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Posts posted by heathercaley

  1. Now I know what brimstone smells like. It smells like an exotic vacation filled with dark vanilla and bay rum somewhere in the better parts of bpal purgatory. It's spicy, like Morocco (as others have noted) but definitely it's darker more sinister twin. Filled with love I am. I wish that I hadn't been so dumb to not have purchased this when it came out. I understand now why it's sought after.


    verdict: Morocco's been bad. Very bad.

  2. Red Moon 07!!! Based on your favorite blends, you'd probably like Red Moon. I also love Falling leaf Moon. That one is a total winner this year. You might also enjoy Wolf Moon, Raven Moon, or even Harvest Moon (06 was the best IMO) Another nice moon is Buck Moon (but good luck on finding that bottle). I hope you find your moon!! My moon is Buck Moon (and I'm a red musk lover). :D

  3. I Loveeeeeeeeeeeee this!!! :lovestruck:


    I'm not usually a foodie girl, but I had a strong feeling that based on reviews, that I would love this. I was right. It's total love.


    In the bottle, it's chocolate. But never fear foodie haters!! Once applied, everything will change.



    Once I apply, the chocolate is still there, but the incense and salty sweetness take over almost immediately. It's not milky sweet chocolate either. It's more like a cocoa. The dark incense making it something that you don't want to nom on. It makes you want to inhale your arm though.


    I bet that as the incense ages, that this will be one of my top 10 favorites. Easily.


    The throw is decent, and pretty dern good!


    Verdict? Ebil chocolate!! Ebillllll!!!!

  4. Once applied, I get vanilla, like Antique Lace. It's lovely and feminine.


    Once it starts to dry down, the leather pops through. This is what I wanted Liz to smell like (blast those florals!!) I can smell a bit of the leather in the background. The moss isn't very prominent. If it's there, it's probably playing a supporting role to the leather.


    No clay, or any dirt really. The tonka is naturally sweet on it's own, so it's blending in with the vanilla perfectly.


    Overall, this is a beautiful vanilla leather blend. For those of you who wanted Liz to be less flowers, more vanilla and leather... this is for you!!


    Throw is moderate.


    I love it!



    Verdict? Liz and Antique lace's younger sister ;)

  5. I'm so very excited for Candles Moon!


    Once applied, I get a blast of milky cool beeswax-y berries. Sounds weird right? Totally not...


    The milk lends itself to a creaminess that isn't foody. It's sweet and soft. Very feminine. The beeswax creates just a touch of honey sweetness, without being too sugary. It's mellow and smooth. The berries add a certain charm, and create a brightness mirrored by the honey from the beeswax. The snow is represented as a slight minty coolness, but not at all ozoney or harsh. It's just beautiful!


    The throw is moderate, and it's a cool creamy honey scent from afar.


    I'm in love... :wub:


    verdict? Too beautiful for a witty remark.

  6. This is just beautiful!! It's such a huge jump from my usual dark and scary bottles that I hoard like crazy. I've been dying to try HGM for ages. Vanilla/ginger/rice wine/sandalwood sounds like notes of total win for me.


    Once applied, I melt. I simply melt. I'm really loving this.


    It's slightly refreshing with a touch of citrus, and the sugar ginger candy is spicing it up just a touch. It's not sugary sweet at all, and the woods are super soft. The musks aren't too crazy either. The aloe is really beautiful in this.. really making it juicy.


    When it dries down, the musks and woody grapefruit are all that is left behind, but it's beautiful!!!



    Verdict? Not that traditional grapefruit breakfast eaten by Frances "Baby" Houseman‎'s mom toward the end of Dirty Dancing.

  7. oooo! Surprising!!


    Fig and date are usually "Meh" on me. They have the same effect as almonds. But this is different!! It's sweet, but the black herbs add a darkness that calms the fig and date down... keeping them from becoming too meaty. Instead, I'm picking up a dark and smokey, yet sweet and somewhat juicy blend. The meatiness is at a minimum and kind of hiding itself behind the herbs coattails. It's earthy and dark, yet not "dirty".


    As it dries down, the herbal note really picks up and gains some strength. It's going a little bit mossy, but not dirty at all. It's spices, but not bright and shiny spices, it's dark and sexual almost.


    I can see a bunch of women gyrating on bull shaped statues, glistening in the warm torchlight during a wild party.


    Loveeeeeee it!



    Verdict? totally not a fig newton.

  8. First off, let me start by saying that I love red musk, anise, and cherry. I was excited to try this bad girl out.


    Freshly applied, it's freaking NyQuil! NO NO NO! Don't dooo this to meeee!! It's all anise! The red musk adds a deep darkness, almost like the booze found in NyQuil. Almost herbaly.


    Salvation though friends! As it dries down, the anise totally calms down and allows the red musk to come through in it's all powerful sexy glory. The cherry is almost absent on me, only lending itself a brightness that compliments the red musk, and sweetens it up.


    Once dry, it stays about the same as it was on the drydown.. sweet red musk, with a bit of anise poking around the nether regions. I love it, but I don't think that I'll need a bottle, as the imp should be enough for me. ;)


    Verdict? The sniffling sneezing sexy head medicine that'll get you laid by your manbeast.

  9. I received a decant of this recently, and I was so very excited to get to try this!


    Once applied, I can immediately pick up the green balsam note. It's a little bit on the grassy side, and grass and I aren't the greatest of friends. Grass likes to give me headaches.


    Behind the grass, I can smell all the yummy spices and vanilla, and the earthy dust motes flying around. It really is that grassy balsam note which is killing it for me!


    Even as it dries down, and the balsam settles a little bit, I can still smell it. Even though it isn't powerful, it's a suggestive note. It conjures up the scent of grass, which then makes my nose wrinkle a little. I want to like it, and I even LOVE the background notes. The vanilla note is beautiful. Very wispy and fresh, almost like Antique Lace, Dorian, and Black Lace... but then the balsam kills me. I'm glad to have my decant, but I don't think that I will be needing a bottle :( I wanted to like this.

  10. I never thought to give this a chance, as foodies are "meh" on me. However, I received a decant of this in a swap and tried it on. I was blown away. I ADORE IT!


    Once applied, sugary sweet blackberry jam pops up and attacks my face. Makes me HUNGRY. The scones part of the deal isn't too bready at all. It's almost just a sweet cookie quality without being too dry. The winning note is the blackberry jam. It's sweet and candylike. It's not a fresh fruity blackberry note, it really is blackberry jam. Me encanta!

  11. :peep:


    At first when I put it on, I got a blast of clean freshly bleached bathtub. It's not unpleasant, but it was weird for sure. It has a touch of citrus. And the after smell of bleach cleaner after you've washed your hands. I don't know if I like this so much. :( My skin made it go all wonky and stuff. I wish it had the fizzy champagne note that everybody else smells.

  12. Huh interesting. I don't really get nuts in mine! It might have a nutty edge to it, but it's sweet and sugary and a touch fruity or even floral on me!!


    The sugar is effervescent, but is not in any way like pop rocks. It's warm, and sweet and almost caramelized (but in no way "caramel"). There's maybe a "cookie" quality to this, but it isn't a cookie. It's more of a hard candy to me. I love it!!


    I wish I could pinpoint the sugary coated fruit note that I'm getting. It's a thick meaty fruit for sure. Smells brownish red.


    As it dries down, a floral note really comes forward, but the scent as a whole doesn't lose any of it's amazingness. The effervescence dies down a little, but it stays sweet.


    The throw is moderate to strong.


    I love it!!


    Verdict? Unique and beautiful!

  13. When first applied, the slightly resiny orange pops forward. It's not a juicy sweet orange, it's almost the essence of orange added to a resiny base. I can also pick up a little bit of the clove. It's almost like the smell of a flavored clove cigarette (before you light it of course). The resin note smells like it could hold a trace of vetiver maybe? It's earthy for sure. If it is vetiver, it isn't an insane amount. It's just a touch smokey.


    As it dries down, the orange note pops forward and becomes a little bit more citrusy! YAY! I love orange notes.


    It doesn't morph crazily. It pretty much stays the same from wet to dry down. The only difference is that the orange note pops forward more when dry, which I believe should = win fo shiz. The throw is pretty good too!!



    This is beautiful. I'm glad to have had an opportunity to test it!!


    Verdict? An "Orange Julius" original sounds yummy right about now. :yum:

  14. Hmmm... I think I may have found my favorite Inquisition!


    I LOVE this!!


    It's sweet and fruity, with a little touch of orange flower (which truthfully smells like Flowers growing in oranges!) With a little bit of spices and earth mingling around. I wouldn't have thought that out of all of the inquisitions, that this would smell the best for me. I was a bit fearful of the orange flower note, only because Orange blossom smells rancid on me. This is different.


    As it dries down, the floral aspect of the orange flower calms down and the currant livens it up a little bit.


    Once it's dry, the clove and leather are now the forerunners!


    This is one morphing perfume. I'll need much more of this winner!




    Verdict: Orange you glad I didn't say banana?

  15. Just like all the other Inquisitions, I love this one too!!


    Once applied, I smell sugary grape scented spicy florals. It's lovely and innocent, with just a spicy kick. Carnation is one of my favorite floral note. It isn't too strong in this blend, but just apparent enough to give it some beautiful spice.


    As it starts to dry down, the sugars start to dissapear, leaving behind white grape. It's definitely white.. could almost mistake it for a different type of fruit. Purple grape has a more distinctive grape smell about it, and this is not purple at all.


    It's pretty dry now, and what is left is white grapes and carnations. It's beautiful =)


    Verdict? Not your kool-aid brand!

  16. Once I applied this, I smell an incensy cocoa.


    I walked away and let it dry for a good twenty minutes and the cocoa has faded. It left behind a fantastic dark and sweet scent on my arm.



    There's tobacco for sure mingling its way around the dirty moss. This is a resin lovers dream! The cocoa is still present, but just enough to lend itself to sweetening up all the many manly notes. The coconut isn't a juicy coconut. It's different from many other coconut notes that the lab releases. It's also lending the blend a sweetening aspect.


    The throw is medium and it's so nice. I love this one too!!



    Verdict? Sometimes you feel like a nut.

  17. At first, when I applied this, I smelled the sweet smell of sugarless strawberry bubblegum!!


    Yummy and juicy. It makes me want to chew on three pieces at once to blow a huge sugary bubble.


    As it dries down, the strawberry calms down a little bit. The mimosa really blends in well with the strawberry note. I can hardly discern one note from the next. Very nice for those who want a strawberry note that is soft and not too sugary.


    The throw is medium to low.. but leaning more towards low as it dries down.



    Verdict? Strawberry shortcake wished that she smelled this hot!

  18. Marshmallow bubblegum? :huh:


    I really don't mind it, but that was the first impression that I received. Now that it's dried up a little bit, I can pick out more of the different notes. Tea, and honey are slightly apparent. It's sweet, but not too sugary. An innocent and lovely perfume. No lettuce yet, but the marshmallow is reminiscent of cotton string. I can really picture it.


    The throw is medium. I love it!


    Verdict? Marshamee flavored tea!

  19. Dood seriously... every single inquisition scent has been amazingly made of win!


    I LOVE this one! I can really pinpoint a lot of the notes in this one.


    Once applied, I smell yummy cucumber, coconut, redwood AND teak. The sage is making it green and herbal, the tonka is sweetening it up. It's uni-sexual and the throw is medium. I bet this would smell amazing on the man as well; mainly because of the redwood. Redwood isn't a note that I usually like, but I will take an exception on this one ;)


    Verdict? Bath and Body works aint got nuffin on this cucumber scent!

  20. Deliciousssssssssssssssss!


    Holy cow this smells divine. Once applied, it's a blast of minty freshness. The kind of mint you get when you chew on a piece of sweet mint gum. Yummy!


    Once it starts to dry down, the mintyness doesn't lose itself at all, but there's a faint trace of vanilla laced anise popping through. And now I smell something a tad boozy. It isn't insanely boozy, but just a lil bit.


    The throw is medium, not too strong at all; just enough to smell sweet minty herbal yummyness. I love it!


    Verdict? the best tasting drink on a Saturday night

  21. Woooooweee!


    It took me awhile before I decided to bend and give into the Sub temptation. For one, I am not a foodie person at all and the prospect of ginger cookies didn't sound too appealing. However, after I tested it at WCWC, I decided that I might indeed like Shub.


    As soon as I received my bottle (aged just slightly) I applied it and holy mother it's beautiful! I am happy to report no cookies on my arm, just delicious ginger and spices!!


    As it starts to dry down, I can smell other things. Like lemon verbena :huh: ? I dunno but I like it!! What a match those two make!!


    On my neck it's ginger and lemon, but what is interesting is that on my wrist, it's amber and spices with ginger... really weird! This is one temperamental perfume, and I bet that the more it's aged, the more temperamental it becomes!


    I love it!!


    Verdict? Beautiful!!!!!!!


  22. YumYumYUM!!!


    I'm really liking this!


    Once applied, it's sweet ginger candy with effervescence! Pretty straight forward.


    As it dries down, the effervescence calms down a bit, and the blend as a whole sweetens up a little bit. It becomes ginger musk instead of ginger ale.


    It's a little close to the skin, and the throw isn't too strong, but I am able to catch tiny whiffs of it every now and then.


    Verdict? delicious and nutritious.. tastes just like chicken!

  23. This is interesting, but actually a little pleasant.


    I'm finding that I enjoy licorice notes more and more. Once applied I get a coconut flavored licorice! YUM! The bay rum adds a lovely cologne feel that kind of just hovers in the background.


    It sticks rather close to the skin, with a light throw... but when I sniff myself I love it.


    Verdict? Twizzlers would make a fortune if they made this flavor!

  24. I'm liking this one a lot!


    Once applied, I'm getting a deep dark menacing amber with cognac in the background making it manly, but only a touch. Even though one of the main notes happens to be cognac, I must say that this doesn't come off as very boozy which = win in my book! Booze are notes of doom on me.


    As it dries down the amber settles in to dominate. It's on the verge of powder, but not quite.


    Dry.. it's turning into a slightly powdery amber with traces of cognac in the background. It's still beautiful though. I bet this will age into something amazing!


    I'll treasure my lil baby decant for sure.


    verdict? Mrow!!!

  25. This is so pretty!


    Once applied, I get creamy soft and sweet plummy vanilla musk with a touch of soft sugared rose. The rose is very slight, which is a miracle because I amp rose like whoa! In this one, the rose is just a background note binding the plum, and vanilla. I kind of wish that I had purchased a big bottle of this, but as it is, I will love my little baby portion decant forever. It's really growing on me big time!


    Verdict? om nyom nyom nyom!! :yum:
