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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Pixie-elf

  1. I'm still waiting for my first order, so I have no experience to speak of. But I love this thread--you all are obsessed:P  And so am I.


    Anyway, has anyone tried using medicine droppers to apply the oils? You know, those thin glass vials with the squishy black rubber thing on top. It seems like you could use those to get just a drop or two. I use them with herbal tinctures.


    Just a thought.  :D


    Yup, I think some people do, like someone mentioned plastic medicine droppers I believe...


    If all else fails for me and the reducer tops suck/don't work for me I'll just get ahold of one of those... I don't think they cost all that much....


    Now for medical reasons I always keep syringes on me along w/ Phenagren injections, so I COULD use the syringes... lol. Like, Phenagren, along with me using it when I get nauseated and puke, if I have an allergic reaction I use it too...and if it's severe, I rub the Phenagren on it....


    I've found using a syringe makes it go a LOOOOOOOONG ways! Compared to me getting it on my finger and just rubbing it on myself.... it goes SO much farther, if that makes any sense...because I can squirt out just a little at a time.


    The only thing I'd be worried about is the metal of the needle doing something to the oils though. :/ Any idea's if that would??



  2. I think it's official that I can add Alice to the list of ones that I can't stand.  I know there's no almond in it, but god dammit, it smelled almondy! :D


    I'm beginning to think carnations are something else I need to really steer clear of for whatever reason.  For some reason everything I've tried with carnations in it has caused a bad reaction for me lately.


    So, let's see...now I can't stand almond, anise or carnation.  And I just plain don't like citrus unless it's grapefruit.  I'm a mess. :D


    ~ Penance

    Aw sweetie, I'm sorry another scent didn't work out for you :D Maybe it had cherry in it??


    And, what KIND of reaction? :P And does potion do it to you too sweetie? Ugh I'm sorry...


    And you're not a mess! I think we're -all- like that... I don't think there's one of us who doesn't have 4-5+ scents that just don't work for us!

  3. I don't like the reducer caps, but in the flurried excitement of actually placing an order, I always forget to ask them to use bottles without reducer caps...


    Anyway, I use either my fingernail or a regular butter knife to get them out.  I agree, though, that I don't like losing all that oil, small amount though it is.

    This might not work, but maybe you could Email Nella and speak with her about it the next time you order (if you forget!) maybe see if she could do it for you? ^^ I know that it'd be more desireable to take and put it in when you order, but, she might be able to get it done for you. :P Good luck!



  4. Well, there're some that I would prefer not to try because they have lemon or anise in them, but they're not on my "avoid like the plague" list.  The only things on there are almond scents.  Apparently there're a lot of BPAL scents with almonds in them. :D


    ~ Penance

    I'm sorry that so many have that in them! :D That sucks... and maybe you can tolerate Snowcake because it also has Roses in it, and isn't really super duper strong, unlike just a normal essense oil? (which, would be STRONGER than a soap, I'd think... :D;; ) Since it's more diluted in soap, maybe that's why? (just an idea!)


    Lemon and anise are both on my "don't really like the thought of" list too... lol (I don't prefer citrus, or licorice. lol.) Except ones with almonds ARE on my list... I'm sorry again that you can't tolerate it, that sucks so bad that so many have it in them! :P

  5. On the sex bomb/fever thing- I don't tend to think they smell all that similar.  Both have an element of sophisticated perfume about them, but I tend to think sex bomb is a bit fruitier, whereas fever is heavier, more heady. 


    I can't think of anything off the top of my head that smells like Fever (especially since I'm not exactly sure what's in Fever, scent-wise) but if I come up with anything I'll let you know.

    Thank you. :D Maybe it's the rose? I was told that Fever is more heavy on the florals (I think that's what I was told...) I know for sure it has Rose, Jasmine, and Sandalwood... To me though, the rose isn't the "run-of-the-mill" rose though... hell once it's been on me it almost smells like something I could eat...but it's not fruity...if that makes sense. O_o;;


    I had NO CLUE roses were in it until I was TOLD... *lmfao* But I finally started noticing the rose scent in it now... so maybe that's why it smells more perfumey, or heavier, because of the rose? :P And thank you. :D


    Normally I don't even like roses all that much... but I got a sample of Fever, fell in love, and knew Sex Bomb was in the Fever giftset, and that it had Jasmine too, so I figured I might as well ask... lol. :D

  6. I definitely will.  I've had my fair share of being sick as a dog as a result of smelling certain oils (*cough* Baron Samedi *cough*), so I'm planning on staying way the hell away from everything else on that list unless there's a damn good reason for trying them...or unless I'm really drunk and feeling reckless. :P


    ~ Penance

    What about if you had a cold?? Then you couldn't smell it for the most part! (Okay so that's a bad idea... LOL.)


    Aiiya, I'm sorry that your "Avoid like the plague" list is longer than your wishlist! That has to be tough! Do you have other types of scents on there other than just almonds? (Like what kinds I mean? lol.) Sorry to hijack but my curioisity always gets to me!

  7. Thanks Summer  :P


    Could you describe what Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo comprises of?

    Ahh okay, I understand. :D I can see how that would be hard to decide! I love Rockstar too!


    I was told Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo smells like Cotton Candy! That's why I ordered it (it still hasn't gotten here) and since Rockstar smells like cotton candy, she'd prolly like it. ^^


    I can't wait for mine to get here!



  8. At first when I read this, I felt bad that I hadn't mentioned it, and then I reread my post and saw that I did - sorry it got lost in there...

    It's my fault for not reading more thoroughly, I admit it. :P


    I've been studying for a psychopathology midterm these last few days and I've gotten into the habit of skimming things. :D :D


    ~ Penance

    That's understandable! It's REALLY easy to miss stuff when you're studying / skimming....


    That aside... Good luck on your test! I'll be sending you some good vibes... :D I'm sure you'll do wonderful on it, but still, good luck! :D


    And is Psychopathology.... uh....does that have to do with Psychopaths? LMAO

  9. Guess I should add Decadence to that list of scents...got it today as a freebie and, you guessed it, almonds. :P


    ~ Penance

    Aw that sucks! :D The name sounds so freaking yummy though.... I'm sorry it had almonds / didn't work out for you sweetie!


    And you're welcome. ^^ I just figured I'd add that in, it's so yummy, but I'm sorry that Almond Oil makes you feel sick. :D

  10. I've lived in Canada for most of my life, and I remember what a hassle it is to order stuff from the U.S.  And how annoying it is to wait for your packages to clear Customs...  It's no biggie - just want to make sure everyone gets their BPAL fix!

    I have to say, Tempete, that is so sweet of you to offer to do that! That's very generous, and I just needed to say it... :P


    If only I lived in Canada I'd ask you! LOL. You're a sweetheart for offering to do that for people, I'm not going to be surprized if you get a lot of responses... LOL


    Good luck!



  11. Morrighana maybe your orders will meet my orders and make some beautiful music :P


    Meanwhile, maybe we should start up a Canadian swaps thread to tide us over!

    ...Maybe next time, you guys in Canada could ask the Lab to take and put in 1-2 empty extra vials...


    That way, while your BPAL stuff makes beautiful music together, if they get the chance to make you guys some babies while waiting at customs, then you have some original BPAL imps, that your imps made...while waiting....


    (No, really, I'm not on drugs except for what my doctors give me!!!)


    Also, I'm in the USA but I found this thread very informative. :D I liked learning about that. :D

  12. Yes, Dana O'Shee definately has Sweet Almond Oil in it... it smells a LOT like Lush's Snowcake minus the roses!


    Normally I dislike the smell of Almonds, as in the FOOD... but, as far as Sweet Almond Oil? I LOVE it! It smells cherrish or candish...


    Good luck Pennance!

  13. I know this has been posted before, but Dana O'Shee and Snowcake smell a LOT alike!


    They go really good together, if you like Snowcake, you'll like this! It doesn't have roses, but it has that same snowcake scent, it's yummy! You should really try it...


    And Grrlennyl, maybe something with Kiwi, or fruity scents possibly? I dunno, I'd think something fruity, maybe very sweet with a bit of a kick to it.... if you know what most of the essence oils are, maybe you could figure one out through it? :D I hope this is of some help... if I come across ANYTHING I'll let you know! :P



  14. I love Black Lotus, it seems to wind up very sweet on me, instead of floral... So you might want to try that. ^^


    And here's my first order, I was told that most are candyish scents, so, maybe they'd work for you... (I haven't got it yet... lol...)


    Sugar Skull 5ml

    Imps: Jailbait, Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo, Bordello, Snake Oil, Tamora, Dragons Milk.


    Also try Dana O'Shee, it smells like Lush's Snowcake... it's just really nice. :P (Almonds, very sweet and yummy!)


    And as someone else mentioned, Hollywood Babylon is really sweet too... It's Strawberries and Vanilla, so it might work for you. :D Good luck!

  15. Always a sensible choice with LE's.  I figure they'll be easy enough to sell if they crash and burn, so I ordered some of all of them. :P


    ~ Penance

    I just wish I had the money to do that! LOL. I so wish I would have discovered BPAL last year, I'm dying to try Snow White. :D darnit. lol.


    Is there any certain reason why the number of the LE's that they make are 313? lol. :D



  16. Hi guys!


    Okay I haven't even gotten my first order, but I've decided that the Imps I got during trades (Lush forum....) from a few people...well, one has Lotus in it. I don't know what it smells like alone but I'm positive that's the note that I'm starting to fall in love with, lol. It was Black Lotus... Could you guys help me find some good / strong / mostly Lotus scents?


    Some things I would like being mixed in with Lotus : Jasmine, Dragon's Blood, Fruits, Ylang Ylang, Vanilla and other sweet things.


    I love sickly sweet scents, so anything sickly sweet with Lotus / Really sweet mixed with Lotus = yum! lol.


    Things I don't like : Cloves, really bitter scents, spices, etc... I don't really like Citrus scents very much. I don't like Patchouli much but I can tolerate it, and I don't really want to smell like any woods or anything... lol.


    I did the search on the BPAL site, but I figured you guys might be able to tell me better etc... My first order was almost all Cotton Candyish scents! Hehe. So I'm planning my second order right now, yes, already... lol. Any help would be appriciated!


    Here are the scents I found on the search (Minus Black Lotus, lol.) Please tell me which ones smell the most like Lotus?:



    Forbidden Fruit

    Blood Lotus









    Old Kathmandu

    Old Paris


    You could even rate them 1-10 as far as how Lotusy they smell... lol. Thanks guys!




    For me, it's bee-pal. For my honey, it's Oh-My-god-not-that-bee-pal-stuff-again



    *LMFAO!!!!* Okay that was great. LMAO.


    For my family it's "What the hell is she obsessed with NOW? Is this BPAL going to be worse than her Lush addiction? I'm starting to think she's joining shopping cults or something...."


    Although my Aunt Gina wanted me to get a Honeysuckle single note for her but changed her mind lol... Everyone liked the Imps Ears that I've gotten already, so they like them. lol.


    And my name, Mystina, is pronounced Miss-tina (basically, it's just all one word, but that's how people that know me pronounce it...) ...I also get some really weird ones too... "My-es-tini-uh???" (like at doctors offices...) And all kinds of other places...


    Isn't it strange how we all pronounce things differently, or the way we comprehend the way something is written? lol. I tend to mess up a LOT on pronouncing things though.... I'd like to study some of this one day. :P

  18. I think she meant order imps of other scents instead of the Sugar Skull, but I could be wrong... :P


    God, I hope Sugar Skull doesn't smell like cotton candy.  I can't tolerate the smell of it...I'm hanging my hopes on Beth's description. :D 


    ~ Penance

    Yeah, I know... hehe. I figured I might as well go on and order it though and if I don't like it I can put it up for trade... :D


    I mainly ordered cotton candy-like scents... hehe. I LOVE cotton candy, am addicted to it, so I'm hoping maybe it smells a bit like it. lol.

  19. Up until maybe a month ago I pronounced it Sam-hayn, because that's how it looked to me... :P But I was reading a book, and didn't know how a few things were pronounced, so I got online and typed them in, and found the true pronounciations of them, and also put in Samhain... lol. I found out how to say it right...


    And I migrated from the Lush forum, and I ALWAYS read it in my head as "Bee-Pal" lol... I still say it like that when I talk about it! B-Pal. I don't think I'll ever pronounce it differently!

  20. I think maybe I'll get some small pliers and give it a go.  I just have this horrible mental image of perfume oil flying everywhere as the top comes flying off...it wouldn't be the first time something like that had happened to me. :D :D


    Here's to hoping all goes according to plan...:D


    ~ Penance

    Tell us how it goes, good luck on it! I always have those mental images too, I'm a HUGE klutz! lol. :P I hope everything goes well for you! ^^



    I just wanted to ask, Penance, how is it going with the bottle you removed the reducer from? ^^


    And I have a *kinda* stupid question.... is it possible to re-apply the reducer?


    I'm still waiting for my order, but I wanted to know... And has anyone found anymore tips? :D



  21. I found a picture that might help us wondering about reducers... I hope that it's okay for me to post this link hehe. :P I think this might give some of us a visual:

    Reducer Cap


    I just made my first BPAL order and it has a Sugar Skull in it, I didn't ask for any different top or anything though.... I was curious as to what reducers were etc... Maybe this could help someone else understand as far as this goes?


    I hope this helps someone!



  22. Try emailing Nella at answers@blackphoenixalchemylab.com  Otherwise i'm sure someone here might be willing to order or go to Black Broom for you in return for a money order.



    Emailing Nella is always the better bet than emailing Beth for things like this, and Nella will take care of you if anyone can! I put June Gloom on hold with her help back when Paypal was giving me crap. :P

    Hey guys!


    Well, I have good news. My Papa(That's my Grandpa.) is allowing me to use his credit card to order some BPAL!


    Now I just need to know how much Sugar Skull smells like Cotton Candy, because if it's not really close match and is more brown sugar like I'll just order more imps lol.



    Thank you guys so so much for your help! You're all real sweeties. :D :D



  23. Hi guys!


    Okay... I can't order via the net, and I'm really wanting to try Sugar Skull badly, but I'm scared I won't be able to get the MO to the Lab in time.... Do you guys hold products? I sent a email to Elizabeth but since she's having email monster problems (I've had those, nasty little buggers, evil mean things that need repeative spankings, before they give in and leave you alone. Then they lie and say they won't bother you and always come back....) Whee, I'm sorry to bother you guys but I'm a teeny tiny bit nervous right now. ^^;; (And if you did answer me, I apologize cause I can't find it in my email.) I hope this makes some sense because my head is killing me right now, any help is appriciated. Thank you so much guys. ^^


    Also, since only the lab knows how it smells, does it smell similar to cotton candy? I'm asking because it's the only reason I'm ordering it... :D I love cotton candy so much, my normal perfume is cotton candy scented so I'm ordering imps of the most cotton candylike scents... :P (From what I've been told that is! Hehe.) If it doesn't smell like it I'll just take and order 6 more imps... LOL.


    I can't send money in through paypal cause I don't have a verified acct. on there which means I can't send anything... (I tried adding my Grandpa "Papa"'s credit card, since he's basically my father but it won't let me cause our last names are different!) So my options are basically money order only... He only lets me use his credit card over the phone so I'm basically screwed. =/ I'm sorry to bother you guys to ask for this....




