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Everything posted by grashopper8

  1. grashopper8

    Velvet Tiki

    To me, the coconut in this scent smells like green coconut, which has a much different feel than sticky-sweet-suntan-lotion coconut. It's less pungent, and has a freshness at the edge of its creamy heart. It's AWESOME. I can't even say how much I love this note. Beautiful! For the first hour or two, the pineapple and other tropical fruit notes give Velvet Tiki a fun twist - again, not too sweet or overbearing. It's subtle and yummeh. I don't get much in the way of frangipani or vanilla. I can definitely smell the orchids though. They have a rose-like quality to them, but thankfully the usually-too-sharp-freshness that orchids can have is perfectly tempered by the creamy notes, making the orchids a perfect juxtaposition to keep the scent from being one-dimensional. After the fragrance has been on for a few hours, I was able to single out a strong white musk note. I think. Velvet Tiki is luscious and wonderful. The green coconut is especially divine and I totally love it! I got a compliment on my 'nice perfume' from a stranger today, and that was awesome : -) Thanks Beth!! 4.6 out of 5
  2. Duuuuude check out how much that $#!+ goes for on ebay! It's unbelievable! If you ever need a couple bucks and you're not attached to that bottle, throw it up for bids and you'll get money for it, even if it is half used : -) Let me know how Earth Rat and Green Phoenix is!
  3. grashopper8

    Chaos Theory V: Recursive Self Similarity v4

    LIII I am not the sharpest, keenest sniffer when it comes to fruits, but I think that my Snake Oil Chaos Theory is mainly Pineapple. (Maybe? So hard to say! Passion Fruit? Mango? Argh!) It's like Pina Colada/tropical fruit yummies layered over the awesome, sexy perfection that is Snake Oil. I am really enjoying it! This works surprisingly well on me.
  4. grashopper8

    Flowering Chrysanthemums

    This is a soft, clean, white-smelling musky floral on me. The musk note reminds me of Anactoria, an almost honeyed musk, and the florals are soapy - maybe a hint of rose in there?? It is pleasant, I do like it. I'm not wowed, or tempted to buy a bottle, but it's fine to wear for today.
  5. grashopper8


    Morpho is a strongly scented rose blend on me. I can pick out the jasmine if I concentrate, and I think I get a hint of honeyed sweetness every now and again, but mostly all I smell is rose. I'm mostly reminded of Somnus and Oneroi, just without the lavender. It's a nice rose, but I hardly ever wear rose scents, and when I have a craving I have Libra 07 to turn to.
  6. grashopper8

    Rappaccini's Greenhouse Atmospheric Spray v2

    Thank you GRR for the sample of this that you sent to me!! This is a freshly green scent without being too grassy or plant-y (you know what I mean?). I think I get some cucumber, which is refreshing and lovely. Very nice, I'm curious to see if this gets released! I think it would be quite popular.
  7. grashopper8


    Epistrophia starts out as a lovely floral blend, with the crisp scent of orchid complemented by the heady sweetness of ylang ylang and the soft, fresh violet. Unfortunately for me, my skin burns off the ylang ylang within minutes and the complexity of the scent disappears. It becomes a rather ordinary orchid scent. Lovers of orchid perfume will love this, but it's a little too orchid for me. My experience mirrors savage_rose.
  8. grashopper8

    Lovers with Rutting Cats

    Lovers with Rutting Cats is almost a dead-on replication of Red Lantern with my chemistry. It's got the same sickeningly sweet smoky caramel tone. It's a bit too intense for me, I'd have to be in a serious mood to choose it as my perfume for the day. Today's not that day, so my perfume is clashing with my emotions. : -) I'm not a big fan.
  9. grashopper8

    Lovers in a Ricefield

    Gorgeous!!! A lovely sweet floral. The plum blossom reminds me of a sweet gardenia note. I am enjoying every breath of this fragrance. Love! Try this if you like: Tamamo-no-Mae, Marae, Mad Kate
  10. grashopper8

    Couple Consulting an Enpon

    My decant of this is sickeningly-sweet, overpowering berry. I don't get any of the other notes - not a whiff of orange blossom or mint or anything interesting. Just a strong, unpleasant, overly fruity scent that reminds me of Bath and Body Works stuff. If it weren't for the awesome bottle art, I'd recommend this scent for teenage girls. Not working on me, though, I'm afraid. Good thing there's so many other Shungas to love!
  11. grashopper8


    Soapy, lightly sweetened fresh floral. Reminds me of the soapiness of Dirty and Wensleydale. I can't pick up on the honey note, it's very understated and more of a supporting role than a detectable presence. Pleasant, but not amazing on me. : -)
  12. grashopper8


    Hilarious -- apparently, Makhanitis is a chameleon that smells like a different BPAL to most that have reviewed her so far. For me, I am reminded of Madame Moriarty, Bloody Mary, and Midnight Kiss. The red, juicy, fruity yum-yum-yum in the higher register of this blend just evoke those scents for me. The sandalwood, I find to be a bit sharp and dry. It comes out and pretty much just competes with the moist, luscious fruits on me, and I don't especially enjoy the competition (although I'm sure it might be nicer on others who don't amp woods like me). Just doesn't blend. After a few hours, the dryness of the sandalwood fades, and I am reminded of Smut - there's a haze of sweet, dark musk on my skin, and it's smooth and sexy.
  13. grashopper8


    This is magical!!!!! It's the heady, deep. juicy-yet-sophisticated wine-grape note from Dungeon atmosphere spray (RIP), with pear-sweetened rose and soft vanilla. I absolutely adore this scent, and will be buying a full-size bottle without a doubt. The rose is particularly magnificent, it is perfectly sweetened by the fruit notes but the scent overall completely avoids becoming sweet or cloying. It's just perfect. In fact, I'll most likely buy 2 bottles. Just Gorgeous! I am also quite shocked that this scent hasn't gotten more love. Perhaps not enough of you have tried it yet!!! When I order my bottles I'll pimp out my decant appropriately ; -) My favorite from the new update, by far!
  14. grashopper8

    Man With Phallus Head

    The sweet musk in this scent reminds me of Anactoria, and also the Cathouse room spray. It's powdery, soft, deep, and sweet. After a few hours, I swear I smell rose on my collar where I accidentally slathered some of the oil. It's nice, though - again, soft, sweet, and smooth. Very nice, although it's similar enough to Anactoria on me to hold me back from getting a full bottle.
  15. grashopper8

    An Unusual Situation

    He might like Bliss, it's a General Catalogue scent, and it smells like warm, fresh-baked ooey gooey chocolate brownies!! mmmmmm... Also, Shub-Niggurath smells like delicious gingerbread! And Sugar Cookie is also amazingly yummy, and it's a pretty easy Limited Edition scent to find since it comes around every Christmas.
  16. grashopper8

    Lilies & Lily of the Valley

    Just wanted to make sure you noticed this - it will help you expand upon your search!
  17. grashopper8


    I remember Red Lantern as being dark and sludgey....
  18. grashopper8

    Pumpkin V (2008)

    First off, I smell berries and red musk. The hint of frankincense and fig makes perfect sense along with the cranberry, and makes this blend smell very festive. The carnation comes out in full force after a minute, and I don't like carnation. However, it definitely fits the cranberry-frankincense-red musk vibe, and ends up blending in very well. It also calms down as quickly as it flares up (with my chemistry, anyway). Then, I can detect the faintest hint of rose hip and rose. It's barely there, a supporting note. This is a great holiday scent, but it's unique enough to wear any time of year. It's by far my favorite of the 08 Patch!!
  19. grashopper8

    Pumpkin IV (2008)

    This starts out with a light, fresh, green note, which I think is my nose interpreting the white sage and pine. After a minute, the honey blasts forward and the pumpkin comes out. It's wonderful! I can smell cherry tobacco if I really concentrate, but it's blending in and it's not that noticeable. I wish there was more of it, I would love that note! This blend is interesting because it has so many notes that are heavy and creamy and warm, but those are balanced with some intangible coolness that keeps it from becoming foody or deep. I'm intrigued.
  20. grashopper8

    Pumpkin III (2008)

    Whoa, weird! Combining a warm pumpkin note with the bright, citrusy notes and coolness of mint....it's odd.... The pumpkin note fades into the background pretty quickly, this is a grapefruit blend. Now I can smell the green lemon verbena and lime notes. This is really weird - like Lyrical was saying, the pumpkin and citrus don't blend, they co-exist. A standout in the Pumpkin Patch this year, although I don't know if I would really choose to wear it. I just don't reach for citrus perfume often. But I think this would be a scent lots of people would be drawn to. After a little while all I can think of is Froot Loops. : -)
  21. grashopper8

    Wolf Moon 2007

    High-pitched pine and cold florals, juxtaposed with deep warm notes, mainly amber, with tonka and musk. A strong dose of dry precious woods as well. The sharper, colder notes burn off my skin pretty quickly, except for the pine sap. This dries down to a woody, musky amber. It's enjoyable, but a little intense. Cedar really amps on me, and it dominates this blend with my chemistry. 3.4 out of 5
  22. grashopper8

    Cake, cookies, donuts, baked goods, even Cinnabon

    CHIMERA. I assume you are already planning on trying this. If it's not musky enough, just layer it with a bit of musk and voila, you'll be alllll set!
  23. grashopper8

    Orange Blossom and Neroli Recs

    I would recommend Succubus, one-and-only. It starts out with a sharp, bitter orange-peel note (that's the neroli), but after a few seconds on the skin it magically transforms into a completely different scent. It's a soft, sweet, fresh, beautiful orange blossom. One of my nostalgic BPAL favorites!
  24. grashopper8


    Bubblegummy and floral and sweet and ethereal and meditative and beautiful. After a dry-down, there is a hint of cedar/pencil shavings that I think may be due to the bottle being almost 5 years old, and half-empty. (read: may have gone "off" slightly.) Barely noticeable, but I'm mentioning it anyhow. I really really love this, and will give it a very warm home.
  25. grashopper8


    A strange combination that I'm not really feelin', sorry : -( I get a weird stale peanut-butter vibe from this, as well.