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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by girlygirl

  1. Tropical yet exotic. Where Fruit Moon is a bevy of tropical fruits, Velvet Tiki is a soft medley of flowers and a whisper of fruits. Tiki Queen DEMANDS to be noticed but Velvet Tiki is more, well, velvety. Soft, sophisticated. A womanly exotic blend like you'd buy in an exclusive boutique on a tropical vacation because it embodies the spirit of your time there.

  2. Relax, revive, restore.

    Peppermint, spearmint, geranium bourbon, lavender, clary sage, white amber, juniper berry, laurel leaf, coriander, opoponax, and mandarin.

    A fantastic aromatherapeutic blend. The mints are prominent. Next up are geranium bourbon, lavender, and juniper berry. I don't smell the clary sage at all, which is fine by me as I find it to be overpowering at times.

    This is both relaxing and invigorating at the same time. A great bedtime bath when you are upset or having muscle aches.

    I inadvertently discovered that if, after soaking in HSR bath oil, I allow my skin to air dry, I experience the cooling and tingling effect of the mints.

    Just what the doctor ordered.

  3. Butter Rum Cookie smells EXACTLY like the molasses/ginger/cinnamon cookies my dear husband's late great-grandmother made. We have the recipe and make them in the winter for special occasions. This smells EXACTLY like those cake-y, soft, delicious, hot from the oven cookies smell.


    When I close my eyes, I can picture him as a small boy, standing on a stool at the counter, helping his nana mix up a batch of these cookies.


    I am officially verklempt. Beth, you are a genius. Thank you.

  4. Scent: eucalyptus and orange. Medicinal at first but fades to something softer quickly.


    Nice slip.


    I had a bad fall - down the stairs - and used this on my bruises. It actually helped heal the bruises much more quickly than usual. I am impressed!

  5. In the bottle: lavender!!


    Wet: lavender tea


    Drydown: at first lavender and fennel and sweetened iced tea. (Dorian smells just like Lipton sweetened ice tea to me!) The lavender and fennel remind me of Lush's Playdoze bubble bar, a favorite!

    Then the lavender and fennel fade and I'm left with snuggly warm vanilla and a very very faint floral note.


    Throw: medium to high



  6. :P

    In the bottle: cinnamon sugar, very sweet

    What's on my skin after bathing: the GOOD kind of patchouli, resins, and a hint of cinnamon. Very fall - dark and woody. The sweetness just tempers the woody earthy elements - perfectly blended and lovely.

  7. At first this smelled like green peppers to me. I am allergic to green peppers and hate their scent. But I knew there is no green pepper in this, so I decided to wait and try again. I shook the bottle, spritzed once, and left the room for a while to prevent the mist from affecting my asthma. Came back to the smell of patchouli and strong black tea. It's actually quite nice! As a tea lover, my husband quite likes it.


    Perhaps TMI: Perfect for counteracting unpleasant bathroom or cat box smells. :P

  8. :P

    Scent: cool, minty, fresh

    Appearance: a bowl of oatmeal

    Texture: scrubby but not ouchy, oily


    It is so oily that I had trouble removing the scrubby bits - probably because I was using a cool water foot bath. It's 90 today and I had just walked a mile and ridden on a bus without A/C, so this was the perfect treat.


    I suggest wearing slippers or socks afterwards to avoid slipping if you have hard floors as this leaves behind quite a lot of moisture! It's really good as a hand scrub too.


    ETA - I wore socks afterwards until bed and the next morning I was shocked at how much better my cracked heels look and feel. I thought they'd need more scrubbing but it turns out they needed the scrub/moisture combo. Wow. Will be buying this again and again!

  9. I am testing Brom Bones on my husband. :P


    In the vial: new leather jacket

    Wet (on the man): leather and musk

    Dry: there's a sharpness there with the musk and hint of leather. It smells like booze.


    ETA - when fully dried down, it doesn't smell as good as in the imp - skin chemistry! Hubby says it smells like "locker room" on him. Yeah, not good. He agrees that it smells "nice" in the imp but bad on him.
