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Everything posted by taramarie

  1. taramarie

    Juke Joint

    A bawdy, gleefully wicked and unruly scent: Kentucky Bourbon, sugar and a sprig of mint. On me, Juke Joint is a light and airy mint over burbon. The two go very well together. It smells closer to perfume than like I spilled a mint julep on myself. I like it a lot but I don't need a bottle.
  2. taramarie


    On me, Kill-Devil is just honey. Strong, sweet honey. I was hoping the oak would show too, but no luck. I'll age this a bit and see what happens.
  3. taramarie

    The Smiling Spider

    In the imp and wet on my skin, The Smiling Spider is very dark. I think it's the clove and black musk. It's a nice scent but not me. Unfortunately, the clove started to burn so I had to wash it off. Someone else can enjoy this.
  4. taramarie


    I put on Nosferatu without remembering what the notes were. On me, all I smell is earth and decaying plants. It smells a lot like Destroying Angel. I'm hoping aging will bring out the wine.
  5. taramarie

    Sea of Tranquility

    Lotus flower and my skin do not get along, but I ordered Sea of Tranquility hoping that my finicky skin would eat the lotus and leave the rest. No such luck. All I could smell for the first few hours was bubblegum, then something pretty I didn't recognize started to come through as well. Unfortunately, it didn't overpower the bubblegum, so I'll have to pass this on to someone else.
  6. taramarie


    On me, Tanuki is a blend of fruit and floral, with no individual notes standing out. It's very sweet and pretty, but it's not what I was hoping for. I'll pass this one on.
  7. taramarie

    Black Forest

    On me, Black Forest is pine SN. I love pine, don't get me wrong, but I expected more from this. I'll keep it for now.
  8. taramarie

    Mechanical Phoenix

    On me, Mechanical Phoenix is an ozone cologne. It was nice but I was hoping for the metallic notes. I guess they don't go well with my skin chemistry. Still, I'll keep this one around.
  9. taramarie


    A meditation upon death. Inspired by William Cullen Bryant’s poem. A deep, solemn earthen scent containing pine, juniper and musk. Wet on my skin, Thanatopsis is pine, a little juniper, myrrh, and musk. Dry, the myrrh is gone and the juniper is barely there, but the pine and musk go very well together. This is a neutral scent and very sexy. I may need a bottle of this.
  10. taramarie

    The Hesperides

    On me, The Hesperides is just light, juicy green apple. It's very pretty and definitely a warm weather scent.
  11. taramarie

    The Jersey Devil

    In the imp and wet on my skin, The Jersey Devil is cranberry juice and cedar. Dry, the cedar is almost gone but the pine has arrived. I love this but I don't need a bottle.
  12. taramarie


    In the imp, Ultraviolet is violet, eucalyptus, and a little neroli. Wet on my skin, it's violet with some eucalyptus. Dry, just violet. I like this a lot but I don't need a bottle.
  13. taramarie


    I received a frimp of this with my Old Moon order yesterday. Thank you, Lab! Wet on my skin, Fruitcake is pastry (the same pastry note in Knave of Hearts) and sugared fruit. Dry, a bit of booze shows up as well. So yes, Fruitcake does live up to its name. I hope it's one of the Yule scents next year because I really, really want a bottle of this.
  14. taramarie

    Dragon's Bone

    On me, Dragon's Bone is plumeria (which dragon's blood smells like on me) and a little dust. It's not my favorite dragon's blood scent, but I do like it.
  15. taramarie

    Blood Phoenix

    On me, Blood Phoenix is just red musk, myrrh, and neroli. They smell pretty good together, but I'm disappointed (though not surprised) my skin ate all the dragon's blood. Still, I'll keep this around.
  16. taramarie

    Green Phoenix

    On me, Green Phoenix is grass, cucumber, and what I think is green musk. It's interesting but not really me.
  17. taramarie

    White Phoenix

    Wet on my skin, White Phoenix is a clean, soapy scent. As it starts to dry, it turns to freshly-washed linen. Fully dry, it's light musk and barely-there floral. It's nice, but too light and airy for me.
  18. taramarie


    In the imp and wet on my skin, Urania is iris and moss, very green. Wet on my skin, a hint of benzoin shows through. Dry, the iris and moss fade a bit while the white musk starts show. Urania is light, feminine, and very lovely.
  19. taramarie


    I thought for sure Wrath would burn, so I'm pleasantly surprised it didn't. On me, it smells like dragon's blood (which my skin turns to plumeria) and the barest hint of cinnamon. Nice but not my favorite db scent.
  20. taramarie


    To me, Inferno smells like Big Red gum. Predictably, it burned my skin so I had to wash it off, but I'm glad the Lab sent me the frimp. Someone else can enjoy this.
  21. taramarie

    Jazz Funeral

    All I get from Jazz Funeral is grave dirt over a little booze, but I like it. It reminds me a lot of Destroying Angel. I don't think I'll get a bottle but I will keep this around.
  22. taramarie

    Capricorn 2007

    I'm a Capricorn so I'm thrilled that Capricorn 2007 works so well on me. Wet on my skin, it's strongly pine and something herbal, a very outdoors scent. Dry, the pine seems to have backed off a bit while the cypress comes through more. I love this and I only wish I had more than just one bottle.
  23. taramarie


    On me, Polyhymnia is pure Lemon Pledge. I'll pass this on to someone with more cooperative skin chemistry.
  24. taramarie


    First on, Phantom is musk, myrrh, and a little rose. Very sexy. Then the rose turns to floral soap and I can't smell anything else. Someone else can enjoy this.
  25. taramarie


    Hail unto Thee who art Ahathoor in Thy triumphing, even unto Thee who art Ahathoor in Thy beauty, who travellest over the heavens in thy bark at the Mid-course of the Sun. Tahuti standeth in His splendour at the prow, and Ra-Hoor abideth at the helm. Hail unto Thee from the Abodes of Morning! Wet on my skin, Ahathoor is incense resin. Dry, it turns a bit powdery but still a nice scent. I like it but it's not a favorite.