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Posts posted by grashopper8

  1. Ridiculously attractive!!! :P


    I have to review this scent in respect to Glowing Vulva at Ryogoku Bridge due to my less-experienced nose, so please accept my apologies for the constant comparisons in the following review:


    Antikythera Mechanism has similarities to Glowing Vulva, but it definitely stands alone. The combination of notes in AM gives the teak an almost citrusy quality, like a zing in the note. It does start out smelling a little masculine, but I am betting that it will mellow out into something creamier and more feminine as it dries down. (I couldn't wait until that point to start gushing!)


    The woods dominate more in this scent than they do in Glowing Vulva. The Vanilla doesn't cream up Antikythera the way the Amber and Cream smoothed out Glowing Vulva. Also, I keep getting wafts of a citrusy/aquatic quality that is not in Glowing Vulva.


    The teak note is definitely the tie that binds these scents together, with AM being sharper and woodsier, and GV being smoother and creamier. I can understand how people are saying that AM smells masculine, but I think the ladies can pull it off just as well, and would call it a unisex blend.


    I was undecided as to whether I want a 5mL, because I have one of Glowing Vulva already, and I'm thinking that I like GV better on me because it is more feminine. I don't know if I'd wear Antikythera Mechanism if I already have something I like just a little bit more, ya know? However, I am in love with the idea of the Antikythera Mechanism itself, and this scent embodies it fabulously! Also, it just smells better and better the longer I have it on, and I genuinely love it. I think it's worth getting, because not only is it delightful, this is also the kind of scent that ages into Orgasmic Mode.


    5mL purchase for meeee!


    4.8 out of 5 (I predict this rating will increase with aging)

  2. I prefer to wear scents that compliment the rain, because I always smell citrus or cologne in scents that are supposed to smell like rain, and I've never smelled a scent that actually smelled anything like it.


    I wear either Blue Moon, White Moon, or Black Moon when it's raining out. It makes me celebrate the weather rather than feeling gloomy about it!



    An understated, feminine, skin-hovering scent.


    There's some citrusy-ginger tea overlaying a soft, lightly musky floral. The florals are really just delicately lovely!!! Black locust blossoms just bloomed here a week ago, and it was the most beautiful scent I've ever smelled. I can't say that I smell the locust flowers outright, but there's something soft and lovely swirling around in here and I love it.


    Overall, it's a very pretty scent that gets better and better as it dries down and the citrusy/gingery note fades a little.


    I'm obsessed with it just knowing that there's black locust as a note. It's heady and creamy but light and discreet, it's floral but citrusy, it's fresh but smooth. Perfectly balanced, and incredibly attractive. It smells like pure innocence.


    Once my swapping and purchasing all lands in my mailbox, I'll have acquired 5 bottles. Can you say LURVE :P ?


    5.0 out of 5

  4. A light-hearted, powdery amber with a swirl of aquatic fruit.


    It takes amber and gives it a green hue.


    Very fun, and strangely attractive and sexy!


    Unique. Not in the way that I expected from the list of notes, but it gives exactly the "confusing, contrary" impression that Beth intends, while being balanced and beautiful at the same time. A winner!


    A must-try for amber fans, this is a prime example of the finest quality.


    4.5 out of 5

  5. Wet, it fits the description perfectly! Green, herbal scent, with a lurking fresh true-to-life berry.


    As it dries down, the berry note steps out in front and drowns out all of the supporting cast in one loud screech.


    I guess there is an herbal undertone, and perhaps this dried-down stage is what the scent is meant to smell like. However, I really loved the scent before it had a chance to morph. Once it dries down, it is just too fruity for me.


    This would be a great scent for younger girls, or for people just getting their feet wet in BPAL who are drawn to fruity commercial perfumes.


    3 out of 5

  6. In the imp, this smells like tart, strong cherry.


    On the skin, it morphs to red musk with a hint of sweet cherry candy. I don't smell anise at all, and I'm kinda bummed because I like anise.


    It's almost Red Musk Single Note on me. Sweet, warm, sexy. Simple.


    3.8 out of 5

  7. Black Lotus has both myrrh and amber in it and it dries down to such an amazing scent on my skin. I too was trying to figure out what that scent was so I could get other BPAL's with that same note/s. I wonder if it is the mix of the myrrh and amber or if it is just one of those notes that I really like. I can only describe that the note I like is a sweet, almost sweet tart, powdery note. Does anyone know which note it could be? The myrrh or the amber? Thanks!


    I haven't tried Black Lotus yet, either (gotta toss it on the wishlist), but I'm guessing that the "note" that you are attracted to is the result of the blending of several, if not all, of the notes. The powderiness and some of the sweetness is most likely from the amber, and the 'sweet tart' note is almost surely from the lotus, which (some people say) smells like candy.


    Myrrh smells like sweet, resinous, almost powdery incense.

    Sandalwood smells like sweet woodsy awesomeness, and is very distinctive. Hard for me to describe.


    Black Lotus sounds freakin awesome, and now I want to try it, too! :P

  8. Wet, Catherine smells like sharp neroli, like bitter orange rind.


    It takes a couple of minutes to sink in, but it softens into more gentle orange blossom after a short drydown.


    At that point, the rose arrives, swirling in harmony with the orange blossom and smelling pretty and sophisticated. However, at this 5-minute stage, it becomes very soapy.


    After it mellows little longer (10 min total), I am also picking up on the soft incense note that others have mentioned. The soapy edge calms down and makes way for the powdery final stage. It smells absolutely lovely at this point, I'm glad I kept it on long enough to get there! Very feminine, it makes me feel like wearing a delicate sundress.


    I was wary at first, but the longer it's on, the better it gets, and the more I like it. I think I'll be holding on to this imp, it may become a favorite! :P


    4.4 out of 5

  9. This is for Haunted Palace '07.


    Woah, this is one of those scents where I can smell every note!!


    At first, it's musky, rosy amber, and I can smell gardenia, and vanilla, and....


    ....and then, it quickly morphs to smell like incense. Specifically, myrrh.


    I don't know if it's the combination of notes that cause this effect, or if there's myrrh in the blend and it's not listed as a note, but it just doesn't love me like it did when it was wet. It ends up smelling very simple, plain, and flat on my skin.


    Cursed chemistry!! This started out so awesome! :P


    3 out of 5

  10. This scent does not use the same kind of jasmine that I've found disappointing in other BPAL blends. It is not the sharp, piercing type of jasmine; it's the smooth, heady, dewy, fresh blossom.


    However, the jasmine note is not a dominant force, as others have pointed out. For this reason, I was pretty bummed out the first time I sampled it, because (good) jasmine is one of my favorite notes.


    The second time I tried it, I kept more of an open mind. I had the scent description in front of me as a guide as it wafted up to me, ready for examination.


    Jasmine Cottage is a beautiful symphony of wildflowers and herbs and greenery. I can pick up notes as I focus on them, including freesia, orange blossom, wisteria, and heather. As a whole, they blend together to create a happy, sunshiney flower garden. This is a joyful blend, and would be perfect on a fresh, bright spring day.


    I like it a lot, but it's raining out today, so I'm going to save the full-on-slather test for nicer weather.


    4.3 out of 5

  11. A very soft, feminine floral blend. The rose and the lily balance one another perfectly, as if they're on a fine-tipped fulcrum, and the effect is interesting. I think I am also picking up on faint white musk, and there is something strangely aquatic about this blend, although I can't put a finger on what is creating that quality.


    I wouldn't reach for this to wear because it's not to my taste, but I appreciate it and find it pleasant nonetheless. For pretty, romantic girls.


    3.8 out of 5

  12. This is a soft, soapy herbal floral. The lavender in this blend is not sharp, piercing, or medicinal at all. It blends with the other notes in such a way that it becomes a background note. The orchid is actually more prominent than the rose, in my opinion. I can't say that I'm even picking up on any rose. The musk and frankincense also play in to soften the edges of the floral/herbal notes.


    I can see why some people would love this blend. However, my personal overall impression is that it smells too soapy and ordinary on my skin.


    3.3 out of 5

  13. I'm stealing all of these recs, by the way....


    Succubus smells like green, sharp neroli in the imp, but it is one of the most morphy BPALs ever - it immediately changes into a lovely soft floral as soon as it hits my skin. It's absolutely lovely, a must-try for a neroli/orange blossom seeker!!


    Succubus is one of my favorite GCs, I really don't wear it often enough. Now I want to get home for some slathery goodness!

  14. When I opened the imp and smelled the warm myrrh, I got excited and slathered the wand on my wrist, something I don't typically do without confirming true lurve with a drop-on-the-finger test.





    Looking at the notes, I fully expected to be blown away, but I'm actually not digging the narcissus here at all. It smells spicy rather than powdery, and reminds me of carnation, which I totally hate. Also, the opium isn't resinous, it's floral like in Opium Poppy, and I'm bummed.


    And stinky. Gotta get this off....


    Not for me.



    2.4 out of 5

  15. Hmm, this is almost too sophisticated for me. It reminds me of classical commercial perfumes, but it doesn't stoop that low - it's still got BPAL class to it, don't get me wrong.


    An interesting sweetness emanates from the copal and tonka, which nicely balances out the old-ladyish florals, which I'm not wild about.


    I could see this working very well on some people, but it's outside of my range.


    3.5 out of 5

  16. oh WOW, this is unexpectedly wonderful!!


    Anyone who likes Anactoria absolutely must try Hellfire. It has the same gorgeous honeyed amber musk, just Addictively Perfect!!


    I can also smell the leather, which actually is working very nicely. The tobacco, I'm not picking out quite as much, but it's there, adding depth to an already deep scent.


    Gorgeous golden musk, I love it!!


    4.6 out of 5

  17. Wow, what an interesting scent!


    Wet, the lavender is potent and dominant.


    Immediately upon skin contact, it morphs into something completely different!!


    It's a resinous scent with a lovely contrasting creamy woodiness from the sandalwood, and a swirl of sweet tobacco. An expertly blended work of art, and I'm very impressed that it's this nice on me. Not too sweet, not too woodsy, not cloying, not sharp. Just pleasant. I would love to wear this on a snowy winter night, nestled cozily indoors, near a stone hearth with a crackling fire blazing....sipping on a fine scotch. Mmmmmmmmm.....can't wait for winter!


    4.5 out of 5

  18. I can smell musk, dragon's blood, tobacco, and ginger. I can not detect cinnamon or pepper.


    This is a glorious, resinous, distinctively BPAL, yum-yum-yo-yeah scent. It has a masculine feel to it, but it's also smooth and warm and welcoming, without the sharpness that I sometimes associate with classically male blends.


    My overall impression is of a soft incense. It's lovely.


    Dragon's Blood fans will love the sweetness of the resin to be complemented by musky tobacco and a hint of spicy ginger. A winner!


    4.3 out of 5

  19. :P I'm not getting the same experience as those of you who love this scent. I smell a soft, unremarkable floral jumble, with no tea, mint, or red currant.

    I'm sad, because after reading some of the reviews, it should be high up on my list of lurve. Sadly, none of the good stuff is coming out on me. My encounter with The East matches that of soonyi.


    Bummer! Off to try some more BPAL....


    3.2 out of 5

  20. Asian pear, white musk, bamboo pulp, violet, ambergris, sugar cane, night-blooming jasmine, plum, freesia, and moss.

    Peacocks is a nice scent, but for my taste, it's a little too sweet and fruity, along the lines of Cheshire Moon, Sugar Moon, and fresh Juliet (although Peacocks is a different scent altogether).

    Wet: The first impression is that it's heavy on the pear. There almost seems to be a hint of citrus, but this may be from the dominant pear note. I can't seem to pick up on the rest of the listed notes, as the fresh fruit note is right up front, along with the sweet sugar cane.

    After a few minutes: Now I'm starting to pick up on the freesia, and maybe some other notes, which give the sweet pear an herbal/floral background. In fact, now I'm reminded of Singing Moon.

    Overall: It's a pleasant scent, but a bit too much fruit to be something that I'd reach for (I'm not all that drawn to fruity scents, they really have to blow me away to impress me). I'm also disappointed that I never picked out jasmine, violet, or musk.

    3.8 out of 5

  21. The pinnacle of wealth, luxury, self-indulgent pleasure, voluptuousness and sensuality. Bright violet with sweet clove, Mediterranean incense notes and tonka bean.

    This smells like violet and Dragon's Blood on me. It's absolutely to die for, I totally love it! A must-try for those of you who are open to both powdery florals and creamy resins. It does have great lasting power.


    4.7 out of 5

  22. Yeah, I have to agree that there's something *else* going on here that differentiates Wensleydale from Dirty. There's a hint of sweetness....whether it's gardenia, sweet pea, pear, or what have you, I'm not sure what it is (or even if it's fruit or sweet floral). It's just an immaculately clean scent, heh.


    I liked but didn't lurve Dirty, as it's outside of my range of scent categories to obsess over. However, Wensleydale is encouraging me to make an exception.


    I would say that it's more feminine than unisex on me, but that's mainly due to the sweet note wafting through the clean soapy cotton. After wearing it for a few minutes, I am also getting the slightest hint of the fairest, palest musk.


    I was going to wear Snake Oil today, but now I feel like smelling bright, fresh, and clean all day. I chose it over Snake Oil! :D


    !!A Winner!!




    4.6 out of 5

  23. The sweet, woody, and leathery notes combine to smell like a soft, creamy sandalwood on me. It's a lovely scent, not too overpowering, and decidedly not exactly masculine with my chemistry.


    Unfortunately, after about an hour or so, it starts to smell plasticky. It was a promising start, but just didn't end up working out. :P


    3.5 out of 5

  24. A soft, light scent. I do get "banana" when I concentrate on it, but I don't think I would have thought of that on my own : -)


    I don't smell sandalwood at all. This is not an incensey scent like I expected; rather, it's a sweet and understated scent. It's kind of hard to describe because it's so mellow.


    I see above that this blend apparently has lotus in it, which has a candyish, bubblegum fragrance. I can't say for myself because I've never smelled any lotus-dominated scents, but maybe that's what makes people say banana...?


    It's so faint, I will have to try it out sometime when I just want to do some meditation or centering.


    3.8 out of 5


    Edit to add: Hmm, some of the older reviews say that the oil is a deep golden brown color. My imp is a light, clear oil, almost completely colorless. I wonder if that's why I don't smell any sandalwood?

  25. This smells medicinal. Wet, it's more intensely sharp and pungent than it is dry. It starts out strongly minty/menthol, and as it dries down, a lavender note comes out. Once it's dried down more, it just smells faintly of mint until it disappears.


    I can see why this might help with headaches. It's not perfume to me, though.


    2.5 out of 5
