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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by quinkel

  1. To me blends with Juniper do the trick, for example Burial and Omen(yes I AM promoting Omen today, my mission :P )

    Jabberwocky is indeed nice(and not longlasting)

    Cathode is high on mint and eucalyptus, and you might want to order Tuzschla (6 mints)

    Other suggestions:



    Envy(although it has lavender in it)

    Aunti Caroline(to wake and be cheerfull at once)



  2. OMG! This is the scent i want when i need to feel strong and a bit masculin. It's like a cave to hide in, makes me feel so protected.


    The scent is foresty/herbal. Probably the Cedar, and sage. There is a bit similarity with Black Forest.


    Great scent to wear in spring and summer, and while picknicking or camping outside.

  3. I got a decant from the lovely Mizz cindy from the Lush forum.


    To me, Hearth is a daughter of Jack and Shamhain, and a cousin of black Pearl and Perversion, and Sugar skull is the grandfather.

    A deep, complex, sweet scent. There is so much more notes than in the description mentioned, for example in the drydown there is apple, dry red apple and apple cider. And there might as well be a slight bit of Pumpkin, and a hint of cinnamon and, and, and...


    After an hour the leather had a prominent role but backed off and did't come back.


    Hearth is a unique experience and yet, so known but I am glad I did't buy a 5 ml because it's something to enjoy only once in a while. The Imp will last long enough for me.


    Also, the BF gets a bad reaction from this, like he has to Jack

  4. If anyone would like to start a little picture collection, are these different enough for me to take pics of?


    Oh, please?? :D That would be so cute, i love the symbols on the bottles, like the pumkin on Shamhain, sooo cute :P

    I didn't take a proper look at my Spooky bottle...will do tonight

  5. Those who know me know I detest aquatics...

    But this Water of Notre dame is not overly aquatic so i decided to give it a try.


    Soooo good, peaceful, comforting and general pleasant smelling!!!

    The best thing? It's longlasting and strong and in the evening it mellows to a soft powdery scent that even the BF likes :D

    I will need a 5ml for spring/summer


    ETA: Without going in details : it worked some miracles, especiallly on paperwork etc. Whatever/whoever spirit that helps me, i am so gratefull :P

  6. Not much to add on the scent, i liked it but... I felt a weird saddness all day wearing this. To be sure it was not induced by monthly hormonal overdoses, i used it in another time of the month and it happend again.

    I didn't like the feeling so, will probably not wear it again, i can do with a mood enhancer now :P

    *runs off to dabb Aunti carolines joy Mojo*

  7. I haven't used this yet on it's own for a day(what I usually do with all scents) but only sniffed it from the vial and a bit on my hand.


    I get only citrus, no pine, It's very soft after the drydown. I was hoping for pine as I adore Pine, so I hope that with the final realease there is a bit more :D


    Will update as it has its proper change to proof itself in a days wear


    Well, today is a great day for this scent, It's snowing like it hasn't been in 20 years, first i was planning Skadi but that's to Christmassy. I needed something snowy,yet springtime captured beneath. That's exactly what VSR is. The only thing is... IT"S SO LIGHT :P I put a complete imp all over me and i still can't catch a whif.

    I am afraid this is not ment for me, I love the scent anyway

  8. Yummie :P I like this scent, it's fresh and a bit fruity, great for the winter but I see myself wearing this in summer a well because it's light.


    It is a tiny bit cloying but not something to be disturbed about On my skin It doesn't change at all, unlike most BPAL.


    It has also an amazing lasting power!!

    I was wearing a jacket about a month ago while wearing Snow White, when putting the jacket on today i stood in a cloud of Snow White again(therefor reminded about that i have snow white and therefor wearing it again today :D

  9. Clover decanted me a cute little bottle of this :P I had the feeling that it could be helpful because in my new job I encountered some blocks with calling new customers.

    First, the scent: Cinnamon, candy and something very dirty/animalistic underneath.


    Voodoo properties: This one smells very magical/loaded, and somehow it feels "heavy" to put it on, somedays I cannot use it...how bizarre! It has happend also with High John the conqueror. I want to use it but my whole body refuses, when i force myself to use it anyway, I get ill!

    First time I used it the calling went well and i even managed to score a appointment with a customer. Today i try again because the blocks are not cured completely

  10. I got this as a gimp from the lab, i guess because i ordered 2 dream blends :P


    This one really evoces dreams !! i don't dream that often in general but when i use this I have clear and bizarre dreams. therefor i use it not so often, mostly in the weekens when i can sleep long. Like saturday i used it and i dreamt that i needed to order a truck :D I had to fill long lists of pro's and con's of different kinds :D Imagine...I do not even have a car.


    The scent itself is citrussy and lavender, Quite neutral to me.

  11. Soft rosey and delicat. I like it a lot, like you have smeared yourself with a expensive rosecream that you found in an old box at the attic and might date back from Victorian times.

    Cinnamon? Not noticable for my nose, it's rose, rose, rose. Not a red rose but a pale, pink rose.

    The only reason i will not buy a 5ml is that it is too delicat and subtle for me as i like strong scents.

    I combined it today with Follow me Boy, fits good together
