delicious! It smells like cinnamon buns or snickerdoodle cookies, yes, but it's a touch more mysterious than that...I never get honeysuckle out of it, but I don't care, whatever its purpose is in this scent, it's serving it well without being too forward. My decant may be well-aged, as well, and if this is the case perhaps the honeysuckle fades over time.


    The sweet resins in this scent are just a hint woodsy (maybe the copal?), and as a whole this scent reminds me of that cult scent People of the Labyrinths Luctor et Emergo. Except that with POTL, I got wafts of Play-Doh and cherry, and Chimera does not do the Play-Doh thing at all :D Having said that, I bet that if Chimera was layered with a dark cherry, it would be even more fun!


    And, having read some reviews, I might try this layered with Snake Oil today. I hope I can get to work without passing out from scentctasy...


    I did not expect to like this blend, and I am more than pleasantly surprised....I will certainly hold on to my imp, and the possibility of a 5mL is looking good.


    !!!! :P !!!!


    5 out of 5


    ETA: I've worn this 3 days in a row so far. I never do that with perfume, I have too many things I want to try and I like variety. Chimera is changing me.....It's like a cinnamony Snake Oil with crack in it. Easily in my top 3. True Love!!!!!!!!

  7. Oh yes yes yes!


    This is a beautiful sweet mint tea scent! I love the hint of warm honey and the clean tea note.


    This is just gorgeous! If you like honey in your tea for a little treat, do NOT miss this scent!


    Embalming Fluid is a fresh, bright green tea; Gennivre is more low-key and drizzled with honey (but still a green scent).


    I will wear it in the spring and summer. My kind of tea! ; -)


    4.7 out of 5


    Edit to add: I finally got a 5mL because I love this scent, it grows on me more every time I wear it. Fresh and sweet and warm and green, I'm really taken!

  8. I definitely get a hint of grape from this, like what I got from Temple Viper.


    This is a sugary sweet blend, and the incense and florals really add something special to the sweetness. They're a little more in the background than I would prefer, though...


    This is just a tad too syrupy for my taste, but it is a pleasant and enjoyable perfume. I will pass my imp along, but I'm really happy I tried it! I bet it would be delicious aged.


    3.9 out of 5

  9. ? This is a light, gentle, Chloe Narcisse on me.


    Not what I expected at ALL!


    I was expecting pine sap, and instead I got cottony florals with a hint of musk. It's not bad, but it's a total surprise!


    This is a parfum blend - calling all ladies!


    It's not what I'm into right now, but it is very very pretty. Still shocked : -)


    3.8 out of 5

  10. This is a light, creamy, custardy, honeyed blend with a dusting of powdery white florals way in the background. It reminds me a little bit of Hony Mone, with less intensity and complexity (although it's not a flat scent by any means).


    There's a hint of sweet spice, and an almost almondy/coconutty tone.


    This is a very pretty scent! It's not quite "me," but I could see layering it with caramel and vanilla and making some creme brulee....


    There's something a little plasticky going on too...nothing overtly so, but I am reminded of playing with dolls as a kid.


    Seriously, if you like Hony Mone, grab a decant of Egg'd to try on.


    3.3 out of 5

  11. This is a masculine blend on my skin.


    I'm amping mostly the teakwood, benzion, and sandalwood.


    It's totally as a sexy man-fume, but not something I would choose for myself. This could also be worn by a woman who loves intense, woodsy, perfumey scents. For me, it's just too much....something....It's a little harsh to my nose, honestly.


    From the rave reviews, I'm sure I can find a loving home for my decant : -) Not my thing though


    2 out of 5

  12. Monster Bait: Tokyo Stomp smells like mint-chocolate cookies, but some people (including me) get a plastic note from it. For this reason, even though it's a Limited Edition, you may not have much trouble finding a sample.


    Good luck with your yum-yum search, and welcome to the forum!


    Edit to add: jinx on posting with maribouquet at almost the same time, and I would also recommend her suggestion - not having tried Penthus personally, but Bliss is chocolate brownie batter heaven, and layered with something minty, it would be a winner!

  13. Yes, this is delicious, and yes, I'm pissed that I like it : -)


    It's a perfect blend of sweet sandalwood, creamy vanilla, and an almost honeyed, mimosa-esque note that I'm assuming is saffron.


    Holy crap, I need more saffron. (I just Wikipedia'ed it, and it supposedly smells like honeyed hay/grasses.)


    Holy crap, I wish I didn't like this so much.


    If it wasn't limited, and if it wasn't a cult BPAL craze, I'd still try to get some more. I have to say, and I won't admit why I know this, but MB: Underpants dries down to a scent very similar to Hilary Duff With Love. :P (Except MB is fantastically superior, that goes without saying, right?)


    Underpants is more intense than I expected. I thought it would be more foody, and it's more of a woodsy, sweet, creamy floral. It's a scent that I would have to be in the mood for, I think.


    Very nice perfume, I'd like to see saffron again! Don't seek it out if you don't like sandalwood, though - maybe I'm amping it like crazy, but sandalwood is the primary note for me.


    4.7 out of 5

  14. Um, yeah.....YUMMAH YUMMAH YUMMAH want it in my TUMMAH TUMMAH TUMMAH

    Whoa, what just happened? I blacked out from scent-joy overload.... :P


    This totally smells just like eggnog in the imp. It needs a bit of slathering, but on my skin it turns to just creamy yummy foodie goodness. It loses a bit of the completeness that makes it smell like eggnog at the beginning, but it still ends up smelling "wicked frickin good."


    It does smell like vanilla cake batter, pensarepink!


    This is on par with Beaver Moon '05 and Monsterbait: Closet, in my book. Delicious! I wish the throw was a little stronger, but other than that, it's great. Nom nom nom! :D


    4.6 out of 5

  15. This is a very nice scent, and although it's not something that I would choose for myself, I can still appreciate why it has so much appeal.


    I get mostly lemon and green tea, and it makes for a scent that's super-fresh and soapy. It's reminding me of Elizabeth Arden's Green Tea, except (obviously) much nicer. It's a little too lemony for my taste when wet, but after a minute it smooths out and smells really pretty. I think the musk (which I can't really pick out unless I squint and concentrate) gives the blend a nice grounding.


    It's a little high up on the "zing" spectrum to be something that I'd reach for, but if someone else was wearing this I would be sniffing at them trying to be discreet about it. This is a BPAL that everyone should try on their skin, just to experience, and I understand why it's such a popular fragrance.


    4.2 out of 5

  16. the aquatics keep the flowers from being too twee.


    Haha I had to quote that because not only is it true, it's hilarious - I've never had a word for when florals go high-pitched, and now I have it and I may recycle it : -)


    In the imp, Lady of Shalott is more aquatic than I expected, and once it hits my skin, the fresh gardenia and gentle musk round it out a little. The ginger is there in the background adding a little extra sumfin-sumfin.

    This is a prime example of Beth's crazy ability to perfectly balance notes in her blends. It's not too floral (twee!), not too aquatic (zing!), not too green (for my taste, I should say)....It's fresh but not in the icky way department store 'fumes try to be.


    This is such a pretty, clean scent, and I love all the notes in it so it's no surprise. I love how it's complex yet pleasant and friendly as well. Very nice, I will wear this when I want something happy and bright (even though that's not what this scent was trying to evoke, it makes-a-me smile!)


    4.4 out of 5

  17. The blend of notes in Hungry Ghost Moon creates a crisp scent with quite a bit of complexity. The juxtaposition of citrus/spicy/herbal/woods (which is usually a complete scent on its own) with a swirl of warm vanilla sugar is very interesting and different.


    The bittersweet grapefruit complements the ginger very nicely as well.


    This experience fades fairly fast on my skin.


    I love the concept and the execution is fascinating. I can see how this is a 'love it or hate it' blend. I am somewhere in between, because although I appreciate the unique combination of notes, I am not craving it as a wearable perfume. Definitely glad I got the chance to try it, though!


    3.7 out of 5

  18. Blood Phoenix actually reminds me more of Mme. Moriarty than anything else. This is probably because of the red musk and juicy red fruit.


    It's a juicy incense-y scent, and I can pick out the mimosa floral if I concentrate really hard. It smells like grape or cherry candy when wet, but once it dries, the juciness becomes a little less distinctive because the other notes rise to blend in around it.


    It's an attractive scent, and juicy/fruity fans should definitely give it a sniff, especially because it's got more going on than just "grape" (which was what I had expected from reading reviews).


    Try this if you like Mme. Moriarty, Midnight Kiss, or Bloody Mary ~


    4.5 out of 5


    Edit to add: I slathered this on yesterday, and I was sniffing at my wrist the whole day! It's totally delicious. It's still reminding me of Mme. Moriarty - It's like Mme. without the patchouli, or Bloody Mary without the custard. I really really like it!

  19. I've been here for a few months now, and I've come to terms with the fact that I'm obsessed out of my BRAIN for Sleepy Moon!


    I also like Ode on Melancholy, New Orleans, Veil, Ultraviolet, and White Phoenix.


    And, I'm crazy-go-nuts about TAL White Light and Peace (they smell gorgeous and really make life better)!


    Notes I seem to like include lavender, opium, jasmine, violet, musk, gardenia....


    Any recs for more scents along these lines? I figure, give Beth some more money, you know, for the bibby and all.... :P


    Thanks in advance, lovies!

  20. In the imp, this smells like Snake Oil with a soft, non-astringent lemon swirl.


    On my skin, it morphs instantly! The lemon disappears, and it becomes tuberose creamed up with vanilla and coconut. The blend creates a scent that is very similar to Monyette Paris or Kai, which is to say, it smells just like tiare gardenia to me...just a bit more mysterious and darkly alluring (although I wouldn't classify this as a "dark" scent, it's a creamy floral).


    It's gorgeous!


    4.3 out of 5

  21. This scent is num-num-nummy, but it smells a lot like Gingerbread Poppet on me. It doesn't make me think of Brach's Candy Corn at all, and that was what I was pining for....

    It's a tasty foody scent, a sweet and spicy treat. I just wish it smelled more like those little niblets of diabetes!


    3.5 out of 5
