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Everything posted by taramarie

  1. taramarie

    Singing Moon

    Moonlight over grave grass, meadowsweet, marsh hellebore, rock sea-lavender, Irish Lady's-tresses, melancholy thistle, and wood bitter-vetch, with the scent of autumn fires in the distance, sprayed by wind howling over the Atlantic. Wet on my skin, Singing Moon was green and mossy. I really liked the scent. Unfortunately, it started to burn. I'm going to age this one since I'm very, very reluctant to let go of an Irish scent. Hopefully, it'll be better by St. Patrick's Day.
  2. taramarie

    The Emathides

    To me, The Emathides smells like darkness and cedar. If scents have colors, this one's definitely black. Unfortunately, it burned a bit, so it's not for me. I'll pass this on to someone who can appreciate it.
  3. taramarie


    In the imp and wet on my skin, Katharina is all apricots. Dry, I can smell the white musk beneath it. I'm not getting orange blossom at all but I can't complain; Katharina is lovely.
  4. taramarie


    In the imp and wet on my skin, Brisingamen smelled absolutely gorgeous. Something about it reminded me of Euterpe -- I thought I smelled white musk but it's not listed. Unfortunately, it started to burn so I had to wash it off. But I'd definitely recommend this to anyone (without sensitive skin) looking for a pretty, feminine blend.
  5. taramarie

    Dian's Bud

    On me, Dian's Bud is a green, innocent floral. I can't figure out which flower, but it smells like only one as opposed to a bouquet. I like it but I don't think I'll get a bottle anytime soon.
  6. taramarie


    In the imp, Libertine smelled like ... something I can't even describe, I just know it was bad. But, I've read enough reviews to know you can't judge a scent before you try it on. Wet on my skin, the smell was the same. I decided to wait it out and was rewarded by the scent changing to musk with a hint of woods. I'm not sure if Libertine is a masculine or a neutral scent, but I do know it's not me.
  7. taramarie

    Queen Alice

    In the imp, Queen Alice smells like a spicy floral. I guess that's the carnation. On my skin, I smell that and the cider. I like her but I don't think I'll get a bottle just yet.
  8. taramarie


    In the imp and on my skin, I smelled cherries and wood. Kyoto smells a lot like The Red Queen. Unfortunately, it started to burn so I had to wash it off. I'll stick with The Red Queen.
  9. taramarie

    Centzon Totochtin

    In the imp and wet on my skin, Centzon Totochtin is pure chocolate! Oh, why can't Bliss smell this good on me? It's rich and smooth and I really, really want to lick my wrist. Drying, the rum and wine start to come through. I think the blood might be in the back somewhere. I love this and I really, really want a bottle.
  10. taramarie


    In the imp and wet on my skin, Nyx had a pretty floral smell. I think I was getting more jasmine than rose. Unfortunately, it started to burn. As far as I know, I'm not sensitive to any of the listed ingredients, so I don't know what caused the reaction. I think I'll use Nyx as a room scent.
  11. taramarie

    The Knave of Hearts

    In the imp and wet on my skin, The Knave of Hearts smells like a pastry. As it dries, a rose starts to come through as well. Dry, the pastry scent is gone and tart fruit has joined the rose. Unfortunately for me, something in this irritates my skin a bit, but not really enough to make me wash it off. The scent is pleasant enough, but not really what I'm looking for.
  12. taramarie

    Zarita, the Doll Girl (2006)

    In the bottle and wet on my skin, Zarita smelled like a spiced orange. Unfortunately, she started to burn so I had to wash her off, but I think she'll make a good room scent.
  13. taramarie

    Thirteen (13): July 2007

    I was lucky with April's 13, but this time my luck ran out. In the bottle and wet on my skin, this 13 is chocolate and fruit, just heavenly. But before it was even dry, the clove bit me, so I had to wash it off. I don't think aging will help, so it looks like I finally have a scent worth buying a locket for.
  14. taramarie

    Midnight on the Midway (2006)

    In the bottle, Midnight on the Midway smells like a lot of sugar, some incense, and a little bit of flowers. Wet on my skin, there's no incense at all. It's sugar and flowers, sweet and heady. Drying, it smells like sugared Poisson d'Avril. There's the same Spring flowers, only now they're sugar-dusted. I can't complain, really. If I'm out of Poisson d'Avril when the Carnaval's about to leave, I'll stock up on this.
  15. taramarie


    Wet on my skin, Burial smells like a bit of dirt and a lot of Lemon Pledge. Dry, the Lemon Pledge seems to have calmed down a lot -- the two scents are blending together. It's pleasant enough now, but not really me. I'll try this scent again sometime to see if the Lemon Pledge is still there. If it is, I'll have to bid Burial goodbye.
  16. taramarie


    Huckleberry and red currant with the incisive bite of neroli. I put Jester on without remembering what the notes were. In the imp and wet on my skin, I got fruit salad. I'm not familiar at all with huckleberry and only a little familiar with red currant. What I think I'm smelling is neroli and huckleberry together with a red currant base. All I know is that it's good, strong, and a bright and happy scent. This jester is all smiles.
  17. taramarie


    On my skin, Magus smells like cedar, sandalwood, and a little bit of frankincense. It's nice but fades fast on my skin. I'll give this another try sometime but right now, it's not me.
  18. taramarie


    Wet on my skin, Yew Trees smelled like wood with a little bit of evergreen beneath it. Once it dried, it somehow morphed into plumeria. I'll give this one another try sometime, but if I get the same result, off it goes.
  19. taramarie


    I couldn't remember what Incantation's notes were when I put it on, but I knew immediately that I knew the scent but couldn't place it. Now that I can see the notes, I know I'm getting vetiver, woods, and a little bit of lemon. It is absolutely gorgeous, definitely a new favorite, and a bottle buy as soon as humanly possible.
  20. taramarie

    Allison Gross

    I'm not getting any florals from Allison Gross, but on me she's very green, herbal, and musky. I get the sense of a dragon in the deep forest. She's not a typical me scent but I like her. Allison's a little too strong to wear often, so I think I'll save her for special occasions.
  21. taramarie

    The Gibbous Moon

    The best way I can describe The Gibbous Moon is "moonlit garden." It's light and floral, and there's a hint of cucumber. The Gibbous Moon and The Sportive Sun are the opposite sides of the same coin. They're very different, yet they both embody summer. It does compare to this year's Blue Moon -- it's definitely less complex, but just as lovely.
  22. taramarie

    The Sportive Sun

    I can't pick out individual notes in Sportive Sun, but on me it smells like floral, incense, and musk. This is very much the early summer sun -- warm and relaxed, but not overwhelming. It's not a typical me scent, but I like it and I think I'll use it often before summer's gone.
  23. taramarie


    I don't think there's much I can say about Privilege that hasn't already been said. In the bottle and wet on my skin, it does smell like a debutante rubbed all of the fashion magazine perfume samples she could find all over her vast amount of exposed skin. Then, she kept doing it every five minutes. Dry on my skin, it does smell like she decided to add the samples of men's cologne. In short, Privilege is heady and over-the-top florals, citrus, and aquatics. It's definitely not me, but I'll keep it and wear it when the occasion arises.
  24. taramarie


    ... His scent is a blend of holy myrrh, storax, balsam, and embalming herbs. Wet on my skin, I got a whiff of incense smoke. Dry, I smell myrrh and herbs. Really, this must be what a temple to Anubis smelled like. It's not really me, but I do like it and I may get a bottle.
  25. taramarie

    Blood Lotus

    Wet on my skin, Blood Lotus wavers between bubblegum and a sweet floral. Surprisingly, I like that -- I'd definitely eat something that tastes like wet Blood Lotus smells. Dry, it's light and powdery. I'll age this and see if it improves.