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Posts posted by Wildbriar

  1. Yes, that was my thought about Shub - perhaps a bit foody. I've got Gomorrah, which is full of fig and date notes and seems rather approriate for Atia; I'll add it to my shortlist. Thanks for the suggestions!


    Oooh, i think Gomorrah would be perfect! I actually thought of that one after I posted. It always brings to mind temple incense of ancient times, and is unisex, and sensual enough... Mmmm, excellent choice.


    Have a blast at the party, it sounds like so much fun.

  2. TO-GA! TO-GA!


    sorry, couldn't resist.


    I've only tried Shub, and its lovely but perhaps a bit on the foody sweet side. Perhaps something with a strong Wine or Fig note with spices (don't know the scents well enough to know what that would be). Hmmm, here's where a Bacchus scent would be perfect.


    Actually, Tum was quite nice on me, very warm and resin-y/spicy with an green olivewood note that seemed quite Mediterranian (sp?) in a warm, sultry way to me.


    Of course what's sexy to some smells like toilet water to others so I may be no help at all.

  3. Slobbering Pine

    Source: imp from lab


    In the imp: Wet brand new pine needles. This has a tangyness I didn't expect but really love so far.


    On my skin I notice pine most prominently (well duh!) but not the resinous scent of older trees or dry pine needles. Instead this evokes a strong scent memory of walking through the pine woods behind my house in early spring when the new needles were out on a foggy early morning or after a spring storm. This smells exactly like those brand new needles when crushed and wet. Ahhhh, I love it.


    At this rate I'm going to need to own the entire Garden, I've loved everything I've tried so far.

  4. Shub-Niggurath

    Source: lab imp


    I've actually been using my imp of this for quite a while, its almost gone and I am going to have to order a big bottle (or twelve) very soon.


    In the imp, warm melted butter and ginger. Mmmmmmmm. I have a recipe for spiced carrots that includes ginger, nutmeg and cinnamon and this reminds me of that butter mixture before I add the carrots.


    On my skin it remains a delightful warm, buttery ginger with an undercurrent of something darker and mysterious that keeps this from being too foody. I am completely, head over heels, hopelessly in love.


    Turns out gingers love me, whodathunkit?

  5. Libertine

    Source: Lab frimp


    In the imp I smell the bergamont with a light hint of sandalwood and something that reminds me of orange blossom.


    On my skin Libertine becomes sweet and somewhat powdery and I lose that lovely citrus altogether. When dry I can smell the florals and sandalwood but the florals are a bit too strong for me. I'd love to have more of that delightful bergamont and sandalwood I got from the wet oil. I might try this one in my scent locket but as a wearable scent its not for me.

  6. Masabakes

    Source: lab frimp


    In the imp this one is very dry smelling. I don't detect any of the currant at all, its a very dry resionous myrrh. On my skin initially it warms up almost immediately and becomes slightly sweet and very resinous with a background of spice. On drydown It becomes somewhat powdery on me, but in a very nice, feminine way. I expected this one to be masculine on but instead it becomes a very ladylike powdery resin. I do so love myrrh and this is all myrrh, I never did get any of the notes of black currant or the juicyness others describe . I'm in love :P

  7. Madrid

    Source: imp fresh from lab


    In the imp this is very grape-y and fruity. Not what I expected, and it makes me a little afraid to try it as the fruits tend to go all nasty-sweet on me. Ok, here goes...


    Initially on my skin I'm tempted to run and wash this off, it is so overwhelmingly sweet and cloying, Ugh. I stick it out though and as the oil dries and warms it does become less cloying and the clove really warms it up. After a bit this dries out to remind me a lot of a sweet mulled wine, or spicy sangria but without the brandy. It isn't warm like mulled wine, but does have a spicy-fruity flavor that is really pretty.


    Overall I don't hate this blend but its not really for me. I amp sweet far too much to really enjoy it.

  8. ... Corrupted black plum, smoky opium and crumbling dead roses covered by a deceptive veil of Hungarian lilac, white gardenia and wild berry.

    Blood Countess Source: imp fresh from lab

    In the imp: This has a rich, juicy scent with a tartness to it that does remind me of fresh plums.

    Initially this smells on me much as it does in the vial, juicy and almost (but not quite) like cherry cough syrup. Wow, this goes through quite the morph during drydown. At the very beginning the tartness dissapears as does the bitterness that reminded me of the cough syrup, and the gardenia and lilac become prominent. Quickly my skin warms the oil and, ohhhhh the opium comes out and is heavenly. I have a lovely, spicy floral that is just delicious, and maddeningly fleeting. Once this dries completely my skin amps the sweetness and I lose any subtlety. It becomes nothing but headache-inducing, syrupy-sweet fruit.

    Oh, if only that delicious, spicy phase had lasted. I might try this one out in my scent locket to see if I can get that spicyness but on my skin this one ends up being very not for me.

    ETA: I was headed to my bathroom to wash this off before I got a full-blown headache and sniffed again... and remembered what this reminded me of. Spencer's gifts. I think there was some incense they sold there once upon a time that Blood Countess decides to become on my skin, I think its the gardenia, which rarely agrees with me.

  9. Nope, the imp labels have the Black Phoenix trademark on one side and simple text on the other. They are very simple. I think if you check out some ebay auctions for BPAL imps the pictures there are pretty good. Older imps (from the lab's first year or so) have label tags that are tied on with pretty silk but current ones use sticky labels that wrap around the imp then stick out the side, like an "ear".

  10. I'm intending to get each of the Sabbat oils. Right now I only have Beltaine, and did wear it for Beltaine, it was perfect.


    In addition to Yule being, well, Yule it is our wedding anniversary so I'd like to get Yule scents for that, and October 15 is our handfasting anniversary (years before the "official" marriage). Don't yet know what's going to be appropriate for that one. Maybe Beth will have a Libra oil, which would be perfect (my birth sign too). I might need to wait and see what Moon is offered then as well.

  11. This is nothing like I expected when I read the reviews, though in retrospect its exactly the way many have described it. Crisp, fresh and sporty. It is not as watery and aquatic as I expected. Instead it is kind of soapy but in a fresh, pleasant way. This one hardly morphs at all on my skin, it is nearly identical in the bottle as it is dry on my wrist an hour after application, and has a good, strong throw.


    My only qualm about this one is it smells "preppy" to me and I'm not yet sure how I feel about that. It makes me feel like I should wear a pink shirt with a little alligator on the chest when I put it on. :P I like it, its a nice scent but I really wanted to adore it, and I'm not sure yet that I ever will. I think I will give this one some time before passing judgement because it may be my personal associations with "sporty" scents that are keeping me from loving it like a big part of me wants to. It may also turn out to be one of those scents that have appropriate occasions, and sitting in front of the tv with my laptop just ain't it.


    ETA: Ok, several days, and a few re-tries later and this one has really grown on me. It works well with our hot, dry weather and really is beautiful when it warms up. I put some in a purse atomizer with a bit of vodka as a perfume spray and I like it soooo much better that way. Somehow the diffusing of the scent all over my skin, instead of concentrated in a few places makes the floral and aquatic notes jump out and it smells much less Zest-y.


    Glad I reserved judgement after my first testing because now I'm truly in love with this, it just had to grow on me.

  12. I recieved a frimp of this with my last order and gave it a sniff...


    In the imp:


    is that?


    sniff again...


    yes it is...




    toilet deodorizer! And I mean, exactly like those blue toilet cakes, yikes!


    But in the interest of being thorough, and because some oils are wonderful on that aren't so great in the vial I put a very small drop on one wrist and patted wrists together and...


    Toilet cake like Whoa! :D And STRONG!


    As it dries it becomes a bit less like toilet deodorizer but no more appealing. Had to wash it off after five minutes, it seriously hates me.

  13. Out of the bottle, wet on my skin this is a light floral aquatic with a cucumber/melon note that I love. As it dries it becomes a very light, but sophisticated perfume. It is quite complex and not something that I would have chosen based on a sniff of the bottle but I'm really liking it on. It makes me feel all grown up and pretty.

  14. Patron of the Aztec pantheon, he is the personification of light within darkness, warmth in the cold, and life in, and after, death. He is a creative and destructive God of Fire and Light, and is appeased only by sacrifice, trial, and the slaughter of his people's enemies. Copal, plumeria and sweet orange and the smoke of South American incense and crushed jungle blooms.

    In the imp the notes of citrus and copal come out strongest. Wet on my skin its similar with a light floral note at the top, probably the plumeria. As this dries it deepens and the spices come out to play with the citrus while the floral evaporates. The copal is very subtle here, but definately present. This wants to smell like citronella bug spray on me, but thankfully never fully gets there and instead stays a georgeous, spicy citrus with a deep resinous base that lends a creamy quality to the blend.

    I love this as it is but I'm wondering what it will do as it ages as I've found that resins tend to get sweeter with age on me. I may have to get another imp so I have one to wear and one to age. Yummers!

  15. Here goes my first review... woot!


    In the imp this smells sweet and olive-y, like fresh cut olive wood and honey. Very Nice.

    Wet on me it smells of evergreen resin and florals. I get none of the grape that others describe, nor do I notice any cinnamon or clove. I can detect a hint of spice that may be nutmeg, something less sweet than cinnamon. At first drydown this retains that sweet resinous smell and as it mellows it becomes sweeter as the floral notes come to the forefront . Finally, after 20 minutes or so it has become a delightful, warm sweet-spicy scent that I really love. A very autumnal scent to me, which makes sense as Autumn is the twilight of the year.

  16. Hope I'm not repeating an older post, I searched around and didn't see this anywhere, and since it is an odd scent combination I can understand why...


    Anyhoo, It is cold, rainy and trying to snow (in the foothills anyway) and I was outside in the yard admiring our spring flowers. The breeze wafted the scent of lilacs to my nose, and then it was sharply overlaid by the scent of woodsmoke as someone must have a fire going. The combination of lilac and woodsmoke was interesting and unusual and I'd love to know if there's anything like that in BPAL. Or for that matter, any spring blossoms and woodsmoke. It may be necessary to layer scents to get what I'm looking for, any ideas?
