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Everything posted by taramarie

  1. taramarie

    The Shivering Boy

    Wet on my skin, The Shivering Boy is just grapes. I guess the frozen vineyard thawed on my skin. Dry, pine starts to come through as well. I like this one but I can't see myself wearing it often.
  2. taramarie

    The Snow Storm

    On me, The Snow Storm is fir and a hint of cedar over mint. I love it and I hope it comes back every year.
  3. taramarie

    Noche Buena

    Wet on my skin, Noche Buena is a wet floral. It smells almost exactly like apples. Dry, the wet part is replaced by an herbal note, which I guess is the sage. I like this a lot, but I think I'll save this for the warmer months.
  4. taramarie


    On me, Jólasveinar 2007 is pastries and moss. An odd combination, but not a bad one. It just isn't me so I'll pass this along.
  5. taramarie


    In the bottle and wet on my skin, Krampus 2007 is intense red musk and wood with some leather. Dry, the musk and wood have settled while the leather is pretty much gone. It's a masculine blend but still one that women can wear. It's not really me but I do like it.
  6. taramarie

    Lick It One More Time

    Every holiday season should be full of lewd suggestions and filthy double entendres, right? This is a new take on Lick It and Lick It Again -- a peppermint candy cane with a flash of vanilla and an extra jolt of sugar. Wow. Lick It One More Time smells like a candy cane with a little bit of sugar. The scent is nice, but what I really like is the cool, tingling sensation the blend leaves on my skin. This would be perfect for a summer heatwave.
  7. taramarie

    Egg Nog

    Oh my... I've never had spiked egg nog, but if it tastes as good as this smells, then I want some pronto! Egg Nog '07 is sweet brandy and cream over egg. If you liked Egg'd Mailbox, you have to try this.
  8. taramarie


    On me, Chanukkiyah seems to be just sugared pastry and olive oil. Funnel cake, anyone? I like it, don't get me wrong, but I was hoping for the pomegranate and fig. I'm hoping age will bring them out.
  9. taramarie

    Fairy Market

    On me, The Fairy Market is sugared florals and a little bit of grass. I love it and I think it'll be even better aged.
  10. taramarie

    Madame Tracy

    On me, Madame Tracy is tea rose, violet, and a hint of lily of the valley. The tea rose has a slightly soapy edge and the violet is powdery, but it's still a lovely scent. It can only improve with age.
  11. taramarie

    Long Night Moon

    For some reason, Long Night Moon smells like honeysuckle and something fruity on me. I like it but this one definitely needs to age before I wear it again.
  12. taramarie

    Doc Constantine (2006)

    On me, Doc Constantine is fir and cedar over musk with a little bit of leather. It's neutral bordering on masculine. I love it and I'll be sure to stock up before the Carnaval leaves.
  13. taramarie


    On me, Ivanushka is woods and leaves over a little bit of musk. I like him a lot, I just wish he were stronger. I'm hoping age will take care of that.
  14. taramarie


    Kostnice on me smells like frankincense, a little floral, and a hint of vetiver. It's nice but I think it needs to age a bit, so I'll keep it around.
  15. taramarie

    Serpent's Kiss

    On me, Serpent's Kiss is dragon's blood (plumeria on my skin), cinnamon, and a whiff of vetiver. I love the scent but it started to burn so I had to wash it off. Someone else can enjoy it.
  16. taramarie


    Wet on my skin, Roadhouse is dandelion single note, with the stem and leaves coming through very well. Dry, the booze shows up. Surprisingly, I like this scent, though I wouldn't wear it every day.
  17. taramarie

    Jezirat Al Tennyn

    On me, Jezirat Al Tennyn is a green and earthy men's cologne. It's nice (and would be gorgeous on a man) but it's not me.
  18. taramarie


    All I get from Peitho is plumeria. Nice but not what I'm looking for. This is another one for the give-away pile.
  19. taramarie


    On me, Y'ha-Nthlei is a salty aquatic, somewhat green and a little fruity. It's very close to Selkie. I like this a lot and I can see myself wearing it often during the summer.
  20. taramarie

    Rose Red

    Wet on my skin, Rose Red '07 is a red rose still mostly closed and there's a hint of snow. It's a very sharp smell and if it were stronger, it'd be headache-inducing. Drying, the rose scent mellows, the snow vanishes and is replaced by a green smell which I guess is the stems. Dry, there is an earthy hint. It smells a bit like vetiver. Overall, this is a unique rose blend. I haven't decided if it's a keeper.
  21. taramarie

    Snow White

    In the bottle, Snow White '07 is mixed florals with a little cold. On my skin, it's coconut cream. I'm not sure what's causing the morph but I'm willing to give Snow White another try before I give her up.
  22. taramarie

    The Peacock Queen

    On me, Peacock Queen '07 is tea rose single note. It's a nice scent, don't get me wrong, but I was expecting something more.
  23. taramarie


    On me, Mistletoe '07 is pine, another green plant scent, and a hint of something white and sweet. I absolutely love this and it's perfect as either perfume or a room scent. If you like Yankee Candle's Christmas Wreath, try this.
  24. Does anyone know of a GC equivalent to Swan Maiden?
  25. taramarie

    Midwinter's Eve

    On me, Midwinter's Eve is sweet, juicy plums and no flowers whatsoever. Still, I love it and I plan to wear it year-round.