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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by aestus

  1. I got hooked on BPAL about 1.5 years ago when a friend brought out her imps. I fell in love with De Sade, so she gave it to me... didn't work so well on her. I promptly got online and spent hours reading through the website, followed by starting an ever-growing collection. I found a few scents that came close to reaching the De Sade pedestal, but nothing quite toppled it... Sin tried, Two Monsters is working out a strategy, Doc Constantine is sure he will get there one day.


    Then I received my Halloween order. Brom Bones just casually walked in and took control. No aggression, no overpowering... just simply "I'm here. Everything will be OK now." OMG he's sooo sexy!


    I went to a party last night and wore Brom Bones. Being a gay boy, many of my girl friends are quite comfortable being all cuddly with me at a party, but last night even the straight guys kept their faces buried in my neck for longer than a casual hello hug. Not only do I absolutely love this scent, it seems that other people love it on me too. One friend called it "an orientation changer".


    I need to get more of this before the deadline. I have a feeling 5ml won't last very long around here.

  2. My first post!


    I am very disappointed. I absolutely love the fresh scent of Vicomte, would probably wear it on a regular basis especially in the summer... however, my skin seems to eat it up. After about half an hour I can't smell a thing. Nothing. No light musk, no soft nothing... it's all gone. It lasts longer in my locket, so maybe I will keep it for wearing that way. ~sigh~
