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BPAL Madness!

Tal Shachar

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Status Updates posted by Tal Shachar

  1. Legal accounting. What I wouldn't give to be sitting in a lecture on Cicero or Kant instead. (Maybe not Kant.)

  2. Algonquin surprised me by calling and telling me I got into the intensive program after all. So I am now going to be an INTENSE law clerk student. Also everyone needs to stop offering me free furniture (no they don't).

  3. Apartment: mostly acquired. View: the Experimental Farm. (Non-Ottawans are free to imagine that it contains radioactive supercows.) Also in my possession: the fucking flu or something. Tomorrow: that Caravaggio exhibit is ALL FO' ME.

  4. Somebody give me a hug. :(

  5. Being the only passenger on a Greyhound feels rather luxurious if your standards are low (mine are).


    #ebz Fallen London's newspapers take pleasure in mocking the radical scientific theories of the d... http://fallenlondon.com/c/1324590



    #ebz Oh gather round me bully boys And I'll zing you a zong Of the windless waveless sunless Ze... http://fallenlondon.com/c/1321574



    #ebz You can study many things at the University of London. The Department of Cryptozoology studi... http://fallenlondon.com/c/1317795


  9. Algonquin, I appreciate you accepting me for the 2-year program and giving me no answer about the intensive (since I can't login to your stellar website). This means I get to give you an extra $1600 and take several courses in "Communications" and "Artistic Expression." I needed these! You can tell from my transcript, which details my 7 years in Canada's Ivy League. Fuck you very much, Alex. xo

  10. Thank God I have my phone so I can tell the internet that my internet is down. Frowny face.

  11. romantic accident: wearing open-toed sandals, I managed to step on a cut branch from a rosebush and prick the tip of my toe. It bled a lot--have I offended Aphrodite or the BVM or what?

  12. Under intense, neutral light, I can actually detect faint tanlines--on my feet, from my sandals. This is the only tan I've ever had.

  13. Achievement unlocked: got my damn transcripts, experienced joys of root canal.


    #ebz A haunt of poets, prostitutes and other low types, and location of the notorious Singing Man... http://fallenlondon.com/c/1224215


  15. guess who needs a root canal! and has not been prescribed anything but motrin for the pain! brb buying heroin off the street. (not really, police spies who read FB. just a little joke with you!)

  16. Just a heads-up: if I removed you, it's because I've fallen out of the habit of playing games and right now I feel like I'd rather keep my FB friends limited to people I've interacted with. Peace out. (If we did interact and I removed you anyway it's because I'm an idiot, please forgive me.)

  17. On the flight to NYC, other people's interpretations of "carry-on" luggage differ vastly from my own. Also lots of broad accents.

  18. I flew from Montreal to Salt Lake City and boy are my arms tired! No, really, they are. I carried a way overstuffed carryon and my seats were all really cramped. But I'm with C and very happy.

  19. Vegas is strange. There are slots right in the terminal, man! I saw palm trees! There is no grass!

  20. In Minneapolis. Been mostly awake for 24hrs. No appetite. I crave only the golden horses of the sun.

  21. This can of sparkling orange juice cost $3.41 and right now it is my only friend. #airtravelsucks #fb

  22. This can of sparkling orange juice cost $3.41 and right now it is my only friend. #airtravelsucks

  23. guess who got picked for a random extra security scan? ME that is who.
