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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Pixie-elf

  1. Orion is do wonderful and snuggly. It's liken being wrapped up in a warm cabin in front of a chair that your Granny who smoked often sat in. She made you a plate of spice cookies nearby, but you don't really smell them. You just know they're in the house.


    It's got a lovely vanillaish, spicy cedar drydown for me. I love it.


    Thank you so much Dark Alice for sending me this!! I love it!

  2. Okay so I'm not sure what year this is, either 2007 or 2008? It's got 2 ladies on the label.


    Either way, I loooove it.


    It's a bit boozy but not in a drunken way, a bit floral, but not in a smothering way, sugary but not in a too sweet way, and musky in ALL of the good ways that I just don't have words for.


    It's crystalline in a way I think

    The booze isn't so strong that you feel like a drunkard, it's "Oh, I'm a wee bit tipsy." Just enough to be bubbly.


    The sugary musk is the real star. It's kind of like Snake oil, but sweeter.


    On my ol' man it smells straight up grapey.

  3. Is there a place to order both roller balls and wand caps? Just curious. I got my first bottle with a wand cap on it and really like it. I just can't see paying 9 bucks shipping for a bunch of fancy caps when I also want to try the roller balls too... mainly cause I'm thinking "That could buy me some bpal." XD

  4. All of my current hair products have coconut in 'em, and Brown Jenkins has tgat same loverly scent. The sandalwood makes a wonderful combination with it!


    The incensed make it so the coconut isn't a whole straight up exotic or food scent, if that makes sense? It's definitely snuggly. It's nice and creamy.

  5. If you've ever smelled B Never 2 Busy To Be Beautiful by Lush, or Flying Foxes, both of which were discontinued, this is very similar.


    If you loved either of those GET you some. It's gorgeous honey. It's different than O, it's not pure sex. It's beautiful and kind of innocent in a way, I'm attributing that to the orange blossom and sugar.


    Good God, this takes me back, and makes me miss B Never as a body wash. I'd love to bathe in Comedy Queen. If you love pure honey, get you some!

  6. This is sooo good. I like mainstream perfume now that I can actually wear it. This is such a better version of it! It's like a high dollar, fancy pants perfume but one that I enjoy wearing, if that makes sense? I feel sophisticated, amazing, and like I can take on the world and grab it by the balls.

  7. Holy crap, this reminds me of New Orleans in a bottle. I mean that in the BEST way.


    It starts out all almondy, pure almonds. Them it morphs into a lovely spicy, boozy tobacco scent that is wonderful and cozy, just like some of the little shops there.


    Man, I want to visit again, and hide myself away in some of those boutiques. But until then I feel like Baron Samedi has captured a wee bit of that scent memory, and magic. I think I'm gonna smear this all over my ol'man when I want a comfy, cozy, snuggly scent, full of hidden secrets.

  8. I am having a particularly hard day / night, and Diwali is a wonderfully comforting scent.


    It's like lightly spiced cream. Sweet, fruity, but not overly so. It's so comforting and feels like a warm hug.


    My fiance has suggested I wear this scent when I need to appear professional, oddly enough. It's not sweet in a childish manner, the sandalwood and cardamom make it an adult scent. I love it. When I'm having a rough day I like to put it on and snuggle up.

  9. Gorgeous, plum sweetened tobacco, booze and musk. The patch isn't dirty, but my Mom, as always, asks "Is that a man's cologne you're wearing?" Because of it, and the tobacco, I think... Idgaf, I smell good in men's cologne too. :P


    I loooove it. I really want to try some of the newer version, but the old is aged to perfection. I feel amazing and mysterious when I wear it. It's much less sweet since it's aged and I feel ready to take out a tarot deck, and read someone's palm!

  10. It's like the ghost of a rose stem farted on my arm. And oddly that isn't a bad thing. Honestly I fear roses, but this is actually lovely on me. It's not one of those "O hai, I'm rose!!!!!" Screeching blends.


    Its green with a nice powdery rose poot!

  11. It starts out all cherries, with a hint of wood. Then turns to woods with a tobacco note.


    Eventually it dries down to a prominent sweet fruity tobacco scent. It reminds me of the cigars my Papa used to smoke.

  12. An olfactory serenede. A somber, contemplative scent -- dreamy and subdued. Deepest violet touched with lilac and tuberose.


    This is the lilac blend I've been looking for. Not mixed with rose, or a cologne, it's gorgeous.

    The lilac, violet, and tuberose play so well together, it's well balanced, feminine, and beautiful.

  13. This is amaaaaazing. It smells like I crawled up inside of a honey cake that is smothered in caramel cream, with a dash of that delicious BPAL goodness underneath. You know the scent I'm talking about. It's not a sout wine note, it's fab. I enjoy it and it'd be great layered!

  14. This is AMAZING.

    The pomegranate and the cotton candy are perfectly balanced together for me. This is like pomegranates turned in to cotton candy. I would honestly eat the everloving crap out of this if I could... I want it as a hair gloss and body oil SO BAD.

    It's sweet, but not too sweet. The poms balance out the cotton candy really well, if that makes any sense? I'm not sure I'm able to do this justice. If you like Candy Phoenix, you'll love it! I definitely need a backup.
