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Everything posted by heathercaley

  1. heathercaley

    I Died For Beauty

    mmm.. sweet and powdery with just a touch of flowers. It stays very close to the skin and is in fact gone within an hour. It was nice while it lasted!! No real darkness or loam. Just a girly powdery scent.
  2. heathercaley

    An Unusual Situation

    For the love of god. Is my husband cheating on me? And with another bpaler?! Oh... I could just throttle him!!!! I kid.. I kid. But it is pretty funny just how much your bf is just like my dh. I found that teh foodies work with him because it seems that he can only smell food and say something like "mmmm foood" ::smacks self in forehead:: silly men... The only gripe I have is that I am not a foody person, so what do I do? He recently responded well to Blue Phoenix (that I got at the DD Trunk Show last weekend) but only because it smells of blueburry muffins. I feel your pain sister.
  3. Oh YES!!!! Thank you for the heads up! Flying Fox is by far one of my favorites!! I use it as shampizzle and Shower gel. I also have the Flying Fox temple balm. Made of awesome, but now that I know that Suspiro will be similar (Jasmine?) I'll be sure to throw that bottle in my next order. Woohoo!!!
  4. heathercaley

    The Unheavenly City

    I'm torn. I kinda like it... Kinda don't. It is subtly sweet creamy and floral... but lying demonically underneath I feel like it's got some dragons blood in there. I'm not so fond of dragons blood (though some blends do smell nice) but the lily of the valley-esk scent (sharp!) that wafts towards me really turns me off. The top notes are lovely. Sweet and juicy florals. It's just that pinch of something in there that's screaming at me that it's off just a smidgen. Not too noticeable unless I huff the ol' arm. But overall, it is very very lovely... as long as I don't huff!
  5. heathercaley


    This is bliss. I love the fresh koolaid sweet fruitiness mixed with subtle wisps of spicy florals. This isn't a morpher. The flowers in this one aren't sharp, which is nice.. no headache on this one! I'll hold on to this imp dearly.
  6. heathercaley

    Red Devil

    hmm... dragons blood and jasmine? It's very full bodied and the sharpness of the jasmine is cut down but the prominent note which I'm sure (because everyone else has noted it as well) is dragons blood. It is sexy and bold. As it dries down I smell something sweet hangin around the edges but the prominent notes are still dragons blood and jasmine. Not bottle worthy but I'll treasure my imp!
  7. heathercaley


    Samhain '08 Right when I open this up, I get a lovely whiff of apples and spices... not foody, but sooo nice. I slather a bunch on my arm so I can get a nose full while I review... and oh mommy... this is amazing! Dark and heady apples, spices, and in the background some fir. This smells absolutely divine. It's not overpowering at all, and has a surprisingly light throw! Up close, when I sniff.. I get much more fir and apples, but if my arm isn't near my face, I get little whiffs of spicy dark apples... this is a huge winner!!! Big bottle purchase worthy completely. Zomg Like NOW!
  8. heathercaley

    Samhain Atmosphere Spray

    Wow!!! I'm in love... big time... Spicy and dark... sweet and warm... just beautiful. I think I'm going to have to stock up on this bad boy! Holy cow my bedroom smells like a den of halloween autumny goodness! In southern california, we don't get to experience the autumn smells or the general feeling of "wow! it's Autumn!" and this captures that goodness and takes me away to a place where leaves have fallen from the treas, (and not just from Santa Ana winds mind you!) apple pies baking and ghosts haunting old homes. <~ Totally
  9. heathercaley

    Destroying Angel Claw Polish

    Beautiful! To describe the color, I'd say sepia tone. It has that vintage quality that you find in the old sepia photographs.. and IMO sepia has much more charm than b&w. I love black toe nails.. but it can be stark so I usually vamp it up with some red dots or something. With Destroying Angel.. don't need anything. It's beautiful on its own! Perfect gloss... glides on smooth... dries to a gorgeous finish and all I needed really was two thin coats to make my piggies purdy. My new favorite color!
  10. heathercaley


    In the imp and freshly wet on the skin, I get orange blossom But then something fantastic happens... as it dries down, the orange blossom *which is :not: my friend* settled down into something less headache inducing!! Then Whammo!!! Ginger and Patchouli with nary a scent of orange blossom to be found... and what do I smell you ask? Snake oil!!!! I swear it!!! Love it!!!
  11. heathercaley


    Mmmm!! Minty Lavender Tea!! This is so fresh and clean and lovely... opens up my nose and when I inhale deeply my eyes feel refreshed. I love this!!! I use lavender filled dryer bags to make my sheets country soft and this reminds me of those.. but don't confuse that with a traditional dryer sheet scent that people sometimes get. This is a real lavender with body and charm. My arm was just resting on my table and I get whiffs of fresh minty lavender.
  12. heathercaley


    At first this was a creamy violet with a razor sharpness that was almost intolerable.. but as it dries, the lilac and tuberose lie back and give way to the lovely creamy violets with just a dash of sharp that is not as overwhelming as it was wet. Overall.. it is very feminine and lovely in a southern belle type of way. I probably wouldn't wear it enough to purchase a bottle, but I will probably pick this up on a day where I want to feel lady like.
  13. heathercaley

    Graveyard Dirt

    I had doubts about Graveyard Dirt. But I am glad I took up the opportunity to pick up a decant. If you close your eyes... it's exactly what it sounds like. Peaceful and clean mossy dirt after it rains (I saw someone else said something about dirt after rain) It makes me wish I lived in a place that is undisturbed and clean of all human interaction. It's not dirty smelling at all.. no death smell.. just peaceful earth. For some reason.. I picture fairies prancing in a moss covered dirt floor forest. Very nice!!!
  14. heathercaley

    Day of the Skulls

    Lovely yummy beezwaxy incensy rose. I actually have two spots on my arm.. one is an hour old.. the other is wet. Wet: Rose on top, with the beeswax and incense. The rose doesn't feel like a red rose. This is like a white or yellow rose... very mellow. Dry: Beeswax and incense with the powdery scent of dried rose petals underneath. Very prettty and I will have to buy a bottle....
  15. heathercaley


    This. is. freaking. amazing. Somebody said it smells like a box of imps... and it does. It's the kitchen sink of perfume. I get honey sweetness, incense, a touch of flowers, spices and herbs, something cold but in actuality... warm... also now that it's dry.. I get a chocolaty sweetness. I think that's the honey mixed in with the nuttyness of the tobacco or maybe even the woods. I'm going to buy a big bottle fer sher. I hope that as this ages, that it just becomes even more fantastic.
  16. heathercaley

    The Gladdener of All Hearts

    I amp rose like nothin else! This is a different rose though. It's an earthy rose, with a dash of creamyness. Not overly creamy though... it's just enough cream to keep the notes from going overly floral. When I sniff my arm... I get lavender. Then towards the end of the sniff... rose pops out with a bit of herbals underneath. The cream cuts the sharpness that could ensue if these flowers were allowed to roam free all over my arm. Be still my heart... do I smell carnations dancing forth? The tell tale spicyness is playing tricks on me. I keep getting wafts of carnations as I put dishes away. But up close, it's rose!! about 10 minutes later: What a changeling. One second it's herbal rose... the next it's creamy rose... the next it's creamy carnations..
  17. heathercaley

    Has No Hanna

    White white sharp florals... maybe Magnolias or as other said Jasmine. Underneath it I too get bananas.. but maybe it's banana leaves? To me.. it invokes the Garden District. Watery white beautiful flowers, and exotic plants with a bit of the thickness from fruits that you can smell a mile away because of the humidity. Spellbindingly gorgeous! There's a lot of layers in this beauty. It's old and wise in its way.
  18. heathercaley


    I forgot how much I love this!! My bottle is about a year and a half old and it smells just as lovely as ever. Deep dark sweet incensey love. The cranberry brightens up the darkness making it absolutely divine. The sharpness is countered by the mellowing spices and whatever makes this the perfect scent for a night of stalking at the dim lit dark wave clubs. I have rediscovered an old love. I am so happy that I found it lurking in the back of my box and went.. "huh.. Lampades.. my first bottle purchase" YESSSS!!!
  19. heathercaley

    Pulcinella & Teresina

    Woooo Nelly this one is potent!! As soon as it hit my skin it went all like "HEYGUYSWHATSGOINGON!" Down boy...er..girl... So it's like old polished wood wiped down with rose scented oil. Like an old bookcase with a bowl of fresh dewy roses chillin about on it. It's unique and when it dries down, it ain't so bad. It's very uni sexual and quite bold. This isn't the rose a man would feel too froofy wearing. It's a mans rose... the kind that doesn't take no for an answer and will protect his friends teak and cedar and stand up for them until the very end. We salute you Mr. Rose... You aren't as girly as we thought you might be. man.. this stuff is potent!! Nice but maybe a bit too gender bender on me.
  20. heathercaley

    Nostrum Remedium

    Oooo Nice!! I like!! On my arm it is a scent that can be associated with the male of the species, but I think it smells rather nice on me! I smell clean with a tiny touch of honey just carousing about in the back.. It does have a dark herbal clean smell to it on top with a sweetness that calms it down and keeps it from being too astringent. I don't think I'll be purchasing a whole bottle but will keep this imp close at hand. I wonder how it'll smell on the DH. Details to be added later!!
  21. heathercaley

    Stimulating Sassafras Strengthener

    Not just any root beer... the creamiest yummiest syrupy root beer.. the kind that will give you shivers if you ever tasted it in its true form. A divine root beer Popsicle handmade at the Ritz Carlton. This isn't yer run of the mill grocery type. Foodie haters, don't fret! I am a foodie atheist. This is fantastic!!! Oh I am in heaven... Thank you Doc Constantine.. I feel much better now
  22. I went to the Improv in Brea and I wore Hellion with a dab of Clemence in ye ol' bewb crevice, and my DH was all over me... where he's usually the guy that's lagging 10 feet behind me when we walk. He's a lallygagger. So yeah, he was holding my hand and snuggling my neck.. Made me feel hawt..
  23. heathercaley


    creamy sugary violets... the perfect sugared floral. Not too sickly sweet.. not too sharp and flowery. Just a bit of powder.. but it pretty much stays true to its description! divine!!!!! eta: Hour later... I smell like a strawberry shortcake doll. I kinda like it though.. I loved huffing my dolls face when I was a kid
  24. heathercaley

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    So cuteee!!
  25. heathercaley


    cherry chocolate with a dash of something nutty. ...but at the same time... ..not foody? As it dries down, I'm noticing a slight floral in there.. which is why it doesn't seem too foody :whew!!: It kind of reminds me of Turkish Delight! Nice.. not a big bottle purchase, but it truly is nummy ata: dot my eyes and add some ohs.