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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by cyborgutena

  1. The scent is dark and dirty. The patchouli isn't 'clean' like I sometimes think of it. It's kind of like an old stone building with a waft of patchouli passing through it. In a good way! There's no sweetness to this on me, only a bit of spiciness, and I like that.

  2. I get a herbacious background (which I like) but with sickly sweet over the top. I think the musk/vanilla is responsible for the sickliness, and it's a kind of sweetness that I don't handle very well.


    Unfortunately, I ended up having to scrub this off when I tried to wear it because the sweetness was making me feel nauseous. Even dry, the sweetness did not go down.

  3. I got this imp for free and didn't read the description or notes before trying it. The image that came to my mind was somehow.... sexy fairy godmother? Feminine velvety gown and cleavage.


    On top it smells fuzzy-sweet (I think the fuzzy is the violets) and on the bottom it is deep and mature. I didn't realise wine was a note at first, but it became more winey as it went along. I think that's why it seemed to be taking on a more sexy character as it went.


    This isn't something I'd wear, but I wouldn't mind being seduced by the woman this would suit.
