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Everything posted by 500ml

  1. 500ml


    I loved every stage of this scent! I loved the dry sandalwood it started off with, then the sudden invasion of flowers, then a slight sweetness and then finally the herbs deciding they want to come out and play after all. For me this is heady, but I love it.
  2. 500ml

    Old Scratch

    This smells like male cologne on me. Don't get me wrong, I really do like masculine scents, but this is perhaps too masculine for me. It smelled warm wet, then turned slightly sweet and woodsy as it was drying. Dry it's just sweet, a cloying sweetness which I can't stand. I'm kind of sad, because I was starting to like the scent even if I did think it was a bit too much on the manly side.
  3. 500ml


    I wish I was getting pine from this, all I seem to be amping is the eucalyptus :/ I get some faint herbs, but it's all eucalyptus on me. It's probably great for a cold, but I can't wear this as a perfume.
  4. 500ml

    The Hesperides

    I don't like apples, so this is not for me. I do admire the crips green apple scent coming from the vial, but it's so not my scent.
  5. 500ml

    Rose Cross

    I was immediately interested in Rose Cross as it combines two favourite notes of mine, frankincense and rose. Sadly the frankincense fades pretty quickly after applying as I really did like the combination of the two. I'm left with a slightly dusty rose, which is quite beautiful in its own right, but it's not the scent I was hoping it to be. Still, another fine rose perfume oil.
  6. 500ml

    Mr. Jacquel

    This is beautiful. A slightly sweet/masculine mix at the very start, it then mellows down into a warm amber embrace with a bit of an earthy kick coming from the patchouli. I love amber and I love patchouli, this could never go wrong with me. I definitely still get a slight edge of the spices, what a beautiful scent.
  7. 500ml


    Frimp! I initially gets lot of musk and a bit of patchouli. It's a bit masculine, but also sweet so there's a nice balance between the two. I didn't get any lustful feelings, but the oil certainly didn't damage my self esteem. I felt pretty good wearing this and I do like it, but that's as far as it goes methinks.
  8. 500ml


    I got an aged empty frimp as a sniffie (with a few drops of oil left, yay) and my goodness, this is actually good. I usually don't go for vanilla (although there are exceptions) and I was trying my hardest not to like this, but I can't. Wet on my skin I get the mint, the blend is still quite woodsy, almost like herb medicine. Dried down the vanilla and sassafras take over with the cedar roughing the whole scent up. Okay, I'm sold. I'll be signing up for a big bottle.
  9. 500ml

    Two, Five & Seven

    This smelled so unlike rose in the vial, I'm not sure what was going on there. It was too sweet for me, in a cloying way. On my skin however it morphs into actual roses, sweet light roses. It almost turns into rose soap, but then quickly turns away from that (thank the gods). This isn't an intense or heavy rose scent (it's actually a bit too light for me, I'm a rose fiend), but it's really not bad at all. It still however has a bit of that cloying sweetness which is turning me off.
  10. 500ml

    Empyreal Mist

    Fresh, green and slightly fruity, a light floral. I'm personally not that fond of this. It's not bad, but it's a bit too light for my taste.
  11. 500ml


    This smells so strongly of white musk, I love it. The instant I put it on it reminded me of something, but I wasn't sure what. I then realized it reminded me of the perfume my grandmother used to wear, she was crazy for white musk and her house constantly smelled of a mix of white musk and magnolia. I've noticed that I've inherited her love for these two scents. Most florals work for me, anyway. She stuck with these two. Oberon is a delightful light floral scent with a twist. It's earthy while at the same time being floral. At first I wasn't entirely convinced, but I might have to get a bottle of this one.
  12. 500ml


    I'm not really a violets fan, but I felt obliged to try Faith out simply because I love her sister so much. I find that the balance between the sugar and violets does stay better for longer than with Hope (the sugar takes over after a while), but I prefer the rose note. Violets just don't work for me.
  13. 500ml

    Rose Red

    Rose Red 2005 Gorgeous and amazing red roses. Fresh and for real, like they're actually growing in the vial. Wet I get a lot of dirt, which makes the whole experience even more authentic, but it's perhaps a little too real for me. Dry the dirt note disappears and the rose turns wonderfully sweet and then fades away into a sweet powdery scent. I love anything with rose and this is no exception, but I just wish it stayed around longer. Rose Red 2004 Stunning! It doesn't have the dirt note at all and is quite juicy and fruity in the bottle and a gorgeous fresh and strong rose both wet and dry. The best rose scent ever, a gigantic favourite of mine!
  14. 500ml

    Moon Rose

    This is beautiful, just plain beautiful. I knew I had to have this when I saw it combined two of my most favourite florals (rose and moonflower) and I have not been disappointed. Delicate rose with an edge of moonflower and dew, this works so well on me. The only downside is that it fades too quickly for my taste, two hours after applying it's almost completely gone.
  15. 500ml

    La Belle au Bois Dormant

    I received this as a frimp and quite to my surprise I actually don't hate it. I usually tend to avoid any pear (it just doesn't appeal to me), but here it's not that bad. Fresh and fruity in the vial which settles down as fruity and floral. I can definitely detect some rose, but the pear is amping up on me which I'm not that pleased about. This was much nicer than I thought it would be, though.
  16. 500ml

    Drink Me

    Buttery cake with fruit on top, this is quite yummy. It's foody, but not heavy foody, I think the fruits really keep it lighter. I get a bit of vanilla too.
  17. 500ml

    The Lady of Shalott

    Fruity and floral, that sums this oil up for me. It's a clear crisp scent, with the light florals mixing so well with the aquatic notes. It's delicate, but still has a good amount of kick to it. I'm really liking this scent, there's something very beautiful about it.
  18. 500ml

    The Dormouse

    So far all the imps I've tried out from the Mad Tea Party have worked on me and I had expected the Dormouse to be the same... Alas, it is not meant to be. The scent really isn't bad, but it reminds me too much of expensive toilet freshener and is just too light and frolicky for me. I'm afraid I get no tea, just the light floral/lemony notes. I have to say though that for a light oil this really does have some staying power. I think this would work marvelous as a house perfume for my apartment (in my oil burner or a few drops on the filter of my hoover), but as a perfume it's simply not for me.
  19. 500ml


    In the vial and wet on skin: incredibly strong almond. I'm not that fond of almond scents, so I was happy that dry it turned into a more spicy cinnamon scent. It ends up as a light incense with a slight woodsy and spicy kick to it. It's definitely nice, but it's too light for me. ETA: I tried it out a second time and for some reason this time it's much stronger and I'm liking it much much more. Definitely a keeper.
  20. 500ml


    I adore anything with rose. It's something that will always appeal to me and which always works well on my skin. Hope is no exception, wet it smells of fresh rose with sugar sprinkled on top. In the vial it smelled a bit musty and stale, but thankfully it turns into a lovely rose on my skin. I found it reminded me a bit of Victorian rose scents, but that disappears once it starts to dry down. Dry it turns a little powdery and the rose loses its freshness. In all though, this works for me! It's just a shame I don't find violets that appealing, otherwise I'd surely be trying out her sister as well.
  21. 500ml

    Eat Me

    Oh my. Scent smells almost exactly the same in the bottle, wet and dry on my skin. Rich white cake with jam, how positively delicious I'm not such a fan of foody scents, but I'm so glad that I somehow knew this one would work for me.
  22. 500ml

    Jacob's Ladder

    Even though I'm not sure from which year my decant is (I'm guessing 2005, but I'm not sure) I really do like it Wet it reminds me of the Lush BBS Green Day, I get quite a lot of patchouli. Dry it mellows down to a very comforting amber with a slightly sweet note. It doesn't last very long on me, although the amber definitely still is lingering. It's a very warming scent, very pleasant.
  23. 500ml


    In the vial this was definitely woodsy with a splash of alcohol, odd. Dry this scent really works for me, it's a mix of incense and floral. Nothing too heady and I'm sad I can't really recognize any of the floral notes. In a way it reminded me a bit of Cairo, it's like a slightly lighter version.
  24. 500ml

    Monster Bait: Underbed

    To me this smells like Licorice Allsorts especially the pink round ones which always taste a bit like coconut to me and which are my favourites O_O Spicy Licorice Allsorts which the spice coming (I presume) from the cassia. I've never smelled cassia before and it's really a nice scent, but it's also turning my skin a little red. Normally my skin never reacts to anything, so I'm surprised. I'm really unsure about this! I got this as a very generous frimp, but now I'm not sure what to do with it. I'm usually not such a fan of foody scents and while I don't mind it, I don't think I should keep the imp as I'm sure other people might be more happy with it.
  25. 500ml

    Dragon's Hide

    My first time with Dragon's blood I really didn't know what to expect and when I smelled something very floral in the vial I was a bit surprised. On it turned into a fresh jasmine with a hint of smoke and leather. About two hours later the leather is really making itself known and I'm enjoying the whole scent more than I thought I would. Definitely looking forward to trying the others now!