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BPAL Madness!


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Blog Comments posted by sunsetpoet

  1. this may be one of the strangest messages you've ever received, but i'm desperate! i've been searching desperately for any bottles of lady lucille sharpe from the crimson peak collection BPAL did a couple of years back, and i've had no luck. i found a thread on the BPAL forum discussing the fragrance, and i'm reaching out to anyone i saw on the thread who didn't necessarily like the scent!

    so: do you happen to have a bottle of lady lucille sharpe that you don't like and aren't using, and if so, would you possibly be willing to sell it to me? i know this is random as hell, but this has been my signature scent for the last couple of years, and i'm about to run out. i'm desperate! thank you so much for reading this message, if nothing else. :)

