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Everything posted by willowlux

  1. OK, having tried Snow Glass Apples and experimenting furiously to re-create it I have discovered two that seem to work. (of course this is based on what it was like on my skin) I haven't tried everything in the catalouge but these are the standouts: 1. Poisoned Apple + Thunder Moon 2007 - The apple and ozone quality is dead on in my opinion although the "chill" isn't as prevalient as in the original it still has a slight crispness too it. 2. Poisoned Apple + Snow White - Obvious choice I know. This one is 2nd in line in terms of being an equilvalent because of the ""perfumy" quality I get from Snow White. Otherwise the winter chill is dead on and the apple takes on a tarter scent in this combo. I guess you can pick which note you prefer more, ozone or chill, or layer them all and see what you get. Just thought I would share.
  2. I am in need of scent that would be close to Snow Maiden. I would like to gift it to a close friend but I only have my half full bottle left. Any help is greatly appreciated. "The Snow Maiden is the daughter of Spring and Frost: as lovely as the first snowfall, and as striking as a sliver of icicle. Isolated because of her chilly otherworldly nature, and unable to know love, she longed for the companionship and warmth of mortals. One bright, white winter's day, the Snow Maiden came upon a gentle, handsome shepherd named Lel. She grows fond of him, and beseeches Mother Spring to grant her the ability to feel. Her mother is moved by her daughters plight, and blesses her, but the moment the Snow Maiden is struck by the depth of love she feels for Lel, her heart warms, and she melts. Ylang ylang, osmanthus, spring berries, and daffodil cloaked in hoarfrost."
  3. willowlux

    Hexennacht (2008)

    I adore the original Hex so much. To bath in it daily would be the ultimate for me. So I was so excitd for the re-release. Deep, smokey, heady, resiny. Just gorgeous. in the bottle: soap. Ivory soap with a hint of fir trees. My hope was that this was a trickster type scent. Smells differently once applied. on the skin: piercing soap with a touch of dryer sheet floral WTF?. My heart began to weep at this moment of realization that this Hex is not even close to my beloved original. 30 minutes later- the headache I now have is horrific. I am almost on the verge of tears because of this one. the piercing soapy scent with a touch of floral never disapated or settled down. There was no wet gleaming skin, or wood smoke anywhere to be sniffed. I had to wash it off. I am not sure age will help this one at all. This is not even close to the orignal Hex. Hex 08 has broken my heart.
  4. willowlux

    Love's Philosophy

    This is interesting. It is creamy and warm, yet there is a lingering "frost" hidden behind the other notes. On first wiff I got a buttercream frosting scent, the initial application smelled like what a vanilla peppermint patty might smell like. But upon dry down it was Marshmallow Poof! The "frost" scent vanished completely and this was exactly like the poof on my skin. Woohoo! The throw is nice and the scent lasted about an hour or 2 before disappearing.
  5. willowlux

    Old Moon

    Stunning. Is the first thing that comes to mind. It's wintery and to me it is feminine. It reminds me of a Talvikuu but softer more subdued. It has good throw and lasted about 2 hours. If I rub my wrists together I can still smell it 6 hours later. I am thinking this will be a great scent for the oil burner and my locket
  6. willowlux


    This is beautiful. One of my stand out favs of this years order. It reminds me very much of the Darkling Thrush. I get wet frosty dead leaves on the barren ground deep in the forest. It has extended staying power as it lasted on my throughout my work day. And in an oil burner it filled the entire house with a its loveliness.
  7. willowlux

    El Dia de los Reyes

    A simple yet scrumptious blend. I was able to pick up all the notes. Not at once but throughout the day each of the components made themselves known.The chocolate is a milky sweet chocolate, the cinnamon isn't too overbearing, the coffee and brown sugar blend well together to give it a coffee creme brulee scent. I wore this one to bed last night and my husband was very happy with my selection. It has nice staying power as I awake and still smelled this on my wrists. I welcome addition to my winter collection
  8. willowlux

    The Fruit of Paradise

    The Pomegranate in this scent is gorgeous. It's sweet but not syrupy sweet, tart but not pucker tart. Absolutely perfect in my opinion. It's absolutely going to become one of my standards. (more bottles need to be ordered) It doesn't last very long on my skin, but hte throw is nice, and it mixes well with others.
  9. willowlux

    Bad Luck Woman Blues

    Yum yum yum. This is dark and sexy scent. I can't really pick out any individual notes in this one as they all blend so harmoniously. It's an exquisite scent. Rich and earthy, deep green, dark caramelized sweetness with a touch of spice. True staying power thsi one has. I. am. in. love.
  10. willowlux

    Ice Queen

    I just got this in a swap today and I am in love. In the vial I smell ice covered evergreen trees and dark florals. It is earthy, cold, and lightly sweet. On my wrist, it remains the same. Perhaps the evergreen is a bit amped but not much. It didn't last as long as some of the other cold Yule scents do (like Skadi, Darkling thrush, Snow flakes) but it didn't disappear either. This is a beautiful scent. Another one I wish would be re-released so I could own a bottle.
  11. willowlux

    Hexennacht (2005, 2016)

    Beyond gorgeous scent. Woods, fire, and sweaty skin... The Lab description is dead on with this one. It's sweet, heavy, and earthy. I wore this during a heat wave this summer and it had great staying power considering how much I was sweating. And the scent stayed true on my skin from vial to wear. If I could buy more I would as this is in my top 10 ultimate scents. A true treat for the nose.
  12. willowlux

    Mabon 2004

    I finally get the "holy grail" for me of BPAL scents, in to my excited little hands and I was treated too.... Cherry Cola. Cherry cola in the vial, cherry cola on my wrist. This didn't morph at all. It remained cherry freaking cola. I reminded me of bottle caps candy. It didn't have any staying power either with my chemistry as it faded in about 20 minutes. I am so beyond sad at the moment. Poopies.
  13. willowlux

    Monster Bait: Tokyo Stomp

    Wow! This is little girls running around in brown uniforms selling cookies happy. As it smells exactly like Girl Scout Thin Mint Cookies to me. First sniff almost had me thinking a York peppermint patty w/o the chocolate coating. But upon further sniffing the childhood memories of playing with yarn and macaroni flooded back to me. a Crispt, sweet buttery vanilla mint. Beautiful. This is a great scent. I love mint, but somtimes wiht the mint scents it will be so powerful I get a headache but not with this one. Not sure if I will be wearing it but it will def be a happy sweet smell that I sniff when my monthly curse stops in for a visit and I need a pick me up.
  14. willowlux


    This scent was a frimp. And to whomever you are THANK YOU, You are a Goddess! Ok with that out of the way... The name instantly told me this was for the hubby. Not to mention the color of the oil in the vial was a little disconcerning to me. Very dark almost like wet dirt. Smell in the vial: Earthy, musky but not heavy. Yet it finishes with a sweet note, almost like root beer to my untrained nose. It reminds me of being at the Ren Faire or an SCA event. Totally bizare. On the skin: Wooow. It smells like primal, almost savage sex. I seriously could not keep my hands of my husband. Not too mention his prowess was rather... how should I put this... fierce. This gets a 9 out of 10.