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Posts posted by alterosen

  1. The Lurid Library seems nicely woody though there's none in the description: Incense-tinged scent of forbidden tomes & the musk laden remnants of infernal servants.

    And you have to love the name :)

    I'll also remark that the teak note that everyone loves in Antikythera Mechanism and Glowing Vulva is the same one as in Pumpkin #5 (2008), in which (crucially for me at least) it appears without vanilla.

    I think you meant to say Pumpkin #2 ('08) (black musk, leather accord, tonka, oppoponax, teak & orangewood) since Pumpkin #5 ('08) was the fruity one with strawberry. Just to confuse things, Pumpkin Patch #5 from 2005/06 was a woody scent (pumpkin with five woods, English ivy & galangal) & is well worth seeking out. It's not very sweet & the pumpkin is definitely a bit player.

  2. I'll second the Pumpkin Patch #1 ('05 & '06) - my favorite apple.

    It has more spice than Fearful Pleasure & smells more like baked apples than cider (FP is maybe juicier smelling? I don't get smoke so much as a lot of oakmoss).


    Jack is definitely worth trying, too.


    It's a shame about the patchouli because Samhain is a nice spicy apple with dry Autumn leaves. On me, I don't sense the patch in it at all.

  3. The LE Rose Red is one of the least sweetest rose scents.

    It's very intensely rose & has a distinct earthiness that evokes stems & leaves.

    You should be able to find a decant easily since it's been available the last couple of Yules


    A good general catalogue equivalent would be The Rose from the Marchen section.

    While not as intense or long lasting, I find it quite similar.


    I liked the dandelion note when I tried Roadhouse - green but not too sharp.


    Fairy Market is an interesting floral with hints of fruit & greenery. The candy doesn't make much of an appearance.


    Other than that, I'm not much help cause I like a fair bit of sweetness! :)

  4. You might want to try Velvet:

    Envelop yourself in the soft, sensual embrace of gentle sandalwood warmed by cocoa vanilla and a veil of deep myrrh.

    It's the ultimate warm cozy sandalwood scent - starts out strong on the cocoa, then the subtle spiciness of the myrrh comes out, followed by sandalwood with a hint of vanilla.

    I love it in cold weather & at bedtime :)

    There's no floral notes in it at all so you should be safe from Shalimar-likeness. Stay away from Dragon's Bone as it has a strong orris note (which smells a bit like violet to me). Brown Jenkins also has both sandalwood & orris but is more subtle.


    My favorite spicy blends are Clemence, Plunder, Bengal, Shub-Niggurath, Saw Scaled Viper, Phantom Calliope & Pickled Imp.


    And I would give Morocco & Snake Oil a try, anyway, just to judge for yourself. You can always trade 'em away!

  5. I immediately thought of Pumpkin Patch #5 ('05 &'06) - Pumpkin with five woods, English ivy & galangal root. It has nice spicy wood notes with light pumpkin & is not that sweet.


    Pumpkin Patch #4 of the same years (Pumpkin with sandalwood & orris ) is one of my favorite comfort scents, but it reminds me of baking bread rather than pie. I get a sort of sweet yeastiness from the orris & sandalwood combination. YMMV of course :)


    I believe CoopieCat & mspixieears are talking about the 2008 Pumpkins both of which are not terribly foody & have many masculine components:


    Pumpkin II: black musk, leather accord, tonka, teak, opponax & orangewood


    Pumpkin IV: white sage, cherry tobacco, honey, smoky vanilla, cedar & pine


    Good luck with your enabling!

  6. I really like this one.

    I mostly get sweet snow, a bit of pine/juniper & well-behaved berries.

    Very pretty. I'll have to dig up my Skadi decant to compare but I think this one is quite a bit softer with less evergreen. On my skin, it stays close but sure lasts nicely (9 hours so far).

    I was really on the fence about ordering this because I was iffy about a lot of the notes but I'm sure happy now that I did!

  7. If we stretch your parameters to 19th Century literature, there's a bunch of things in Bewitching Brews:


    Coleridge - Kubla Khan

    Dickinson - I Died For Beauty

    Keats - Ode on Melancholy, La Belle Dame Sans Merci

    Shelley - Ozymandias

    Swinburne - Hymn to Proserpine

    Yeats - Ephemera


    That's just in one category - I know there's many more :P

    I'm feeling too lazy to check dates to see who qualifies as Victorian.

  8. Pirate Moon!

    Crowley- infernal musk smells pretty red to me :P

    The Grindhouse is indeed yummy.

    Also joining in on all the Mme Moriarty love - for sexiness, I would choose this one over Snake Oil anyday (my DH would probably protest since he likes SO more than MM, but vanilla & I have a troublesome relationship)

  9. I love using slices of the BPTP soaps as sachets in my clothes drawers & in the totes I store my linens. Even a small slice really infuses things nicely & you don't have to worry about oil stains. My favorites are Shub-Niggurath, Dorian & Snake Oil. Perhaps Miskatonic University would fit the bookish vibe you're after?

  10. I really like Phantasm (green tea, lemon verbena, jasmine & neroli). The tartness of the tea, citrus & verbena keep the jasmine from overpowering everything in sight. It's a great summer evening fragrance :P (provided you can wear lemony scents without having them turn into cleaning products). There are similarities to Embalming Fluid & Shanghai but I feel it's a bit more girly/feminine because of the jasmine.

  11. I cherish my imp of Parlement of Foules so I was very happy it was re-released this Lupercalia & I could order a bottle.


    When I first tried it, I was expecting it to be very close to Rose Cross since they both have similar notes (white rose & resins/rose & frankincense) but they're really quite different.


    I must be the only person who's getting the smell of berries from the resins in this :P

    It's more pronounced in the 2006 version than the 2008, so it might be partly an aging thing but is most likely my odd nose :D At least there's no sign of molasses.


    For me, this is a lovely light sweet rose with a few raspberries on the side - yum! Very much a warm weather scent, while Rose Cross is more resiny & cozy so I prefer it in winter. They both remind me of the scent of old roses rather than that of modern varieties.

  12. I adore this scent! :P


    When it came out, I thought the notes all sounded nice but knew I would have to try it before I could justify a bottle purchase. I finally found some in a swap & moments after I tried it on I was trawling the sales pages for a big bottle :D


    I was a bit afraid after reading the reviews that the blackberry would go bad, but thankfully, no cat pee, just tart berry goodness with a honey background. I often amp vanilla & find it cloying but this combines nicely with the green tea in a similar fashion to Dorian though there's no citrus listed in the notes.


    Honey & blackberry are generally scents I don't really get that excited about but this combination with the Dorianesque vanilla tea & musk with hint of spice is incredible.


    My only quibble is that it's quite light & requires slathering & reapplication throughout the day if, like me, you want to be surrounded by a Lady Una cloud. Fortunately, I now have a bottle on the way & can try doing some layering with lotion & major slathering. I imagine this will be one of my warm weather staples.

  13. Gorgeous in the vial; nasty strong baby powder on my wrist. :P

    Sometimes cinnamon behaves this way & ruins a blend for me by turning super sweet & amping like crazy. If only it would stay smelling like cinnamon - I'll take redhots any day over this stupid powder!


    Hours later there's a hint of musk & rum.

  14. For some reason, Imp smells like peaches & black tea to me. The notes don't suggest tea (peach, amber, patchouli, musk) but that's how my nose reads it. You may find it a bit sweet, though. I think it's really yummy.


    Your best bet for finding those discontinued scents is the swap & sales threads or to post an ISO. I've found people to be very helpful & generous (all you fabulous evil enablers out there, stand up & take a bow!) :P

    Good luck!

  15. I was surprised by the green aquatic-ness of this wet. I was expecting something along the lines of Fae because of the notes but they're really not similar at all. I'm not sure if it's my cup of tea but my 4 year old son wanted to wear it, so there's some support for this one in the household :P I'll have to revisit it later.

  16. :P Great review before this one!


    I'm on the fence about this blend. I love the smell of it wet (I spilled some on my table & it smells grand) but on me after drydown it's teetering on the edge of becoming baby powder. I suspect the amber is the culprit. The creaminess is really lovely but I haven't decided if it's too cloying or not with that hint of powder. I'll have to try it a few more times because I want to like it :D

    I agree with whoever mentioned the similarity to the Body Shop's Woody Sandalwood (& that I wore for years)

  17. I :P William Blake & I was really looking forward to this one because it has so many notes that I adore. Unfortunately, I got the super cedar effect with sour wood/pencil shavings overpowering everything else. I never sensed any rose or sandalwood & the spices only came out faintly after hours of wear. Someone else mentioned Pulcinella & Teresina & the cedar in it behaved the same way on my skin, amping like crazy. No fair! I love the smell of cedar - why doesn't like me? Perhaps it will be better on the husband.
