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Everything posted by sarahjay

  1. sarahjay


    this is just lovely and much fresher than I thought it would be, must be the iris. I love sandalwood, I love myrrh, I love the touch of herbs, this blend did not disappoint. I've ordered 5ml today I'm really enjoying the egyptian blends - cairo, khephra, ahathoor, bastet (a bit almondy actually, but settles nicely). nefertiti is a lovely addition to these blends.
  2. sarahjay

    Apple Blossom

    this is just lovely and because I only have one little imp, it prompted me to order 5ml of eve today - I already have 5ml of brisingamen on order. lovely. wish I could still get this.
  3. sarahjay


    I got this imp in a swap today and when I opened it I thought it was spellbound. put it on, still smelt like spellbound, until the spices came out & I knew it wasn't. It's very, very powdery on me, as spellbound was. so now I know it's the red musk that goes to instant powder on me. actually, like mayfair, it smelt a bit like kabuki to me too - and when I looked at the ingredients, yes - hello red musk! well, it's a learning curve with bpal - and now I know, red musk & I cannot be friends. what I like about the lab is that you are told (mostly) what kind of ingredient is in a blend, because I get on with other kinds of musk (like egyptian) just fine. I'm sure this is a lovely blend if you can handle the red musk.
  4. sarahjay


    mmmmm berrylicious! I was worried that this would be too like Venice, but it's not at all. the spice/berry/amber combo is lovely on me and although it didn't last really long, it's done very well in my scent locket. no pine for me! am thinking of buying a bottle
  5. I find twilight very relaxing too, also kephra
  6. I think it would go really nicely with potion - but I think it would be complimentary, not really really similar, because potion does not have the plum. I though bathsheba was only 'ok' because of the plum, which is not really me, but I love potion... I tried ahathoor the other day & I think it will go REALLY well with potion - there must be carnation in it! I'm so happy I've got the solar collection on order
  7. sarahjay


    I was given this - I'm sure I wouldn't have bought it, because of the lime. I love this! I used it today after lush's youki-hi bath bomb & flying fox and a dusting of silky underwear, and I'm in jasmine heaven. but there's something in here that does smell 'dark' to me, in a good way - I'm not powdery sweet at all. it's not to lime-y for me at all. I put this in my scent locket & it's lasted well all day. I might just need a bigger bottle to satisfy my jasmine need... lovely oh, and I didn't know that opoponax is sweet myrrh (this makes me happy because my skin loves myrrh) - so I've learnt something new today
  8. sarahjay

    What Scent Is This?

    your descriptions have made zephyr sound much more appealing to me - I love sandalwood & was worried about how lemony it would be mind you, white rabbit sounds lovely too. hmmmmm.......
  9. sarahjay

    Egg Nog

    oooooh lovely - I smell like a creamy sweet custard. smooth, slightly spiced. this is really warm and cosy. I think I'll try it after a bath with lush's sympathy for the skin, and I shall be a cosy, sweet, sweet thing. I do wish the boozey scent had hung around longer though, maybe I should try it with my scent locket to see if that booziness will stay a while.
  10. sarahjay


    oooooooooh nooooooooo - both bathsheba & midwinter's eve were in my recent order, and sadly I have learnt that plum does not like me I love carnation and had high hopes of this, but it's just not me. I'm going to give it a couple more goes, but I feel that I may have to swap/give this away. oh well, it's a learning curve. edit - well I tried it again today (after using some lovely new lush products I'm testing) and it was still PLUM PLUM PLUM. disappointment. then after 20mins or so I sniff my wrist & oooh, it's morphed into a lovely carnationy-slightly plummy-powdery (from the musk) mix. very nice. I don't think I'm going to run & order a bottle, but I'll be hanging onto the imp now
  11. sarahjay

    Gingerbread Poppet

    run, run as fast as you can, you can't catch me, I'm a gingerbread man and that's what gingerbread poppet smelt like all day on me. it's nice, but so very, very foody that it's not me. I like spicy things, but I don't want to actually smell like a biscuit. I've agreed to sell it onward to a european lushie & I hop she'll be really happy with it.
  12. sarahjay

    Midwinter's Eve

    I have sadly come to the conclusion that plum & I do not get on... this smelt shockingly sweet in the bottle and whilst it did get a bit deeper & darker when on, it's just not me. I've passed this on to a friend (who likes blackcurrant and other fruity scents more than me) & I hope it suits her
  13. sarahjay

    Loup Garou

    I was given this & it's really not my kind of thing. I can't even bear to put it on after smelling it in the imp - it smells like vicks. I'm sure someone else will love it tho
  14. sarahjay


    ooooo the lavender is very strong and sharp at first, I don't think I'll like this (despite liking lavender). but as it dries - goodbye old lady! the honeysuckle comes out & it's not too sweet, it's lovely. the jasmine is not too strong, the florals just blend beautifully. I guess the lavender stops it from being too sweet. I really love this and I've only swiped my arm (no pulse points). I must try it again v.soon & maybe I'll get a bigger bottle. it's lovely. DH approves too
  15. sarahjay


    I just wiped a little on my arm to try this (not on a pulse point) oooh - it doesn't just smell tingly - my arm is tingly! I don't think I'd better wear this in the crooks of my arms.... oh this is lovely, spicy, warm. it is a christmassy scent, but I would wear it when I want to feel warm. it reminds me very much of Lush's Chai shower gel and I think it would be lovely after a bath with one of their seasonal products like christmas cracker bubble bar slice. I'm not sure if I need a big bottle, but I'll hang onto the imp. DH likes this a lot
  16. sarahjay

    CarnivĂ le

    very sweet berries at first - I'm not sure I like this... but it's morphed into a lovely combination of the berry, amber & carnation. it seems quite 'perfumey'. I like this & would use the imp up, but DH doesn;t really like it, so I think I'll swap it to someone whe's missing it.
  17. sarahjay


    The scent of sacred incense swirling up the steep slopes to Swayambhunath Stupa. Saffron, blessed sandalwood, Himalayan cedar and the miraculous lotus of the Buddha with chiuri bark and Nepalese spices. I like this the cedar was very strong at first, but it's mellowed out now to a smooth, sandalwoody scent. it's very dry and seems quite relaxing. I think I'd wear it to bed, when I want to sleep. 7 march - I tried a little on my hubby today (he was at my mercy & couldn't escape haha!) and it smells FANTASTIC on him - again very cedar at first then all blends in a mellow way. we both like woods & resins. I liked it on me but I like sniffing it from him even more
  18. I tried (old) new orleans and the jasmine was pretty strong in it & I thought it would go well with flying fox - but unfortunately the cinammon in it stung my arms. I tried Salome the other day & I think that goes beautifully with flying fox - not the same but compilmentary. talking of cinammon - I don't know if anyone has mentioned this already, but tintagel is very much like Chai shower gel to me edited - cos I quoted the wrong quote....
  19. sarahjay


    I'm liking this a lot. the jasmine is pretty strong at first but then the whole thing mellows out. it goes really nicely with Lush's flying fox shower gel.
  20. sarahjay


    I really, really like this one & so does the family - daughter #1 declared it 'perfect' it starts off lemony and soon warms up & the spices come out - not too spicy, not too heady, not too strong. I had wondered if it would be too similar to morocco, but no - it doesn't have the sweetness that morocco has. I would be off to get the 5mls at once, but I am also after the 'stations of the sun' set & did read that one of them is similar to cairo - hmmmm - what to do? but I do really like this and would always need to have at least an imp. I also already have snake oil, morocco (+ dragonfly blue nile musk I got as a free sample) and have gingerbread poppet on the way so I'm not sure just how many spicy scents I need at once, but maybe when I've used one of those..... but cairo, I'll not forget you or your imp - lovely
  21. sarahjay


    first time I tried this I really wasn't sure - the honey smelt a bit too, well, honeyish - and the red wine was too strong. but the florals and the myrrh was nice. we went to belgium last weekend & this was one of the imps I took with me to try - oooh I really liked it. the honey didn't seem too strong at all! mybe it has toned down a little since being made - is this one that ages well? anyway, I am loving myrrh & myrrh is loving me. it really seems quite an unusual combination and so fragrant - I kept dipping my nose into my polo-neck so I could keep sniffing it
  22. sarahjay


    I tried this last night after my bath & before bed. YUM - warm, spicy, herbal - does it have myrrh in? myrrh loves me...... I liked it so much & it did feel calming, but warm - I decided to apply some of Lush's potion body lotion and the two together was just wonderful. they did not smell the same, but complimentary. I really, really want a set of the stations of the sun.... edit - 3 march - I'm still loving this & using it at bedtime as I find it very calming. I have ordered a solar collection today
  23. sarahjay


    I really like this a lot. I received some swaps from andromedii & I've got quite a few along my arm..... florals with incense/woods are right up my street. it smelts a little sweet/too floral to me at first but once it warms up with the sandalwood/frankinsence I really like it. I think it'll be great for summer. I'm not sure I need a big bottle because I've just got my hands on a 5ml of viola and of all saints. but I'll certainly keep the imp.
  24. sarahjay


    this is lovely I have to say I do like resiny, amber-y scents. this does smell a wee bit like Lush's middle earth soap/cosmic dreamcatcher massage bar to me, but is more warm and sweet. I can smell wood, patchouli and amber - I think, but I'm not very good at picking out the individual scents. it really does seem warm and golden - in a resiny way. I like this a lot.
  25. sarahjay


    I've just received this in a swap from andromedii & I like this very much. I've also got (old) kyoto and in all honesty they're quite similar to me, but kabuki is 'darker'. It was very strongly cherry/amaretto at first, but that's mellowed out beautifully now. I think I like it better than kyoto as it's not as sweet. the anise seems to like my skin & it's not liqourice-y at all on me, just warm and a wee bit spicy. not sure if I need a big bottle - but I'll be keeping the imp & trying it out a few more times, definitely. edited 15 march - I was tired on this by the end of the day - it went very powdery. I've since established that it's the red musk that doesn't agree with me. c'est la vie.