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Posts posted by taramarie

  1. A truly fae nectar! Dragon’s blood resin and honeyed vanilla.

    In the imp and wet on my skin, Dragon's Milk smells like a honey vanilla floral. Unfortunately, it started to burn as it dried so I had to wash it off. I'm not sensitive to any of the listed notes, so I'm really confused. But I'm sure someone else will love it.

  2. I've tried three DB blends previously (Blood, Blood Lotus, and Dragon's Musk) but this is my first time trying Dragon's Blood itself. The oil reminds me of cough syrup. But the smell is divine! A sweet, spicy floral, definitely not what I was expecting but a very pleasant surprise. I want a bottle of this as soon as possible.

  3. In the imp, I smell mostly the musk and carnation. Bathsheba smells the same wet on my skin. The two notes work together beautifully. Dry on my skin, the plum starts to come through. As lovely as Bathsheba is, I won't get a bottle, but I'll always have an imp on hand.

  4. I wasn't sure how Othello would mix with my skin chemistry -- the spices had me convinced it would burn. Instead, it turned to floral soap. If I were looking for a floral soap scent, this would be great. Unfortunately, I'm not so I'll pass it on to someone else.

  5. At first, all I could get from Uruk was almond and what I think was patchouli. Just as it started to get interesting, my skin turned red so I had to wash it off. Still, it might make a nice room scent.

  6. Thank you to the Lab for this frimp!


    What I get from Dee is mostly the woods and a little incense. I think the leather's back there too. This is gorgeous and while definitely a masculine scent, it is a scent women can wear as well. Dee's going right on my wishlist.

  7. As strange as it sounds, when I first put Midnight on, it smelled like mustard. Yeah, no idea where that came from. Thankfully, that smell went away, but now it smells like light floral and eucalyptus. I don't know where the eucalyptus is coming from, since it's not listed. Midnight's not bad, but I won't be getting a bottle of this.

  8. Darkness is gorgeous on me. I think I'm getting a lot of narcissus and some myrrh. I wouldn't recognize opium if I smelled it, but this scent is definitely heady. Sophisticated too -- this would be a good recommendation for someone new to BPAL. On me though, Darkness doesn't live up to it's name. It's too bright and warm for that. But I like it just the same.

  9. I don't know why, but Wanton wet smells an awful lot like R'lyeh, which I definitely don't like. But just as Wanton was starting to smell more distinctive, it also started to burn, so I had to wash it off. I'll pass this on to someone else.

  10. Terpsichore smells absolutely lovely. I tried it on before looking at the description -- the notes I got were fruit and white musk, but musk isn't listed. Unfortunately, it started to burn a bit so I had to wash it off. But I highly recommend it for anyone without sensitive skin who likes fruity, feminine blends.

  11. Moonlight over grave grass, meadowsweet, marsh hellebore, rock sea-lavender, Irish Lady's-tresses, melancholy thistle, and wood bitter-vetch, with the scent of autumn fires in the distance, sprayed by wind howling over the Atlantic.

    Wet on my skin, Singing Moon was green and mossy. I really liked the scent. Unfortunately, it started to burn. I'm going to age this one since I'm very, very reluctant to let go of an Irish scent. Hopefully, it'll be better by St. Patrick's Day.

  12. In the imp and wet on my skin, Brisingamen smelled absolutely gorgeous. Something about it reminded me of Euterpe -- I thought I smelled white musk but it's not listed. Unfortunately, it started to burn so I had to wash it off. But I'd definitely recommend this to anyone (without sensitive skin) looking for a pretty, feminine blend.

  13. In the imp, Libertine smelled like ... something I can't even describe, I just know it was bad. But, I've read enough reviews to know you can't judge a scent before you try it on. Wet on my skin, the smell was the same. I decided to wait it out and was rewarded by the scent changing to musk with a hint of woods. I'm not sure if Libertine is a masculine or a neutral scent, but I do know it's not me.
