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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Morgan

  1. First Impression: Very green, and very floral.

    Second Impression: For some reason, it reminds me of Ireland. Lush green grass, fog , mist and mossy castles. It smells very cool, and clean...bu not soap clean, more like an outdoors-y clean.

    Final Impression: I really like this one. It makes me feel happy and fairy tale like :P

  2. In the vial this smelled like pure mint, I didn't think I would like it at all. But once on my skin it turned into a Thin Mint Girl Scout cookie. After a while I even picked up some cocunuit lingering in the background. I don't know if I like this as a perfume, but I think it would be great as a lotion. This is going up for swap if anyone's interested.

  3. In the vial: This smells very dark. I can't pick out any individual notes yet.


    After 10 minutes: Spicy, woodsy and mossy. This smells like an enchanted forest during a snowfall.


    Final Impression: I love this one! I never thought I would, but I do. It is a very comforting scent.

  4. In the vial: Floral. I smell violets, pure violets.


    After 10 minutes: Still floral and the Lily of the Valley is coming out.

    But there's something bitter in the background. The Myrrh maybe? I was hoping this would be a little sweeter.


    Final Impression: Sadly, just not for me. It got very bitter to the point where I actually had to wash it off. :P

  5. I absolutely love this scent! I hated it at first, but it definitely grew on me. It is dark and mysterious yet oddly soft and powdery, almost comforting. There is definitely something sweet in the background.

    I can't pick out any of the individual notes, but as a whole Noir is fabulous.

    I'm down to about 1/4 of an imp...I need more! :P

  6. This was far too floral for me. It was SO rosey, it actually gave me a headache. It reminded me of a funeral parlor. I'm normally not a rose person anyway, but I thought the Ylang Ylang would balance it out. I was wrong.

    This was the first and so far the only BPAL that I REALLY don't like.

  7. Ooh berries, carnation AND Musk are 3 of my favorite scents :P

    This goes on sweet, but turns spicy/sweet after drydown. The amber and berries make a very interesting combo, they really come out after a while. This scent was fantastic, it's a shame it was discontinued :D

  8. This scent is so red and ripe, it smells absolutely delicious. The wine balances out the sweetness quite nicely. It seems to change throughout the day, from sweet berries to red wine.

    I really like this scent. I don't know if I'd buy a 5 ml. but I will definitely finish off the imp. :P

  9. In the bottle: The first 5 minutes of snowfall. It is very faint, even in the bottle.


    On my skin: :P It reminds me of a fairy tale princess (Snow White, perhaps? :D) and making snow angels. :D

    I can't really pick out any individual notes.


    After 1 hour: Buttery, Snowy, Floral. It is still very light, but light in a good way. I won't smell it for a while and than all of the sudden I catch a smell of it stronger than ever.


    Fianl Verdict: Beautiful, it may not be something I reach for often but I do love this scent.

  10. In the bottle: I'm picking up mostly cherry, but I can also smell some vanilla.


    On my skin: Very tangy cherry at first, if that makes sense.


    After 10 minutes: Strawberries?


    After one hour: Strawberries, vanilla and Musk...Where did the cherries go? This smells awesome!


    Final Verdict: This scent is great..it is sweet, but the musk helps make it "adult sweet". I will be buying a big bottle of this :P

  11. Initial Sniff: Bitter lemons. This practically made my lips pucker :P


    On my skin: Still lemony....


    After 1 hour: Very citrusy with a hint of something else, flowers maybe? I hope the flowers can take some of the edge off the lemons...


    Final verdict: Unfortunately this turned to lemon cleaner on me. The flowers all but disappeared. My skin doesn't agree with lemons apparently.

  12. Initial Sniff: Mmm.. Yum :D


    On my skin: Very creamy with a dash of rum.


    After 1 hour: Dead on! This smells like delicious, home made egg nog made with lots of rum and nutmeg. I <3 Xmas and Egg Nog makes me think of Xmas :P


    Final verdict: One of my favorite LE's. This stays with me all day, without being overly strong. Sometimes I forget I'm even wearing it and am pleasantly surprised when it wafts up. I'm so excited that this worked for me. :D

  13. Initial Sniff: Holy sweetness, Batman! This smells like a sticky sweet maple syrup candy.


    On my skin: This is very strong initially. It smells like brown sugar mixed with melted butter.


    After 1 hour: Maple syrup, pure Vermont Maple syrup. People keep asking if I spilled syrup on myself :P


    Final verdict: This is a lovely scent, just not me. Although I do like foody scents, this was just a bit too foody. :D

  14. First Sniff: All I can smell right now is floral :D


    On my skin: Floral with a bit of peach.


    After 1 hour: This turned out to be such a fabulous combination of scents on my skin. Every time I smell it on my skin it's a bit different, from florals to peach to vanilla to a blend etc etc.


    Final verdict: When I first sniffed this in the imp I didn't think I would like it so I gave it away. I received an imp in my last order from the lab and thought that maybe it was meant to be so I tried again :P I am soo glad I did. Most floral fragrances don't last at all on me, this lasts all day.

  15. First Sniff: Cinnamon and clove. It is very spicy.


    On my skin: Cinnamon. It almost made my eyes tear.


    After 1 hour: It smells fabulous. Lots of cinnamon with a dash of clove and a hint of white pepper. But somehow it still doe not smell

    "foody" if that makes any sense..


    Final verdict: A great winter scent. Very spicy, just wearing it makes me feel hot! :D :P

  16. This is a review of how I smelled it on my BF.


    First Sniff: I smell mostly the lime and the musk


    On HIS skin: Initially the musk and lime are still very predominant.


    After 1 hour: This reminds me of old fashioned shaving cream, that's a good thing. It smells very sexy and masculine, without screaming for attention like so many mens colognes do.


    Final verdict: This is my absolute favorite for my BF. :P

  17. First Sniff: Almond oil. Pure Almond.


    On my skin: Almonds mixed with sickeningly sweet cherries.


    After 1 hour: It' less sweet now and more bitter.


    Final verdict: I did not like this one at all. It way too sweet/bitter on my skin.

  18. First Sniff: Astringent. I can really smell the orange.


    On my skin: Very crisp and fresh.


    After 1 hour: The orange is giving way to the ginger and patchouli. It is very sexy and heady.


    Final verdict: Something in th is has turned very green and wet. For some strange reason this reminds me of a lush, magical enchanted forest. One of my favorites.

  19. First Sniff: Vanilla, warm spicy vanilla.


    On my skin: This smells positively edible. It smells like vanilla and warm, exotic spices.


    After 1 hour: The scent hasn't changed much. It reminds me of some kind of middle eastern dessert.


    Final verdict: The first imp I ever finished. I can't wait to order a full bottle of this, because I miss it so :P

  20. First Sniff: Very strong. It reminds me of a Mounds chocolate coconut bar for some odd reason.


    On my skin: Dark and mysterious. I'm having a hard time picking out the individual notes, but I smell clove and coconut.


    After 1 hour: This reminds me of a goth club. All of the perfumes and scents mixing together. I smell clove cigarettes, wine and coconut. It's raw coconut mind you, not suntan lotion coconut. This is a very dark and mysterious scent.


    Final verdict: I wear this one all of the time. At first I thought I'd only wear it at night, but I wear it to work all of the time and get a ton of compliments :P

  21. First Sniff: Patchouli. It smells like a head shop.


    On my skin: Very incensy and the patchouli is still very strong.


    After 1 hour: Warmth. This scent reminds me of camping. Being outside on a cloudless night around a warm fire. The sandalwood and amber blend beautifully on my skin.


    Final verdict: I never thought I would, but I love Sin. It is so warm and enveloping. It is both comforting and sensual.

  22. First Sniff: Citrusy and clean.


    On my skin: Embalming Fluid smells very fresh and clean. It initially smells like a popular cleaning product on my skin.


    After 1 hour: The lemon has faded a bit and the musk and tea have come out. This smells gorgeous.


    Final verdict: Tea scents very rarely work for me. But this was one that did. It blends perfectly with the musk and citrus.

    Embalming Fluid isn't one of my favorites, but it's definitely in my top 20. :P
