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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by alexismichelle

  1. alexismichelle

    New Orleans

    "Reminiscent of hothouse blooms on a humid night, ripe, but touched with decay. Sweet honeysuckle and jasmine with a hint of lemon and spice." This scent is very complex on me, but it definitely does smell "humid" like one of the other posters said. I've never been to New Orleans, so I cannot attest to it's accuracy. It does however remind me very much of my family's farm in rural Georgia. The evenings smelled like all sorts of night blooming flowers plus a little bit of general organic materials (freshly turned dirt, compost, harvested vegetables, etc). I like this scent a lot... it deepened a lot on the skin, though I wouldn't say that any particular note overtook any other... they all just got more intense. It did get kind of "musky" for lack of a better word on me. Most scents do on me though, so I don't think it's anything particular to this formula. I give it 4 out of 5... nope 4.5 out of 5
  2. alexismichelle


    My favorite of the scents I've tried so far. Very floral and perfectly feminine, whoever said it smells like spring is so right! I smelled violet straight out of the bottle (I'm assuming it was violet because it was not rose) But once on my skin I really alternated between violet and rose which is great, I keep sniffing myself to see which I get. I'll definitely order a bottle of this. It's perfect for me.
  3. alexismichelle


    This was the first scent that I tried the seven imps in my initial BPAL order. I really wanted to like it, and I've never been very sensitive to scent in general. But i have to say, I just can't wear this. In the imp it was a little floral and a little herbal, feminine, but not too sweet. I liked it alright. When first applied. Oh wow! The sneezing started, then the headache. I honestly can't tell you what it smelled like because I was miserable. After about an hour or two the sneezing stopped and the headache went away. The scent was powdery and spicey... I didn't get anything floral anymore, or honey. It wasn't that bad but I did not feel powerful, I felt a little silly after the hour of sneezing honestly. I wish I had liked it more, but it's now on its way through the postal service in my first swap, so we'll see what the mail brings me next.