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BPAL Madness!

Tal Shachar

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Status Updates posted by Tal Shachar

  1. Somebody give me a hug. :(

  2. Somebody made a fan video for the Tudors using St Thomas More cut to "My Immortal". I don't even.

  3. Spring starts when a heartbeat's pounding, and when a weeny -10 windchill feels like THE FUCKING DEVIL. #90snostalgia #workout

  4. Thank God I have my phone so I can tell the internet that my internet is down. Frowny face.

  5. Thanks for sitting down with me uninvited at the cafeteria and sharing your thoughts about who in the class is a "troublemaker", I definitely wasn't busy reading or eating or anything!

  6. These are the most genial movers ever.

  7. This can of sparkling orange juice cost $3.41 and right now it is my only friend. #airtravelsucks

  8. This can of sparkling orange juice cost $3.41 and right now it is my only friend. #airtravelsucks #fb

  9. This claaaass please kill me. I think it's sucking knowledge OUT of my head rather than the reverse.

  10. This week I faced my greatest fear twice: I returned phone calls to people I don't know very well. (Okay I do have greater fears than those but THE PHONE the phone is a frightening thing.) And I was rewarded by the phone gods who blessed me by giving me voicemail both times. BALL'S IN YOUR COURT NOW, SUCKERS.

  11. Today in Algonquin malapropisms and mistakes: William the Lionheart conquered England in 1066, apparently.

  12. Train station. I've always loved this one's embankment full of summer weeds and halfgrown trees. http://yfrog.com/h89zyurj

  13. Train ticket to Dorval, minibus to Trudeau, sleep 6 hours at airport, plane stopping at Minneapolis and Las Vegas, then Salt Lake & C.

  14. Twitchy and nauseated from overcaffeination over the course of an all-nighter. It has made me unreasonably excited about property relationships in parking lots. I want to TELL THE WORLD.

  15. Under intense, neutral light, I can actually detect faint tanlines--on my feet, from my sandals. This is the only tan I've ever had.

  16. Vegas is strange. There are slots right in the terminal, man! I saw palm trees! There is no grass!

  17. Watching #Hannibal - Sorbet on @hulu http://t.co/4RPdIvzXBi This show is entrancing.

  18. whassup, incredibly loud Hydro truck outside while I'm trying to sleep. you good? kids okay? awesome.

  19. When did I start actually liking these crappy California rolls in the cafeteria? And why am I paying $5.99 for them? #fuguestate
