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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Pixie-elf

  1. Pixie-elf


    I think there might be some Jasmine in this. It's very nice, it's dark, deep, and a tiny bit spooky.... If Darkness wore a scent, it would DEFINATELY be Beth's blend of Darkness, because it hits the nail on the head! It smells smokey, and jasminey, and floraly... Sadly it's not me, I might try it again later on but it's just not me. :/
  2. Pixie-elf


    In the Bottle: I can smell the Sweet Pea I think... On my skin: The Sweet Pea and Lily start to battle now.... Unfortunately, while it smells nice, it's starting to make me itch.... Dry: Nice, almost soapy, but you can smell the lily and the sweet pea in mine, but it's making me irritated so I gotta wash it off... Off to swaps this goes!
  3. Pixie-elf


    In the Vial:Nice. No clue what's in it but it's nice ^^;; On my skin: Once it's on first I smell the rose mixed with something else.... I'm not sure what but it's vaguely rosey-sweet, and spicy. And something Green too! Dry: It smells rosey, and spicy, and has either Mint or Cinnimon in it or SOMETHING familiar that's very similar to it It's spicy and just very nice! It's also got something very green in it... Something Herby. Summary: It's nice, but not me, sadly. If you want a Herby/spicy rose, you could find it here!
  4. Dragon's Milk Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo Jester Jailbait (maybe, it's bubblegummish.) Horn of Plenty (really sweet.) Lolita (cotton candyish) I love Rockstar Soap. I dunno about Florabundance, while I have some, I dunno what would go w/ them.... *big hugs* sorry! --Mystina
  5. Pixie-elf


    First Sniff: Berries and... other stuff? On my skin: Berries... Mmm... Sweet JUICY berries... After 5 minutes: Mmm... Blackberry. This smells really nice and blackberrylike. Yum. After 10 minutes: It's still berryish, but I can smell a little herbiness coming through. After 30 minutes: More berrylike than herby but it's getting a bit stronger.... After an Hour: Berry scent + Herbs are equal now. After 2 hours: Faint berry and herbs, equal on me, very nice. Conclusion: I won't be buying more. While it IS nice, it's not me. It's off to swaps probably... If you like Berries, and you like a little herbiness, then you'll like this. It's very pretty just not me.
  6. Pixie-elf

    Traveling with BPAL

    I believe that was Erewhesle.... LMAO That picture cracked me up. I wouldn't think it'd be a good idea to carry them in Ammo cases, or would it be okay?
  7. Hell's Belle is so sexy... seriously... I FEEL sexy wearing it... O too! Formula 54, is pretty sexy also.... Venus is discontinued, but I thought I'd add it ot the list of ones I just feel drop-dead-gorgeous in.
  8. Pixie-elf


    Okay, I can't even think about this scent without getting sick.... I recieved it, and when I smelled of it in the vial it turned my stomach... No joke. I can't stand it. I think it might be the nuts in it, it's just too bitter, no sweet, NOT for me! Yucky. I got rid of it, I tried it over the period of several months, and the only thing I got out of it was just....bitterness... sickening bitterness. Beth, I am -so- sorry that I'm putting down one of your blends, but it's just not for me, someone else might be able to handle it, but I can't. ;_; I TRIED so so hard to love it, but couldn't. Cats now has it, hopefully SHE can love it, when I couldn't...
  9. Pixie-elf

    What BPAL scents could represent a mermaid?

    Okay, the way I READ that was as... lack of feet as in "lack of the scent of feet" I think Undertow would work but we need something else for a Mermaid, maybe we will get one.
  10. Pixie-elf

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    Well, maybe.... is it a CONTACT allergy, or, just if you eat it type?
  11. Pixie-elf

    Horn of Plenty

    I bought this because I was told it was very sweet / kinda cotton candyish! And, on me, it is! This stuff is AWESOME! I like it a lot, it's vanillaish, and so sweet... I wish I could eat it! It turns into cotton candy on drydown, and stays that way... Also, something else I noticed, every time I wear it I win something, get something, etc.... That might sound a little strange but it's true! I've noticed a change in my luck when I wear it, so I honestly believe it works! If you like sweet scents this would be yours. I suggest it for the luck factor too!
  12. Hi guys! Okay I haven't even gotten my first order, but I've decided that the Imps I got during trades (Lush forum....) from a few people...well, one has Lotus in it. I don't know what it smells like alone but I'm positive that's the note that I'm starting to fall in love with, lol. It was Black Lotus... Could you guys help me find some good / strong / mostly Lotus scents? Some things I would like being mixed in with Lotus : Jasmine, Dragon's Blood, Fruits, Ylang Ylang, Vanilla and other sweet things. I love sickly sweet scents, so anything sickly sweet with Lotus / Really sweet mixed with Lotus = yum! lol. Things I don't like : Cloves, really bitter scents, spices, etc... I don't really like Citrus scents very much. I don't like Patchouli much but I can tolerate it, and I don't really want to smell like any woods or anything... lol. I did the search on the BPAL site, but I figured you guys might be able to tell me better etc... My first order was almost all Cotton Candyish scents! Hehe. So I'm planning my second order right now, yes, already... lol. Any help would be appriciated! Here are the scents I found on the search (Minus Black Lotus, lol.) Please tell me which ones smell the most like Lotus?: Lotus Forbidden Fruit Blood Lotus Glitter Kali Naiad Pandora Shattered Undertow Ophelia Muse Old Kathmandu Old Paris You could even rate them 1-10 as far as how Lotusy they smell... lol. Thanks guys! --Mystina
  13. Pixie-elf


    At first, Bluebeard was Grassy, and Lavendarish. Then, after a minute or two of being on my skin it turns like grassy, but sweet, like, say if I picked up a piece of grass, and chewed on it, this is how it would taste, sweet grass. I knwo that makes no sense but hey... It was masculine, DEF. masculine on me, while it was a little floral, it was still so much better suited for a man. So I'm going to be sending it to a man who can use it... LOL. This is really nice, I can see it's masculiune but a woman could wear it if she wanted to! I think on a man it might be a little less floral. Like with a man's chemestry I mean.... It's very light, and nice, lavendary, but the violet makes the lavendar tolerable for me, but it's just not something I'd wear.
  14. Pixie-elf

    Different smells/colors, same perfume

    Augh, I got an imp of Lolita that smelled DIVINE, like Cotton Candy, from Coffee With Spoons (thank you so much sweetie. ) And, I ordered one from the lab. The one from the lab had something CITRUSY in it and wasn't so sweet. Now I dunno if I should order a big bottle or not. :/ So for now, my next order, I'm just going with Dragon's milk.
  15. I have to agree on Hell's Belle, it's got quite a bit of throw! It's very yummy though. =) I think Snake Oil, does too. And Dragon's Milk, at least on me.
  16. Pixie-elf

    International Shipping Info+Questions

    I can understand sweetie *big hugs* My order of Sugar Skull (Samhain LE) and, my Snow White (Yule LE) didn't come until right before Christmas...within DAYS of each other arriving. I got antsy, angry, stressed/worried and irritated, to be honest.... You're not alone in feeling like that. :/ *hugs* I understood the Lab did their best, but, I felt like I was the LAST one to get their freaking order of the Sugar Skull! I was glad to get it before Christmas, mainly. I'm so sorry your order is taking so long! :/ I just wanted to say that and let you know you're not alone in feeling like that! *lots of hugs for you* It sucks that it takes so long to get your order *Squeezes*
  17. Pixie-elf


    I love Blood! It surprizes me cause I dislike clove, and normally don't wear scents w/ Myrrh in them (just not my thing) but I think the Dragon's Blood and Cherry are what saved it. LOL. I couldn't detect the cloves, so to me, this was a wonderful, sweet scent. You could smell the Dragon's Blood, and the Cherry, and Myrrh... The Dragon's Blood and Cherry make it sweet, and the Myrrh gives it a bit more depth, some strength. It makes it sweet, but with a bit of a darkness.... Blood, makes me think of how blood must taste / smell to Vampires, I'd imaigne this is what Blood tastes like to them, Sweet, with some depth, almost as if it was a fine wine. I might have to get another Imp of this, but I don't think I'll buy a bottle.
  18. Jailbait has a pretty good bit of throw, my mom could smell it like 10 ft away. Then again IT SPILLED EVERYWHERES. So it's all **I** can smell!!! --Mystina
  19. Pixie-elf

    Hell's Belle

    Wow, just -wow-. In the bottle: It smells sweet, maybe a little smoky... Wet on my skin: Wow, it's creamy, fruity, and very pretty... Dry on my skin: Okay, even more Wow... it's Creamy, Plummy, yummy, and very sensual. It pretty much stays like this... At this point, I feel, for lack of a better description... Like a sex kitten, off her leash! (instead of "Sex kitten on a leash" I feel like one that's been set free!) Able to go for a tumble when I please with no one to yank on my leash... This scent is very sensual, I feel sexy, I feel like I could do whatever I want, and get away with it...THAT'S how this scent makes me feel. I actually, really, want to go for a tumble with someone....anyone...at this point because it suddenly brought out my naughty side and I want to use it!
  20. Pixie-elf

    #20 Love Oil

    Well, I'm not really sure how to describe this scent other than Herbal. I smell roses, maybe some lemon, herby, and spicy.... It makes me feel a little bit.... naughty would be the word, I don't exactly get it, but it gave me the distinct feeling of 'Good girl gone BAD' or maybe with me it should be 'Bad girl gone WORSE' Either way it was very complex, very well blended and nice. I wouldn't buy a big bottle or wear it again, because I have others that made me feel much sexier than this and made me feel.... seductive moreso. LOL. But if you like herbal scents with a touch of rose, this may be for you. I took and also put a little Black Rose over it and it brought out the roses moreso, So if you want more of a rosey scent you can always layer it!
  21. Eos - Young, Innocent, Girly. Juliet Also, Tamora may not be floral, but it's very young girlish!
  22. Anyone found anything that compares to Ice Queen, but is current? I'm gonna be getting ahold of an imp soon, so I'm just wondering! My Hemlock is green, too. *nods*
  23. Gluttony LITERALLY made me physically ill, it smells like peanuts, which is NOT my thing. =/ Ugh... I don't like it, and I hate Sugar Skull too! Maybe there's another way to get the coconut and white musk, type scent.... What other scents have those two notes in them? (and if they have extra's, list them, and as we go through them, we can mark some off the list!) I don't smell coconut at all in mine, it smells....weird. Not almondy, I wish it did, it smells fresh, clean, I'm hoping it'll develope more as it ages. ^^;; It smells NOTHING like Dana O Shee to me! Nor does it smell like Szepassony to me.... ^^;; Starry Kitten: How does it remind you of it? Like in what way I mean? And whoever compared it to Cathode: How does it compare? In mood? In scents/notes? etc. =) Just curious guys!!! Thanks! --Mystina
  24. Pixie-elf

    Sugar Skull

    Vibrant with the joy and sweetness of life in death! A blend of five sugars, lightly dusted with candied fruits. Maple Syrup on me! I think I'll have to swap this, Because I can't stand maple syrup you see, And it's not Beth that I'm tryin' to Diss, Just Maple syrup.... This, for others, probably was a HIT, on me it was a MISS! But, on me, it was, because I think it makes me wanna throwup. That was me trying to be poetic about this. Sucked didn't it?
  25. How about these? Some are D/Ced, other's LE's. Circe (Haven't tried it but want it!) Venus Ice Queen (Haven't tried it but want it!) Black Widow (haven't tried it... but want it) Sugar Skull (so i can avoid it like the freakin plague!!!!) And I agree with MWE = Bordello, except Bordello has MUCH more depth! Whee! <3