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BPAL Madness!


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About kimberlygem

  • Rank
    a little too imp-ulsive
  • Birthday 12/30/1969


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  • Favorite Scents
    Perversion, O, Tamora, MacchuPicchu, Tintagel, Reagan

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Perfume, mineral makeup, natural skincare and soaps<br><br>anything that smells good<br><br>
  • Mood


  • Astrological Info
  1. kimberlygem


    Perversion is my favorite. I used too much the first time and about knocked myself over . I used less the next time and it was wonderful. I so want to try Whip now too.
  2. kimberlygem

    The search for "Clean" scents - general discussion

    Macchu Pichu
  3. kimberlygem

    Queen of Spades

    I love Queen of Spades. It is rich plummy goodness dipped in black cherry liquer. Yum and then some. I also have been putting a few drops of the preciousness in a brass lightbulb ring to scent my room and it is just loverly. I wish I had gotten a ten ml as this scent is just fabulous.
  4. kimberlygem


    I am getting citrus , flowers and soap. Very clean but too soapy for me. Back into the swaps with this one. I tend to lean towards heavier scents but anything soapy I just can't do. Kimberly
  5. I love Sin. I need a vat of it. I tried searching the database for the notes listed but it is giving me way too many scents for me to order to try Can anyone recommend Bpal oils that are similiar in note to Sin? At least one of the ingredients makes this really work on me so I'd like to buy some similiar oils. Thanks! Kimberly
  6. kimberlygem

    Dana O'Shee

    This on me smells like a piece of turkish delight. Almond, cherry(light) and sweet grains. Lovely and so good. I have spent a small fortune hunting down a scent like this. Who knew it was right here at Bpal all along Big bottle for sure. Kimberly
  7. kimberlygem


    I wonder if my beloved Perversion noticed the plummet to spot number 2? One sniff of Sin and it was all done but the crying. I could wear this everyday for the rest of my life and die happy. This is the most sultry, powerful, confident sexy scent. Amazing This smelled so good I almost had to have my way with myself I need a great big bottle or two or three so I never ever run out.... Kimberly
  8. kimberlygem

    Recs for Longest Lasting Oils

    Perversion lasts so long on me. So does Tamora. Tintagel hung out to play for quite a while as well.
  9. kimberlygem


    No cocoa for me sadly. I bet sandlewood and something like fig. I want to love it but it just isn't working for me. I tried it three times and I left it on all day(lasting power is good) but my chemistry is making this very cedar/woody smelling on me. Darn it. Kimberly
  10. kimberlygem


    Soft and wafting like a warm summer night full of the most fragrant blooms. I love this one. It smells soft, feminine and subtly sexy at the same time. This grows more beautiful the longer I wear it. This one goes on the big bottle list. Kimberly
  11. kimberlygem


    On me this was apricot, sandalwood and vanilla with some sort of soft floral brewing underneath it all. I will be ordering a big bottle because it is so lovely on. I had to reapply after 4 hours but I don't mind because I got to smell all the different stages again and they are all gorgeous Kimberly
  12. kimberlygem

    Dragon's Milk

    Oh....this smells so good. Not foody but warm and yummy with a deep floral vein to it. Wow, on me this is delicious and sweet, sexy stuff. I will be thinking about a big bottle of this. It lasted all day on me too, another plus. I love the mix of the honey with the flowers and dragon's blood making for a deep milky sweetness that envelopes the wearer. A keeper for sure. Kimberly
  13. kimberlygem


    This to me was a lovely grassy floral. Very nice indeed especially since it was a freebie thrown in from a sweet swapper. I kept sniffing my wrist with this one and recieved two compliments from strangers so it is definately a keeper. Kimberly
  14. kimberlygem


    Got this in a swap. It is light and lovely. Springtime in a bottle. Very light green and buttercup yellow to me. I like it and think it would layer well with many of the light floral scents like Eve.
  15. kimberlygem


    Oh my! This is lovely. I can't stop sniffing my wrist. This is a soft floral with a not too sweet vanilla undertone that is simply gorgeous. This scent isn't overtly sexy at all but seductive in the sheer divine way it will make you smell. I think I may need a big bottle of this. Definately a keeper. Kimberly