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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by heathercaley

  1. In the bottle i smell cotton and the drowning of sorrows in booze.


    Wet, it's more sharp.. so far on my skin its a floral clean smelling cotton with a hint of something underneath. Kind of like when you wash a shirt and bring it out of the dryer and it still has the smell from the perfume you were wearing previously (I LOVE it when that happens.. Please.. stain my cloths with a yummy scent.. I don't mind!) <~~ That is me begging oils to mark their territory.


    When it drys down I get babypowder. Not bad. I smell nice. Its like the mix of cotton and incense makes it babypowder like. Very soft though. I smell very clean.


    A bit later its wayyyy more sharp. The cotton has amped up big time. Its very bright and warm though. Not Physically warm.. just very warm reminensent. Mmmm the incense is finally coming out of shy-ville.


    Just lovely!!! :P

  2. I got frimped from the lab!! Thank you I was DYING to try this.. and viola!! Thar she be!!


    In the bottle: Sweet sweet dark grapes and smoke


    Wet: Like someone spit out some gum into a grape, dropped it onto the ground and smooshed it into the dirt. (And I like it!!)


    Dry: Ohhhh yummm.. sweet sweet earth and incensey grapes. I reacently purchased some grape incense and this smells like it. I loveeeee it!!!! I want a bottle.. NOW!!!

  3. o..m...effin...g...


    At first.. its sweet foody.. and I scrunch my nose and all (im not a really foody person) and I ignore it for about 20 minutes. Then I wipe my nose cause it itches and Im all like "whats that?" I look around.. no i didn't light my super hit incense...oh wow.. it can't be...*sniff sniff* But it isssss!! Sooooo yummy incense. If ONLY I had an incense that can smell this way.. I can't keep my sniffer away from my sniffy. Im in Lurrrve!!! Thank you Beth!!! This has got to be one of the best incense scents I've gotten. It's honey sweet sticky incense and abso-lovely yummy!

  4. I went double duty on my costume. My husband was Jack the Ripper so I was a modern day 18th century upper class..ahem.. "call girl" but people couldn't figure me out so I was demoted to a charactor in Harry Potter that wasn't written in the books or the movie by some kid. He said I looked like a chamber maid from Harry Potter. :D but I looked hot so I didn't care. I wore a mix of Hellion and Saw Scaled Viper and omg.... :P I was tryin to sniff myself but I dabbed the most of it in my boozies so it was a bit difficult. :D

  5. I went on a bpal sniffing binge and forgot how much I love this.. I used to wear it all the fricken time, but during the summer the initial burn would last a bit longer than in the colder months. The first couple of minutes after you put it on I get a super sweet spicyness, almost too much, but you just have to sit back and wait for the drydown. After it starts its dry down, you're sitting there and all of the sudden your skin tingles and starts to warm up and sting a bit.. but wait! It stops and OMG I smell Sooooooo good. So warm and cinnimon sweet and you roll your eyes and declare that you smell better than any other girl in a 10 mile radius. And a bonus...It lasts forever!

  6. Oh yum.. this is amazing. My husband said I smell like a headshop and I said "SERIOUSLY!! Yessss!!" I got a decant a while back but decided to drag it out after going on a bpal smelling binge. I smell soft and sweet, you can totally smell the snake oil underneath the champaca flower. I love everything with Champaca flower. It makes me feel so calm, and for some reason, I wanna hug a tree! It's not the sweetness of a foody vanilla, its like your holding a bottle of snake oil to your nose while burning nag champa incense in the background. So yummy!!



    I went straight to ebay.. and whaddya know.. theres a bottle for grabs! I hope i win.

  7. MARSHAMEE!! ohhh yummm. For me the first sniffy was a soft sweet yum. It wasn't too sugary which is why I say soft. After dabblin it just a bit on my wrist and sniffin', I almost noticed a slight musky quality to it? More than just sugar sweet good. Wayyy deep down really. It was almost like a slight salty quality? kind of like how you add salt to some sweet baked goods.. it just gave it a little oomph. Maybe thats my chemistry though. Salt does amp up the sweetness. But its soooo goood.. No playdough, all sweet and sugar! :P

  8. This is the first scent I purchased, and I cannot believe that I never wrote just how much I LOVE this scent.. omg.. I have been hording this since I bought it and have used it sparingly.. I wore it again today and omg... Love.. just the right amount of spice and sweet that make your eyes roll to the back of your head and hold the bottle tight and swear that if seamus would marry me.. I'd marry him.. if bigamy was legal of course.

  9. I bought this one a while back - I actually think this was the first bottle of bpal I purchased. I received it on ebay - sniffed and scrunched my nose and put it in my bpal box. There it has stayed until i decided to give it a chance. I've learned a thing or two about smellies lately, and boy was I dead wrong about P & P


    It it such a nice incense scent. Deep and cloying with a dab of sweetness underneath. I also agree that this scent is gender friendly. I get that lovely smokey smell all around me.


    Mmmm.. I like it alot now. What was I thinking by banishing it to the back of the box.

  10. Mmm super sweet and lovely


    In the bottle it's sweet but with a deep dark earthy roundness. I totally agree... this is on the level of Mme. Moriarty and Dark Delicacies


    Wet : I smell the musky rose with a bit of sweetness hangin around the edges and an earthy undertone. oh god Im in loveeeee...



    Drying down: I can smell that nummy plum and fruit and a bit of musk curling the edges just enough to make me want to inhale my whole arm.



    A bit later : Mine.. it's all mine.. omg I am soooo happy I got me some of this lovely stuff.. Its been dry for around 20 minutes and I have a sweet-musky-pomegranate-plum sniffy swirl wafting all around me.

  11. Picked this one up at Bats day with Queens Salon. Thanks again to the happy lab workers who let us pick through all the lovely bottles even though they were in a hurry to pack up all around us to get to DL for fun. I made it just in time!!


    In the bottle i get a tangy but sweet and floral zing through my nose.


    Wet is kinda like a clean floral scent. Am I crazy to say that even though it kind of reminds me of an air freshener, it actually smells great on my arm? Its Citrus but sweet and cold but not like a menthol cold, its what cold would smell like if it had a smell. Hard to pick out the particulars. but I do smell citrus and clean.


    It's very strong with the clean smell. Maybe I should bathe my husband in this :P


    Verdict. Love it!!! It's a powerful clean sweet smelling citrusy good scent. :D

  12. I'm in loveeee!! I keep wanting to review this one. My best friend is getting married on the queen mary and I didnt realize this was the QM blend until later on. This smells soooo nice. I'm so happy that I purchased this one (duh who wouldn't pick up an LE at the Bats day market.) Thanks to the super nice lab workers who let us pick through all the goodies even though they were trying to close up to get to DL for the real fun.


    In the bottle it smells like a deep sweet floral blast of yummyness supreme.


    Wet on my skin I get a little bit more floral with a tiny bit of sugar sweetness underneath. It's almost like a flower flavor Kool-aid.


    As it dries I get a sweet and deep floral musky scent wafting around. Not like lotus but more like a spicy floral. Maybe carnation? I should invest in SN's so I can pick out particulars :P


    This scent is super rich and round. Very old timey. I would totally picture a regal blue blood from times past wearing this mishmosh.


    As it dries down more I get more smokeyness with that lightly sweet flower musk floating around.


    I feel like a dark princess in this one hehe.

  13. In the bottle : Very VERY green.



    Wet on SKin: I smell like the douglas fir lot at christmas time. This scent is very powerful, and I am not picking up anything other than an herbal greeny smell :P



    Drying down: My husband says this would remind him of his outdoorsy manly shaving cream if he were an outdoorsy manly man.


    Dry for awhile: I still smell like a douglas fir christmas tree. It's not horrible, but smelling this while living in Orange County makes me feel like a cat that walked into a dog factory - completely out of place. If I were in some open feild or a little forest with a babbling brook and unicorns and fairies where playing all around me, this would be wonderful. I wish my chemistry wasn't so finikey. herbals and florals go all wonky on me.

  14. Wild plum, red musk, tuberose, calla lily, heliotrope, pimento, ylang ylang and beeswax beneath a dark haze of sinister purple-hued incense smoke.


    First sniff: Actually it's pretty soft and light, but at the same time deep and full. I smell the florals straight away. I took another sniff and yep, deep down you can get the incensey smokey smell, no wild plum yet

    Wet: It's still really soft and subtle, but still really deep. There's a lot going on with the scent but I can't tell the scents apart. It's a really dark and warm floral. Cmon plummyness don't be shy come out to me pleaaassseee!!

    dryin down now: Ok the drama queen floral is taking her bow and leaving the scene.. Good thing too cause I was getting scared for a moment. It's starting to morph and become a sweeter softer floral. It seems very round and full still, but at the same time it isn't super strong. Oh wait the drama floral is back.

    15 minutes later: hmmm.. it's has the same fullness of Dark Delicacies but where Dark Delicacies is sweet, Witch Queen is floral.

    Much later: I like witch queen, but It's a bit on the floral side. I am so dissapointed because i absolutly love plum, but sadly all i could smell was a rosey musky floral with a deep incense undertone. It's very deep and beautiful and I'll give her another chance before I decide to keep or pass.

    2 months later : I gave Witch Queen another go - and either my bottle has aged just a dab, or maybe my chemistry likes to adjust to seasons, but i absolutly LOVE Witch Queen now. I can't get enough of her. Super Dark and pretty floral and I totally smell the Plum (which plum can be a bit floral on my skin, which i learned by applying a SN plum. Doy on me :P )
