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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by taramarie

  1. In the bottle and wet on my skin, Pink Snowballs is rich vanilla and a hint roses. As it dries, the roses get stronger to the point where they're balanced with the vanilla. This is very soft and feminine. A new favorite!

  2. Wet on my skin, Josie is very strongly honey. (I amp honey, so this isn't surprising.) Dry, the honey calmed down then magnolia and some peach started to come through. This is good, but I'm hoping the peach will come out more as it ages.

  3. Pumpkin, chocolate, coffee bean, vanilla bean, and hazelnut

    On me, Pumpkin V is heavy on the pumpkin (I'm starting to think I amp pumpkin), then hazelnut, then coffee bean, and a hint of chocolate. This is good and I get the feeling it'll age into something gorgeous.