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Everything posted by cassiejaynebunk

  1. cassiejaynebunk

    So Below

    This is all musky coconut and light amber on my skin, and the longer it dries down the more it turns into Banana Boat suntan oil. not unpleasant, just not what i expected. i get no patchouli from this and I am a patchouli whore so that was disappointing.
  2. cassiejaynebunk

    The Deep Ones

    i think this is pretty masculine, at least on me and to my nose. it's a great aquatic, exactly as the name suggests, it is deep. it's definitely salty, what a merman would smell like. i may give it to the boyfriend to try out.
  3. cassiejaynebunk

    Mary Shelley

    in the imp it was so strong! but on my skin it is very light. I smell the absinthe definately, and it's mixed with some light powder womens cologne. i get the gothic undertones, i just wish it were stronger!
  4. cassiejaynebunk


    in the imp, my first impression was "oooh O!" it must be the honey note. on my skin, the orange blossom is strong. it's O mixed with orange, and the sandalwood keeps it balanced between the two. very pretty and sexy if you like orange blossom.
  5. cassiejaynebunk


    This vaguely reminds me of the B&BW japanese cherry blossom i used to wear but without the creaminess that one had. I'm not a fan of citrus notes, so the yuzu is strong for me. it is as the description reads, a bright bitter-sweet scent.
  6. cassiejaynebunk


    i really wanted to love this - November is my birth month, and the description sounds beautiful - but it's just a vague minty sweet thing on my skin. i was really hoping for more of the dead leaves note, which is one of my favorite Lab creations, but this is heavier on the snow than on the leaves. it's pretty, but it fades quickly. I will enjoy my imp while it lasts but i don't feel the need to own a bottle.
  7. cassiejaynebunk


    at first, like someone else said above, this smells like straight lemon pledge. as it dried down, i could smell a little creaminess, possibly from the coconut and the amber. but it is primarily citrusy and floral, and fades in like ten minutes on my skin.
  8. cassiejaynebunk


    Oh Jasmine, why do you hate me? You smell so pretty in the imp, and then like death on my skin. This is very pretty, a very aquatic jasmine, but it hates my skin.
  9. cassiejaynebunk


    I don't know what year my decant imp is from, but this legit smells like chocolate cookies. omg. it's just a sniffie vial otherwise i would give it to the child who loves foodie scents.
  10. cassiejaynebunk


    green tea with a little sweetness i guess from the mango? but that's as far as i got because when i tried to put the cap back on the imp it exploded in my face! I can still taste it lol.
  11. cassiejaynebunk


    when beth said soap she wasn't kidding! this smells like ivory soap. annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd thats it..... maybe with just the tinest touch of nag champa like when it clings to your hair after you slept in a room where someone burned it the night before. i had such high hopes for this one as nag champa and patchouli is basically my heaven combo but it's just soap. this is another one i gave to my child since she could wear it because it was benign enough for school.
  12. cassiejaynebunk


    Soft, feminine, sweet, and clean. i gave this one to my daughter because she is starting to share my love for teh bpal (great, now i am going to have to figure out how to fund her addiction too LOL) and I thought this was a good one for her to wear to school becuase she likes to put perfume on in the morning "like mommy" <3
  13. cassiejaynebunk

    'Tis The Voice Of The Lobster

    watermelon! no wonder my child snatched up this imp! she has been sick with the flu for days so to amuse her, we have been going through my massive box of imps and sniffing away. i gave her a baggie and whatever she liked she could keep. it gets a little musky and sharper on the dry down but yeah... watermelon!
  14. cassiejaynebunk

    Bram Stoker

    this is a classic classic mens cologne. i don't really know what else to say. swanky, upscale mens cologne they accost you with as you try to innocently walk through Macy's.
  15. cassiejaynebunk


    incense, wood, sandalwood, and amber. lovely and warm, although after a bit it starts to smell almost citrusy on my damn skin.
  16. cassiejaynebunk

    Al Azif

    someone above said "sugared incense" and that is the perfect description of this one, although i would add "creamy" to that as well. there must be some lovely sandalwood in this blend. mmmm i love this one. and so does my kid as she made off with my imp
  17. cassiejaynebunk

    Badgered by Dragons

    someone sent me a sniffie of this and my daughter (6 y/o) stole it because IT SMELLS JUST LIKE CHOCOLATE CAKE OMG! i need to find a bottle of this although good luck with that one!
  18. cassiejaynebunk


    it's strong in the imp but on my skin it's just flowery soap. i was expecting something with more force, but it's very light on the skin.
  19. cassiejaynebunk


    Frankensence and on some whiffs i can catch a tiny bit of the violet, but no cinnamon at all and i freaking love cinnamon. boooooooo. *edited to add* after a while, the voilet comes out more and it hates me yeeeesh. damn skin chemistry.
  20. cassiejaynebunk

    Blood Lotus

    mmmmmm in the imp this smells almost like candy. yum. on my skin, it lacks the blood tang that Blood Kiss had on me, but i can smell the dragons blood which i luuuurrrrve and something sweet and juicy... not cherries, not strawberries... maybe cranberries? but sweet and only a little tart. mmmmmm. the Labs Blood note seems to like me as much as i like it! yay!
  21. cassiejaynebunk


    This is alllll white florals on me. very strong floral as a matter of fact. i can smell the sandalwood a bit but i am coming to the conclusion that the Labs florals hate me.
  22. cassiejaynebunk

    Bien Loin D'Ici

    I weep. I had such high hopes for this one, and on me it's just all stinky florals. there's no florals in here. how the F@#k does that happen???
  23. cassiejaynebunk


    i was putting off testing this as it has soooooo many notes i love, and one i hate (almond) and i was so worried that the almond would ruin it for me BUT. OMG. this is amazing. I am so getting a bottle of this. i freaking love it so much. there is something about it that reminds me of Loved to Death, and Sin, with the vetiver in here keeping it from being too sweet. UHNF. hells yes this is SO GOOD.
  24. cassiejaynebunk

    The Grave-Pig

    i love patch, and the patch in here is great, but i wish for a little more sweetness in the fig. i think i may try layering this with a sweeter oil, maybe with some vanilla to amp it up a bit.
  25. cassiejaynebunk

    The Antikythera Mechanism

    in the imp: tobacco... like sniffing a fresh marlboro, I haven't had a cigarette in 6+ years but this is what i remember opening a fresh pack to smell like. then the woods and the faintest whiff of vanilla follow. this feels more masculine than feminine to me, but i don't dislike it.