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Posts posted by Pixie-elf

  1. Old Kathmandu


    In the Vial: Wow, in the vial it smells like Root Beer to me too!


    Wet: Root Beer at first, then it morphs... the Cedar and the Lotus come out, and, they both stay equal. They don't change, or fight for whom is stronger...


    Dry: Cedar and Lotus are Equal. I keep getting the scent of something snokey, like incense, or like a fire, along with the Cedar and Lotus...


    Conclusion: I might get a big bottle of this, I will for SURE use up the imp and get another. :P It's really nice.

  2. A scent that captures a meeting of the serenity and elegance of ancient Japan, the vibrant, shining, neon-lit and ultra-modern splendor of today's Tokyo and the fantastic electric fantasyland of post-modern manga fantasy. Urban metallics and an ozone-tinged breath of electric light mingled with reedy bamboo, crisp mountain air, cherry blossoms, delicate orchid and a splash of playful, wet fruits.

    In the Vial: Slightly Soapy and fruity.

    Wet: I smell the Cherry Blossum and something in it is not agreeing with me I don't think. It's making my head hurt, I think it's the Ozone maybe. :/

    Dry: The Ozone is gone now.... But the Cherry Blossum is here, making this a nice scent, and the freshness... it would be perfect in bath and body products!

    Conclusion: I'm gonna keep it and maybe later on try it in Lotion to see if it would change it, and make the Ozone stay away ^^

  3. Loralei

    In the Vial: Citrusy....


    Wet: It's Citrusy at first with Ylang Ylang...


    Dry: It's got a tiny bit of Citrus in the background with Ylang Ylang and Sandalwood in the front.


    Conclusion: While it's nice, it's not me. It'll go up for swaps.

  4. Saturn


    In the Vial: Strong and Incensey.


    Wet: I smell something Incensey that smells really good... Very nice. ^^ It's masculine. Very masculine.


    Dry: Definately a male scent, it's very nice, deep, incensey, strong, and woody. Not sure how to describe it otherwise.


    Conclusion: This scent is so comforting, like some others said, it's like a man who just comforts you... I'm keeping this and I might put a dab on my pillow for nights when I need to have some male comfort....

  5. March Hare


    In the Vial: Sweet Apricot! Wow, this smells good....


    Wet: Sweet Juicy apricot... oh it's so fruity and pretty.


    Dry: Apricot and clove, it's sweet, with a lot of depth... it's very juicy. It's deeper / darker now that it's dry.


    Conclusion: While It's juicy, sweet, and mouth watering, I just don't see myself wearing it that much... So I'll trade it to someone who will :P

  6. Anne Bonny


    In the Vial: A light whiff of Patchouli.


    Wet: Mostly I smell the Patchouli, but I can smell a bit of the Sandalwood I think...


    Dry: Sandalwood and Patchouli and something that smells a little sweet fight for dominance.... It's a very beautiful scent.


    Conclusion: While it smells nice it's not for me. I don't see me wearing it a lot so I'll trade it to someone who -will-.

  7. Belladonna:


    In the Vial: A dark green scent.


    Wet: Earthy, Dark, Green...


    Dry: Earthy, and I think I smell sage in this.... Herbal, nice... I smell whatever floral it is but have no clue what it is, just a sniff of it.


    Conclusion: If you like Earthy Floral Green Herby scents, this would be for you. I'm not into them though... It's feminine I think, and dark green.

  8. In the Vial: The scent of damp ground, it smells like it might have pine or something in it.


    Wet: Earth, freshly turned... maybe a tiny bit floral...


    Dry: Earth, Patchouli, Juniper, and a tiny bit of Rose. It's very nice. It's masculine to me though, the masculine version of Zombi.


    Conclusion: I don't usually go for Earthy scents, I go for candy scents or florals, but if you like Earthy scents, you'll like Burial. I'm gonna swap mine tho.

  9. In the Vial: Something green is all I smell in the vial.


    Wet: It smells like myrrh.... With maybe some mint or something? It has a green undertone to it...


    Dry: Eucalyptus I think is what I'm smelling, along with some Myrrh... It gives the feel of a Man's scent.


    Conclusion: Nope, not for me. I'll take and swap this one.

  10. In the Vial: Cherry Cough Syrup...


    Wet: Cherry Cough Syrup with something a little....darker... in it.


    Dry: Cherries, a bit of Chocolate, and fig, are what I can smell and that's it...


    Conclusion: While it's nice, I won't be buying a bottle of it. I don't really like it, I would wear it, so this is off to be swapped, too...

  11. In the Vial - Dry. It smells dry and spicy.


    Wet - Spicy and Herby, I think I can smell amber, maybe, and some incense... Maybe some sage, but I'm not sure.


    Dry - Clove and maybe Carnations? It's spicy, with a tiny bit of sweetness, and herbs. Maybe sage. It's kinda masculine... The carnations aren't very strong at all though.


    Conclusion: Not for me, but it's dry enough to be part of the Sun. It's spicy, and herby, but just not something that screams Me! I'm swapping it.

  12. Ahathoor was a giftie imp from the lab. :P


    In the Vial - Herbish with maybe something similar to mint in it.


    Wet - Maybe a little mint is in it? Or maybe some Sage or another herb? It's a bit spicy.


    Dry - It's minty with something like sage in it I think, not as minty as before but... I'm not really sure how to describe it or what's in it. It's dry though it seems... It's Spicy though, I can smell that.


    Conclusion - It's nice and complex but not my type of scent. I won't be buying a big bottle and will be trading this.

  13. In the Vial: I can smell the pear, and that's about it...very pear-like and sweet.


    Wet: I can smell the pear really well now along with the rose... it's very crisp and fresh. Pearlike and Floral, but mostly Pear is what I smell.


    Dry: My skin brought out the rose and pear equally but I don't smell the Lily at all.... It's very nice, floral, and a little fruity.


    Conclusion: While I like this and it is nice it's just not me... I'll trade it to someone who really would love it instead. :D But if you like Pear, you'll love this. :P

  14. In the Vial: Sweet Plummy goodness!


    Wet: A little less sweet than it was in the Vial, but still, a yummy sweet plum... I love this scent.


    Dry: As it dries it gets more depth to it and a bit less sweetness, once it is dry it smells like some yummy plum mixed with blackcurrant and maybe the wine, too.


    Conclusion: I like this scent a lot. I think later on I'll have to buy a bottle of it, but it's not on my list of priorities to get. But once I get a few other bottles it will be! :P Good thing I have a second imp to tide me over til I get it. Also if you love this, you'll love Midwinter's Eve.


    ADDED March 5:


    Bordello, Yum...


    In the Vial: Plum, and a little alcohol.


    Wet: Sweet and Plum-Like, very nice. Deep, Plum, so yummy, Alcohol is all gone.


    Dry: I can really smell the Plum mainly, and the Blackcurrant comes in stronger, no alcohol. But it's sweetish in a berry way... Now sometimes it winds up being sweet in the sweet way, it depends on what time of the month it is. Sometimes a LITTLE alcohol peeks up but not much.


    Conclusion: I'm gonna buy a bottle of it, one day. :D It's very nice, I love the scent, and if you love Plum, or Midwinter's Eve, I'm sure you'll love this! I find it deeper than Midwinter's Eve. But the Amaretto doesn't come out much

  15. In the Vial: Apples and Honey!


    Wet: Roses, and Apples..


    Dry: Apples, Crisp apples, A dab of Honey, and a little Roses and Ylang Ylang in the background


    Conclusion: It's very nice, I'll keep the imp and finish it but I won't be buying a big bottle, while this is a beautiful scent, it's just not something I'd wear often. If you like Apples, Roses, or Ylang Ylang this one would be great for you!

  16. In the Vial: It smells like the sea, oh, so yummy....


    Wet: A bit of citrus pops out, but mostly it smells like the sea... They take turns taking control, first The Aquatics, then the Citrus, then back to Aquatics again.


    Dry: There's a bit of a floral I think, not sure though... It's still got a bit of citrus in the background but the aquatic / sea smell is in the front, this smells nice. I think it smells like the sea with just a tiny bit of citrusy to add some depth to it. :P


    Conclusion: I think it smells alot like the description. I'm not going to be buying a bottle or even keeping the imp because it's just not for me.

  17. In the Vial: I can't really pick anything out, any individual notes, I smell something a little sweet I think but that's it.


    Wet: I still can't pick anything out... :/ It's like a muted scent, Hopefully it'll change once dry.


    Dry: Light. A little herby, almost... It's so light though, I'm not really getting any individual notes... Wait, No, I can. I can smell a little bit of Sandalwood, but that's about it...


    Conclusion: If you want something very light, that you can't tell really what's in it, a little herby, this one would be for you. I won't be getting a big bottle because I like STRONG scents. It could also be good for layering. But, Not for me.... it goes to Swaps.

  18. In the Vial: I can smell the earth, and roses...


    Wet: First I smell the ground, soil, earth... With dried roses mixed in... but it's mostly earth, oakmoss, soil...


    Dry: Almost exactly the same as wet except the roses are coming out more... A lot more, it's taking turns, the roses come up, then the soil, then the oakmoss... It's kinda grassy, very nice.


    Conclusion:If you like dried roses, or, the smell of the soil, or grass, you'd like this. I won't be buying a big bottle of it because it bothers my allergies and isn't what I'm looking for... But it's nice nonetheless. I'll be putting this imp up for swap.

  19. Created to represent the essence of Bram Stoker’s tragic heroine, Lucy Westenra. Seductive, wanton and deadly, but underscored with a soft, wistful innocense. The gentle scent of rose and a blend of Victorian spices.

    In the Vial: Sweet and rosy

    Wet: It's sweet, roses, with a tiny hint of spice...

    Dry: Roses, just very sweet beautiful roses...they smell fresh with a tiny hint of spice, but, that's it. It's such a beautiful scent.... The Drydown makes me feel like a rose that's blooming, since that's how I smell.

    Conclusion: It smells like some fresh Roses and I'll wear this if I'm in a Rosy mood. I won't be buying a bottle because it's just not something I see myself wearing often but I WILL finish the imp!

  20. Naiad


    In the Vial: I smell citrus, and something sweet (Neroli and I'm guessing the Lotus)


    Wet: At first it just smells orange on me... Then the orange takes on a sweetness, it's not a big change but still enough of one to notice.


    Dry: It's a sweet orange scent... I don't know how to describe it other than that. My chemestry isn't letting the Lotus come out at all, sadly...


    Conclusion: While this is a beautiful scent, I was hoping the Lotus would come out a lot more than it did, sadly, but, being that this is discontinued, I'm glad I got ot try it!

  21. In the Vial: Grapefruit and a little bit of Tea it seems like...


    Wet: it's very citrusy, almost sharp, but nice. I can really smell the grapefruit.


    Dry: The ONLY thing I smell is grapefruit, nothing else. No apple blossum, just Grapefruit...


    Conclusion: I won't be buying a big bottle of this because I'm not big on citrus scents.. But I'll keep this prolly in hopes it ages and the apple blossum peeks out!

  22. In the Vial: Almost Grape-Like is the scent I get in the vial. How weird. O_o


    Wet: The Patchouli and Peach are kinda battling a little bit for who'll get to be the one that I smell the most.


    Dry: I smell the patchouli in the background with the peach up front, it's very candylike,and if you like peach and patchouli you'll like this!


    Conclusion: I won't be buying a big bottle of this. I don't really like it enough to plus, I was looking for a cotton candys scent, and this isn't really close enough to it, so I'll be swapping it.

  23. I think there might be some Jasmine in this.


    It's very nice, it's dark, deep, and a tiny bit spooky....


    If Darkness wore a scent, it would DEFINATELY be Beth's blend of Darkness, because it hits the nail on the head!


    It smells smokey, and jasminey, and floraly...


    Sadly it's not me, I might try it again later on but it's just not me. :/
