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BPAL Madness!

Tal Shachar

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Status Updates posted by Tal Shachar


    #ebz A haunt of poets, prostitutes and other low types, and location of the notorious Singing Man... http://fallenlondon.com/c/1224215



    #ebz Fallen London's newspapers take pleasure in mocking the radical scientific theories of the d... http://fallenlondon.com/c/1324590



    #ebz Oh gather round me bully boys And I'll zing you a zong Of the windless waveless sunless Ze... http://fallenlondon.com/c/1321574



    #ebz You can study many things at the University of London. The Department of Cryptozoology studi... http://fallenlondon.com/c/1317795



    http://t.co/weGzdd0w My reading of my favourite Gerard Manley Hopkins poem, for C.

  6. "I like porn set in castles. The girls are classier, cleaner." If Un Prophete hadn't already won me over it did with that line.

  7. 4 of 5 stars to Going Postal by Mark Ames http://t.co/ZIHOrEBBQM

  8. 4 of 5 stars to The Exile by Mark Ames http://t.co/T8dF9fQW0H

  9. Achievement Unlocked: earned enough to pay for the professional license on my natal chart software.

  10. Achievement unlocked: got my damn transcripts, experienced joys of root canal.

  11. Algonquin surprised me by calling and telling me I got into the intensive program after all. So I am now going to be an INTENSE law clerk student. Also everyone needs to stop offering me free furniture (no they don't).

  12. Algonquin, I appreciate you accepting me for the 2-year program and giving me no answer about the intensive (since I can't login to your stellar website). This means I get to give you an extra $1600 and take several courses in "Communications" and "Artistic Expression." I needed these! You can tell from my transcript, which details my 7 years in Canada's Ivy League. Fuck you very much, Alex. xo

  13. Apartment: mostly acquired. View: the Experimental Farm. (Non-Ottawans are free to imagine that it contains radioactive supercows.) Also in my possession: the fucking flu or something. Tomorrow: that Caravaggio exhibit is ALL FO' ME.

  14. As you can see, that app is just an automated flattery machine. I know this because similar programs using real algorithms have already told me I look like Peter Sellers.

  15. At La Sauvagine for dinner. Salad middling, wine and service pretty awesome. Will let you know about the venison in maple syrup.

  16. at the Fuller Building downtown trying to time my entry for exactly fifteen minutes early.

  17. Bad news: jurisprudence test in a few minutes! Good news: it's open-book! Bad news: I forgot the book! #imanidiot

  18. Be thou my vision! Had a job interview at an optician's today. Cautiously optimistic, and I learned that apparently some people think it's okay to haggle over frames? Really? They asked what I would say if someone tried to do that and I had to not reply that I would say "Dude, no...no, that's not a thing." (I said something about competitive prices instead.) So like, if it ever occurred to you to say "I'll give you fifty" at an optician's shop, don't do that.

  19. Being the only passenger on a Greyhound feels rather luxurious if your standards are low (mine are).

  20. Best thing about this accounting assignment was the careful attention paid to a law clerk's billable hours on the timesheet. $65/hr, so get my ill-informed opinions and thankless Google scutwork while it's free, guys.

  21. Birthday wishes were deeply appreciated; thank you, all. I have a stack of books that arrived with unexpected efficiency and timeliness from Amazon, mirabile dictu. And if Camie Schaefer and Erin Rogers were the ones who sent me a shiny pretty from my wishlist then thank you so much! (If it was Clare Moss in a fugue state, she doesn't remember.) Saving the birthday wine for Friday.

  22. Bros, Romans, countrymen, thank you for the birthday wishes. My 29th birthday (and the Feast of the Presentation of the Virgin) was spent browsing the bookstores and doing nothing in particular. I picked up the Penguin hardcover of Hound of the Baskervilles and Robertson Davies's book of pompous ghost stories.

  23. Depressing election. If Stephen Harper ruins my wedding plans I will personally curbstomp him (by metaphorical means in the form of a satirical sonnet, of course).

  24. Foggy morning. All the prettiness of rain with none of the mess. http://t.co/ujv4eZfI
