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Posts posted by grashopper8

  1. There is something almost citrusy in the background but it isn't citrus at the same time. A hint of floral sort of wafts around in the background but becomes more pronounced the longer I have it on.


    I agree with this totally! It's very fresh and unique. The sharpness of the freshness makes me think of men's cologne, so I agree with the aftershave comment above, too. It's nice and clean.


    I'm not likely to wear this again, but fresh/aquatic/citrus lovers should give it a shot.


    4.2 out of 5

  2. It's okay, a fresh, floral vanilla. However, I am getting hints of the powdery, plastic vanilla that others have mentioned. I should say that Love's Philosophy didn't work on me, either.


    Shame, because Opuhi smells yummy in the decant!


    2.8 out of 5

  3. Overall, I think this scent is pretty, but it is a little soapy, even for me. The notes listed don't include fruit, but there seems to be a slight tropical-fruity undertone that doesn't come from any of the listed notes. This scent smells a lot more like Bath and Body Works Plumeria than the BPAL yule blend, Noche Buena. Noche was very fresh and almost green, and Tupapau is softer and rounder and more of a pink scent. I liked it throughout the day, but it didn't wow me as something I would wear again.


    4.1 out of 5

  4. Loooooove it love it love it love it love it :P


    I'm all over this one.


    It smells like lush, dreamy gardenia, but with other gorgeous notes that defy recognition by me. It must be the tropical orchid and light incense that goes so perfectly with the gardenia. I can't even say how lovely this is on me! It's in my scent locket, too, and I've been loving every waft.


    Gardenia is one of my favorite notes, so I'm not surprised that I'm gushing over Marae, but it surpassed my expectations. I can't wait to get my next lab order together!!


    ETA: 5 out of 5, for sure.


    ETA: Marae has become one of my favorite fragrances ever. I am so in love with this sweet, fruity gardenia blend - I feel like a tropical island princess every time I wear it! I hope 2 bottles is enough to last me!

  5. In the imp, it smells like white wine, almost a bit medicinal, like Cherry NyQuil or something (ew!)


    Total skin morpher, though! Like all BPALs, it has to be on the skin to develop its actual scent.


    Fairy Wine dries down to the notes listed exactly - berryish currant wine, with a strong sweetness enhanced by the pale, subtle white honey, and the fresh, greenish dandelion adds a hint of a green/herbal note.


    When I opened the imp and smelled it wet, I wasn't too excited, but after testing a drop on my skin, it's more agreeable.


    It's a bit too fruity, sweet, and well, bright to be something I wear regularly, but I'm glad I tried it!


    3.8 out of 5

  6. Warm, sexy, spicy, musky, incensy, floral.... I agree with the comparisons to Gypsy Queen, and therefore have a strong desire to buy and age a bottle of Mama-Ji for my very own. I will review further after a day of slathery goodness.


    Edit: I slathered Mama-Ji on yesterday, plus I put it in my scent locket. Although it was an intriguing scent in its quality, it was waaaay too intense for my liking. Even at the end of the day, I was still not feelin' it. It is mainly spices with a creamy musk, but I really do hate carnation, and I suspect that there's a great deal of carnation going on here.


    Not for me, spice and carnation seekers should sample her, though.


    3 out of 5

  7. Anactoria is gorgeous!!!!


    There's a gentle hint of light honey, a sweet/incensey musk, a swirl of berry....It's addictively sexy and deep while being subtle and sly at the same time.


    I understand the Black Lace connection, inurbanus - I think it's the deep musk note.


    Damn it, now I have to seek out a bottle! :D Hope I can find one!


    5 out of 5


    Edit to add: I found a bottle, and I am soooo happy that I did! This scent is just a cloud of gold when I wear it. It's the perfect scent to anoint my Clockwork locket with, it is golden musky honeyed love! :P :D

  8. This is a lovely, powdery, musky floral on me. I am not sensing any patchouli whatsoever, and strangely, the combination of neroli and ylang ylang smells like violet to me.


    It's really pretty, I'll hang on to the imp for sure. Not big-bottle need for me, because it reminds me of stuff that I already have.


    4.2 out of 5


    Edit to add: Dang it, I already reviewed this!! Well, this is my second try with a different imp which may be more/less aged than my first imp. This time around, it smells like soapy, floral incense. The patchouli is not dominant, but I can sense it in the way that it deepens the florals into smelling incensey. I don't smell violet at all this time around; rather, just soapy dominating floral (oleander?) with the faintest hint of fresh neroli and creamy ylang-ylang. Not that excited about this; I would give it a 3.2 out of 5 the second time around.

  9. This is even more interesting than I anticipated!


    Sugar Moon seems pretty hit or miss by reading the reviews, but I'm not quite sure how I feel about it, personally. It's just odd to have that warm browned-sugar note alongside cool violet and rose, as well as woody mahogany, and those berries....


    It ends up coming together nicely at the end, albeit a bit 'cologney' smelling. It's not as tame or sweet as I thought it would be by smelling it wet. The drydown smells like sweetened florals, with some curious backing from the cool berry leaf and grounding mahogany.


    You know, it comes off smelling kind of masculine on me, actually!


    I am not sure if I need my 5mL, but I will give it some more love before I decide.


    3.5 out of 5

  10. WOW I am shocked by how impressed I am by this scent!!! Thanks for the frimp, sookster, I think you've enabled me towards bottle-dom with this one! :P


    I can pick out the jasmine, but other than that, The Caterpillar is well-blended as a silky floral/incense. It's absolutely divine to me, it's got some of my favorite florals (jasmine and neroli), and the carnation is even working here, which is a note I usually avoid. I think it's the casually mentioned "incense" note that's winning my heart. It's just incredible!


    I can't imagine living without more. This is the first Wonderland scent that's had me swooning for 5mL, I can't wait to make my next lab order!


    4.9 out of 5

  11. :P I thought I would love this because I'm a myrrh-loving psycho, but it's just not hitting me the right way.


    I think it might be the 'smoke' note, it was unexpecedly vetiver-esque to me. Also, Chimera is one of my favorite BPALs, so I'm not that excited to have cinnamon without sweetness (you know, sugar and spice and everything nice....)


    The more it dries down, the more palatable it becomes to me, but there's still something about it that comes off as harsh. Maybe it's just my chemistry, I dunno. Not for me.


    2 out of 5

  12. I didn't have high hopes for this one because I was worried about the "dry/dust" note, but I absolutely Love it!


    I'm going to slather today to test it out better, but right now it's a soft, lusty opium/tobacco/incensey blend. It's like taking the red musk and juiciness out of Mme. Moriarty, and you're left with a resinous, intoxicating perfume.


    It's kind of sweet for a man's scent, but that's just my picky opinion.


    Gorgeous! I see a bottle in my future.


    4.8 out of 5

  13. To me, Frederic is a classic men's blend, and I can't say much more than that because I don't have much of a nose for masculine notes.


    I gave it to my boyfriend, and he wore it for a day, but wasn't really a fan. Not a keeper for us, unfortunately.


    2 out of 5

  14. This smells like a light vanilla, patch/sandalwood, and coconut to me. I'm willing to bet that none of those notes are actual components, but that's just what my nose is saying.


    It's very attractive, I definitely see where it got the fan following. It's actually pretty sexy, I think.


    4.4 out of 5

  15. Awww cute!!! :P


    This is a fun fruity floral. Those of you who loved cucumber-melon scents as a young'un should give this a try as an adult. It's a happy, fresh melon alight with springy dewdrops and cheerful flower petals. It's not a single-note fruit scent, but the melon does seem to take the stage for me. I was expecting a clusterf*** of crazy notes, but this is finely blended and just smells pretty.


    It's not a bottle-need for me, but I do like it, and can see it appealing very strongly to fruity-floral lovers.


    3.7 out of 5

  16. Wet, Luperci smells like honeyed musk with an edge of spice. It starts to dry down and the piney juniper berry comes forward. The patchouli doesn't dominate, it's nicely balanced - the juniper is a very interesting foil for the earthy note. The oakmoss adds a nice herbal/green undertone. This is really like looking at fine art in a museum, I'm struck by the way these notes play off eachother. It works quite nicely. I don't think I'd use a whole bottle, but I like it.


    3.8 out of 5

  17. I also get the herbal incense vibe, but I'm not picking up much in the way of violet. There is a resinous honeyed note that makes me think of maple syrup, not sure if it's the ambrette or the frankincense or what the heck it could be....


    Parentalia is pleasant as well as unique. I'm not completely taken, but it's not bad.


    3.2 out of 5

  18. MMMMmmmmm, and it stays just gorgeous! I slathered in the morning, and it was on my clothes (which prologned the hang-time), but I have to say that this is my favorite of the Lupercalia update. It may not be for everyone, but to my nose it's pure heaven!!!!!!


    I can't believe I haven't tried this until now. Gorgeous! I can't even describe my euphoria. Perhaps someday I'll be able to articulate my infatuation.....for now, *huffff* mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


    5 out of 5


    Slightly fruity, heady incense, with an absolutely perfect accompaniment of white florals. Thank you Beth!

  19. This scent has several notes that I recognize, and because of this, it's a symphony for my brain!


    Mainly I get the pine/juniper note, but it is finely balanced with bright tropical plumeria, fresh dewy rose and bergamot, soft jasmine and lily of the valley, and a light swirl of creamy vanilla.


    I'd classify this as a fresh floral as a whole, but I can pick out every note if I focus on it, and it's as fascinating as it is beautiful.


    Diggin' it....I'm screwed if I wear this for a day and get hooked, I'm BPAL broke as it is.... :P


    4.6 out of 5

  20. I am obsessed with this! It is a decant that I chose last-minute from my circle, and I'm beyond happy that I sprung at the chance to try it.


    Sapphics is a dark, resinous blend, and Amber + Myrrh pretty much says it all. But the subtle balsam, along with the creamy tonka, makes a fascinating incense blend.


    Take all that, and combine it with Lily of the Valley (muguet), which grew at my childhood home, and you had me at hello. Absolutely divine....


    More more more more more!


    I think I will buy 2 bottles, just to be sure.


    If this smells like a department store, please tell me which scent, as I'd be genuinely curious to sample those as well.


    4.8 out of 5

  21. This is a soapy floral, but for me, that means luuurve. In this instance, I am mainly preoccupied with the harmony of rose and grapefruit, and as the tiny drop on my finger evolves, I am more and more impressed. This perfume plays out a lot like very expensive rose niche perfumes out there right now, and should be sought out by all whom are interested in such a possibility.


    The grapefruit flashes in the pan before it fades away, which might disappoint some, but the light hint of citrus zest that remains is quite perfecly balanced. The jasmine peeks out with a shyness and complimentary meekness that I've not seen often, especially in a BPAL blend, and it's fantastically equilibrated.


    This is a gorgeous rose blend, with all the right hints of sweetness and a swirl of jasmine to tame it down. Damned if I don't want more....


    4.6 out of 5

  22. You know, as springy and happy and dewy and fresh-floral as this is, all I can think of is Elizabeth Arden's Sunflowers. I bet I'd love it otherwise, but I already have the scent association (and a mini bottle, for nostalgia purposes), so I'm not ultra-psyched here.


    3.2 out of 5 (it's still nice, just a bit common)

  23. I was looking forward to this scent quite a bit, and I have to say that it's everything I expected.


    Which is to say - Love It!


    Narcissus, violet, and lavender! Yes please, thank you, I'll have some more. Add a touch (not overwhelming top note, I'm talking gentle wispy touch) of balsam and you've got me under the covers. Maybe for fun, now that I'm all relaxed and chill....Maybe I just fall into a restful, dreamy sleep.


    I think I need summah.




    4.7 out of 5

  24. Whew mama! This scent is all dark side!


    Smut is definitely musky, with the red musk most noticeable to me. The sweet sugar thickens the smoky throw even more. There is also a touch of almost....tobacco or patchouli or something, it's got a hint of woodiness that makes it dirty.


    It's very intense, I'm guessing it could be a powerful sex-magnet type of scent but I have yet to test it out (the man will be home soon, I'll have to see if he likes)!


    Maybe I just don't have a nose for it, but I am not smelling booze. I don't think.


    The longer I have it on, the more I like it. I may have to dive at a bottle last-minute....

  25. I am PM'ing you because the Lupercalia blends are coming down soon, and I just got to try this:


    Her Voice smells exactly like walking into a florist's shop to me, completely 100% spot-on. It warms up into a more honeyed scent once it's on, but in the imp (and if slathered) it has the cool, dewy, fresh-cut flowers scent that you're describing. Just wanted you to know, because your florist thread was the first thing I thought of when I smelled this scent! It's gorgeous :P
