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Posts posted by taramarie

  1. On me, Dia de los Muertos '07 smelled like floral with a little bit of incense. I was on the fence about keeping it when it started to burn. So, off it goes.


    ETA: Even though I washed it off a couple of hours ago, I can smell cocoa powder on my wrists. Not bad.

  2. In the imp and wet on my skin, Mania is pure strawberries. Dry, it's strawberries with a musk base. I love it but I already have a bottle of Maenad, so I'll have to wait before I get a bottle of this.

  3. In the imp and wet on my skin, Twilight is all lavender. It's very medicinal smelling. Dry, all I get is honeysuckle, not that I'm complaining. I don't think the jasmine is showing at all. It's a nice scent, definitely more for spring and summer. I'll keep it but I won't get a bottle.

  4. In the imp and wet on my skin, Dance of Death smelled like hazelnuts. Yeah, no idea where that came from. Now I think I'm getting the musk and myrrh over patchouli. This one really seems to like my skin. But it likes me more than I like it. Still, I'll keep it around.
