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Everything posted by ralenth

  1. ralenth

    Pet Magah Bird

    Bottle: Bright tropical fruits and caramel. Wet: Tart dropping oranges swirled in caramel. Drydown: Holy sugar! It's caramel drenched pez candies. After 30 minutes: It's sweet with faint tinges of caramel. It's not as overpowering as the drydown stage, but it's definitely a liquid sugar high. Overall: Too sweet and foody for me.
  2. ralenth

    The Perfumed Garden

    2010 Vintage: Bottle: Jasmine! Eek! Wet: Tart green apple. Drydown: The tartness fades and a soft floral background swells up. Soft, pretty and summery. After 30 minutes: This is primarily a jasmine blend, as others have said. It does have a light fruity tinge to it, which I think makes it considerably more wearable for non-jasmine lovers like myself.
  3. ralenth

    The Perilous Parlor

    Soft, creamy pear with quite a bit of staying power! I put it on in the early afternoon and I could still smell it the next morning.
  4. ralenth

    Peach Moon

    At first, it's soft peach blossoms with a bit of crisp white tea underneath but as it dries, Peach Moon becomes dusky and sultry. It isn't quite the dripping sexy peach musk that I get from Josie. Instead, it's more of a sophisticated, elegant naughty: like a quirked eyebrow and a bit of a smirk.
  5. ralenth


    Slick, soft leather and machine oil. It's got a gritty, sexy vibe to it. I am in serious lust with this blend.
  6. ralenth

    The Anti-Saloon League

    Sweet, creamy sarsaparilla - sinfully decadent and naughty. I never really imagined one of my favorite childhood treats as a boudoir scent, but the Lab manages it, yet again. The throw was medium, but the staying power was phenomenal - lasted all day and could still smell it faintly the next morning. Delightful and a total keeper!
  7. ralenth

    Lady Lilith

    Sweetened red musk, cream and soft tea leaves. It's subtle, sophisticated and lovely.
  8. ralenth


    Soft chilly snow, pine needles underfoot, and a chilly wind. Perfect for a hot day.
  9. ralenth

    Saint Foutin de Varailles

    At first, St. Foutin is too boozy and I get green prickliness from the rose. However, after an hour, it has morphed into this gorgeous warm beeswax with a deep wine note underneath. I really regret selling my bottle now.
  10. ralenth

    The Atrocious Attic

    Atrocious Attic is soft linen and sandalwood - it really does remind me of Antique Lace. It has an ethereal muskiness to it as well. For me the throw is medium, but wear length is exceptionally long (all day!).
  11. ralenth


    Soft, smoky floral with undercurrents of sandalwood. Understated, but completely lovely.
  12. ralenth

    The Aurora Spaceship Takes a Dive

    At first, I smell wildflowers, bright and sunny. During the drydown, it's predominantly sunflower, with whispers of magnolia and soft sage crushed under foot. I don't really get any fire here, though I do detect tinges of ozone. Definitely the standout of the Helicopters for me.
  13. ralenth

    Giant Squid

    Wet: Tobacco blossom - reminiscent of The Body Shop's Tobacco Flower room oil. Drydown: Giant squid begins to sweeten with peeps of aloe and juniper berry. It's playful and slightly aquatic. Giant Squid at Seaworld, anyone? Dry: Once it's dry, Giant squid does have a slightly spiced apple scent. It grows spicier by the minute. Overall: If I could somehow keep this locked in the drydown stage, I would buy a bajillionty bottles. Unfortunately, me and cidery apple scents, not so much.
  14. ralenth

    The Lady On The Grey

    At first, Lady on the Grey is a swirling, ephemeral musk with tinges of soft, white floral. She is elegant, but slightly aloof. However, after an hour, I get a bit of sharpness and it goes a bit powdery. I think this lady is locket-only for me.
  15. ralenth


    Starts out a lovely, sophisticated floral with undercurrents of white sandalwood. Unfortunately, it turns green and powdery after a few minutes. Dratted roses.
  16. ralenth


    Soft, creamy floral with hints of snow, but very muted. Bergamot and lilies are usually death-notes for me, but Okayaki remains balanced, delicate and sophisticated. I wasn't quite sure what to expect, but I think I am going to get quite a bit of mileage out of my bottle.
  17. ralenth

    Dark Chocolate and Key Lime Truffle

    Bright key lime with a slight dash of dark chocolate. It mellows rather quickly on my skin, unfortunately. Pretty while it lasts...
  18. ralenth

    La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente

    Sweet, light and fruity. Very summery - like wind blowing through laundry lines and taking a stroll through the garden.
  19. ralenth


    I sniffed this at my first WCWC a couple months ago and promptly went home and ordered a bottle. Ekhidna is dark, clovey musky love. As it dries, sinister doesn't even begin to cover it. The myrrh and opponax coil around my wrist so deliciously. I'm a pretty big fan of the bold, heavy scents and Ekhidna doesn't disappoint. The throw isn't too oppressive, so I'm not dominating the whole room when I enter (even if this scent makes me feel like I'm overthrowing Olympians).
  20. ralenth


    2010 vintage: Smooth, boozy red musk romp. I can see why this is so popular. I actually prefer this fresh, as my older bottles smell more grapey on my skin.
  21. ralenth


    At first sniff, Thoos is wham! Sharp tangerine in the face. But, as it dries, it mellows into a bright citrus with sultry musky undertones. I think this is going to get a lot of play during the hot summer months.
  22. ralenth

    Aatos Polemoio

    I think that this is the star of the Ode to Mars update. Aatos Polemoio is warm cedar with subtle spicy sweetness. I would love to slather this on a man, but it smells pretty good on me. Sharing is not an option here.
  23. ralenth

    The Wild Men of Jezirat al Tennyn (2006)

    Bottle aged since 09/2007 Wet: Warm, smoky cloves. Drydown: As it dries, Wild Men gets a bit fiery, though not in the cinnamon way. Patchouli gives it a bit of a dirty romp feel without tending to the hippy-ish that some patchouli blends have. Dry: Dirty, sexy romp. Still has a warm feel, though not the flames that I was getting during the drydown. Overall: The only thing missing is leather here. That would make this even more amazing. Then again, I think everything could use more leather. Hehe.
  24. ralenth


    Sweet pears and lilies. I get teensy peeps from the nasty green rose gallery, but mostly it's a creamy white floral. Once it's dry, it's very vanilla-y and the throw is incredibly strong. Symmakhia is lovely, but not really up my alley.
  25. ralenth

    Carceri d'Invenzione

    Wet: It reminds me a bit of Smut. Lush, juicy musk with a slight tinge of grape. Drydown: Gorgeous, warm, swirling scent, the grapiness has gone (unlike with Smut). It's red musk and cozy woods. So pretty! Dry: And it's nearly gone within 30 minutes. It remains a faint, sweet, wooden presence, but I have to press my nose to my skin to catch it. Overall: Very nice. I wish it was a little stronger on my skin. If it was, I could see it being a regular in my rotation.