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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by cassiejaynebunk

  1. HOLY MARY MOTHER OF GOD. I finally got my hands on a bottle of this and I die. I’m dead. It’s everything I hoped it would be and more. I could cry. This is the smoky, campfire-y, boozy, sweet smell I have been searching for. Omg I NEED ALL THE BOTTLES.

  2. Szepasszony is one of those scents i would seriously consider giving my right arm for. it reminds me so much of the B&BW Herbal Mist that i used to bathe myself in during my teenage years. that scent too was discontinued years ago and it still breaks my heart. my scent choices have changed so much since then but i still mourn the loss of that one every day. this is a lovely herbal aquatic, and i love it so much. ugggghhhh it makes me so sad i will only ever have this imp.

  3. WHYYYYYYYYY CAN'T I BUY A BOTTLE OF THIS???!! i love the Labs lavender, and this blend is no joke. it's a grown up sleep blend. something i can't wait to put on and snuggle up with. my boyfriend gave me a gift card for my birthday, which happened to fall on black friday, so i made my purchase and got the frimps of Silence and Stillness. so wish i could get this year round.

  4. oh my gosh. this is SUCH a memory scent for me. it reminds me of my old home after the rain. we had a field that went to hay every year to use for the farmland assesment, and a creek in the back, and lilac trees up the way... this is the scent of my childhood home after the rain. ah, it almost makes me cry a little. i miss my old home so much.

  5. sweet church incense. i freaking love this. i think i am getting a good handle on what works for me and what i will actually like now that i have tested over a hundred bpal in the last year and this is in the 'love it' pile. i love resins and incense. may wind up layering this with a vanilla or honey scent to make it a little less churchy but man Beths blend is dead on with this one.

  6. it must be the sandalwood that makes this smell so headshoppy to me but i love it regardless. it's very warm and comforting. i feel like there is something in here that is just sweet enough to keep this from being to masculine, but i can't pin point what it is. i love it.

  7. Inspired by and created for my beloved Tedwin: my eternal, beautiful, wicked Dorian Gray. Refined, elegant, and lovely, with a noble bearing and seemingly gentle air. This blend is an artful deception: a sweet gilded blossom lying over a twisted and corrupted core. A Victorian fougere with three pale musks and dark, sugared vanilla tea.


    I am not sure what year my imp is from, as someone frimped it to me, but on my skin, this is just straight up lemony vaniulla tea with cream and sugar. i am not sure where the corruption dorian gray reference comes in as this smells so sweet and innocent, but then again, my skin is the black hole where scent comes to die unless it's made out of super heavy stuff, so it may just be me. that being said, i will definately be ordering a bottle now that it's back in stock for my daughter, and for days when i feel sweet and innocent, even though i'm not. oh, hey, maybe thats the point.

  8. in the imp and fresh on i smell mostly cedar. as it dries it mellows out but i never get that heady patch smell i was hoping for. I got a decant because patchouli+vanilla is my jam but this is mostly wood on me. However, the boyfriend told me i smelled good when i wore it so i will probably snag a bottle and let it age and try again.

  9. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM SO GOOD. at first the cigarette smoke is really sharp - almost sent me into a nicotine fit LOL. I haven't smoked in 6+ years and this brought it RIGHT BACK. omg. then as it dries down the inscence comes up and goddamn i am in love with this one. it's bad gal hippie all in one. smoking a cigarette on a road trip in your cut offs and tye dye with your bare feet on the dash and a dream catcher hanging from the rear view. love it.
