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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by quinkel

  1. amber? are you...sure???

    I smell my youth perfume 'le jardin d'amour"a floral. (and indeed a bit toothpast-like scent) light flowers, violets and spearmint that's all i get. I love this though!

    It smells juicy and I want to chew on it, candied violet petals. If this is what amber smells like, i sure love amber!! This will do very nice as a summer scent.

  2. Reminds me of a sparkling peach "champagne" i use to drink instead of the real stuff when i was a student :P

    This brings so many happy memories of that time, the poor but happy sensation.

    The scent is soft and bright and happy, perfect for sitting in the garden on summerdays.

    a 5ml is required!



    edited on 15 July 2005


    I suddenly remember what it reminds me of exept the above mentioned: It has similairities with Shattered, and a perfume by Dior which i forgot the name of...

  3. It becomes boring but again...A new LOVE :P

    Pine, foresty all what i like in the summer, Nocnitsa is also a very neutral scent. Not only gender neutral but it's wearable for all kind of occations. It is not overpowering, does not waft a whole lot, just enough.

    If you like Skadi and Dublin, you sure like this too!


    *now off to update my top10*

  4. very calming and pure lavender, it resembles a bit to Psyche. A bit masculine too.

    So far i was not so keen on the lab's lavender blends, but this is the kind of lavender i love. Somnus works great at night and Quietude will keep me peaceful at daytime. Thanks Beth, I love it :P

  5. If you hate roses....try this one!!

    This is so juicy, innocent, playfull. I want to drink this.


    Often roses tend to smell serious, adult(and some even old lady perfume like)

    Athough all Beths rose blends are awesome, so far i like 2,5,7 best! Whip is going to be kicked out of my top ten and in goes 2,5,7.

    The sort of scent you have to imagine is more the direction of Persephone than it is of Spellbound. This is not powdery at all. A 14 year old could wear it and get away with it. So glad I have a 5ml :P

  6. Soil... but not clean potting soil, oh no! This IS Graveyard Dirt, completely with worms crawling around and decomposing below. Not a perfume to wear on a regular day. I love the concept and the amazing art how Beth managed to create this scent! I am stunned. This is an oil to use for Roleplaying games, if you want to be the living Death or wearing this on Halloween.

    Sadly we don't do Halloween in Holland, i would love to see the faces when they smell me:-)

  7. I wanted to try this one because Sarada mentioned the magic word "Tramp" :D


    And how right she was!!!

    I got it in a swap and opened the bottle even before I entered the house, and yes, it was like opening a bottle of Tramp :P

    It smell fresh and darkgreen like Tramp. It is a bit drier, perhaps some cedar tend to go dry on my skin.

    I love this and will stockpile some bottles of Tramp and I will have a happy summer!



    (BTW, I realise peeps who never heard of Tramp will not have much use in my review :D

  8. Unfortunately Lightning is THE example of all the notes I don't like in one blend...

    Also, It dissapears in about 1 minute from my skin. It's rare to find a BPAL i really don't like but I suppose lightning is the one :P

  9. Lampades lay almost a year in the back of my imp box because i alway thought it was one of those strong jasmine scents... How wrong i was!!


    I stumbled upon these reviews the other day and it made me dig up the imp. Oh boy sooo good!

    Indeed it reminds me of Bordello. The imp is in my purse now and will be enjoyed these weeks. It's a late springtime scent, fresh, great to wear to work. I can smell the cranberries(I love Cranberrie juice as a drink) but the other notes are too well blended to detect. Oh and it ages good it seems considering the imp being more than one year old...

  10. Got 2,5 ml from the lovely Surreal in a swap :P


    What I can smell mostly is clove, and i love clove :D There are more spices involved and pepper is also there it seems.

    It smells like yule, but i think i will wear it in summer as well. There are similairities(sp?) with Skadi, but Yuletide is more warm and spicy.



    At the moment I layered it with Hunger, Spicy oranges :D

  11. :P Here goes a new top 10 member!

    To me this is all tearose, It reminds me a bit of (old) London but with a kick. The leather is not prominent on my skin but it is there to give the scent power. It smells very expensive somehow.

    I can see myself wearing this a lot.


    ETA: after 6 hours when the scent has almost faded, on my skin there is vanilla! Soft, nice vanilla!

  12. I am so happy and grateful that Tesseljoan shared her bottle with me, :D :D It was long on my wishlist but was discontinued before I could order...


    What a unique scent, soft vanilla, without the sensation of being foody. Perfect sweet for Spring/Summer.

    It reminds me a tiny bit of a scent by Cerruti that I used to wear before BPAL.This will be my special scent for this Summer :P

  13. I got this in a swap from the lovely Gingersnapp :D


    I did not care much for rose scents before i discovered BPAL and even then, i really didn't know how a rose was supposed to smell :D Now my nose is more educated and slowly i am beginning to love Beth's Rose Blends. Zombi, Old London, Rose Red and Spellbound all so very different. And then I got Rose Cross.... And it's almost unbelievable but again sooo different than all the above mentioned blends.


    This is a huge red rose combined with something sweeter underneath and at the same time it's crisp and fresh. I can see myself wearing this to Church. Makes me feel very feminin and a bit ... scacred,innocent, virgin(No i am not :D )

    The opposite of a seductive scent, very beautiful. It's how i picture a young Mother Theresa would smell. It's not an old lady scent btw.


    ETA: Did not wear it for a while and therefor had a kind of renewed contact with Rose Cross today. OMG how I love this scent, It is soo Juicy and sweet, without being soapy or powdery. I think I have to update my top10.... :P

  14. lemon, lavender and herbs. I ordered a 5ml unsniffed

    I really like the Somnium blends!I use them now every night and regarding the scent I think Nanshe I like the most. But like with the Voodoo blends i do not really judge these by their scent

    Nanshe is my weekend scent, when I can sleep longer in the morning.

    I have the feeling i dream more clearly but i am not ready into analyzing dreams. But when i feel like ready for that sort of things, these blends i will work with!

  15. Not reviewed yet? hmmmm, and it's one of my fav's


    I was crying over the discontinued Indonesian red patchouli, when Malediction came on my path :P To me it's almost the single note but with a bit of extra.

    Very warm, comforting, uplifting. Great to wear on rain/storm days. it has a great lasting power too, and lovely to scent your hair.
