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Posts posted by DiZZysTARdust

  1. My mom tested this one for a work meeting. She normally does not go for florals but of the three options I gave her this was her top choice. In the bottle this smells like literal fresh cut grass. Very green but slightly sweet. On her skin the sweetness of the florals becomes much more prominent but nothing stands out that I could identify. When i smelled the test patch I actually thought I smelled light honeysuckle or maybe a floral honey. The grass is definitely still the top note, though. Not a very strong throw but it definitely was noticeable when I was sitting right next to her. After about an hour I smelled the test patch again and the scent was still there. It did not morph much from the original scent, still mostly grass with a sweet florally edge. After 2+ hours it was mostly gone but left a distinct sweetness behind.

  2. I was on the fence about this right up until i purchased a bottle of it. I liked the garden theme but i'm ambivalent about lavender. So i took the plunge and bought a bottle and it was the first thing out of the package that i tried. I was initially disappointed. In the bottle this smells like straight lavender. Wet on my skin i could smell lavender but it seemed slightly greener. Othersreviewers have described how this is not necessarily the traditional "medicinal" lavender and i think that is spot on. The lavender throw stayed strong. For at least half an hour i could smell it whenever i moved. Then i randomly sniffed the dried patch on my wrist and was totally shocked to smell the most gorgeous, slightly leafy but still sweet, honey note. Omgggg, i am totally in love with this. I understand the description of cloaked in lavender perfectly, this is a soothing and not overehelming lavender at a distance and warm herbal honey close up

  3. I'm conflicted about this scent and hate to leave this review but maybe in the future i can come back to it. I wanted to try this scent for the honey/poppy notes. In the bottle i smell blood. Not dragon's blood, not evocative of blood, legit a bottle of blood. I tried it on anyway. On the skin it smells pretty much exactly the same. Very strong, congealing blood. And perhaps because of the name, it doesn't just remind me of wound blood but actual menstrual blood, with that end of cycle mustiness. This has never happened to me before but it made me a little nauseous. I tried to keep smelling to see if it changed but it didn't seem to. I feel like the honey/beeswax was just underneath the blood smell but it wasn't distinctive, it just seemed to make it bloodier. It has a medium throw. Not sure about how long it lasts. I will be trying this again but not right away

  4. This went on my wishlist for the name and also for listed notes, especially the peach, honey, hemlock components. In the bottle this smells very herbal and I would even say somewhat piney. Wet on the skin it warms considerably. The pineyness evaporates although the herbal scent remains. The honey is much more present. I would say the peach is noticeable because it seems to have a fruity quality, but not in the manner of peach candy or syrupy fake peach. As it dries the resins come out slightly and give it a more incense-like quality. Overall it is a very subdued scent, mellow and warm but very pleasant, with light-medium throw that I feel would improve if I was wearing more than a test patch. Not sure about the last as I couldn't wait to review this and typed it as I was testing it, but I plan to wear it again so i'll find out.

  5. Recieved this as a frimp, which I was pleased about because i had seen it around and was intrigued by the name, although not quite motivated enough to investigate further. In the bottle it is an almost completely clear, slightly greenish coloured oil, definitely not ruby. But maybe that varies. The blend itself is both brilliant and ruby-colored, and I am not one to necessarily associate scents with colors. In the bottle it is kind of medicinal. It's kind of familiar but I can't quite place it. Almost like cough syrup, but not really cherry cough syrup. It's kind of critrusy, like a grapefruit type of subdued citrus, definitely ruby-like. Wet on the skin it smells the same but slightly less sharp, and very nice. As it dries the sharpness mellows out even more and it smells somewhat floral. I kind of think roses but I could just be over-thinking the ruby aspect. I read the notes after testing and I definitely note the booziness. It kind of explains the cough syrup I think. I only tested a small amount but it seems to have good throw

  6. I was very hesitant to try this because of the description. I kind of dislike food scents, especially sweet, baked-good types, which the word "buttery" really evoked for me. In the end curiosity won out because I really wanted to try a perfume based on the mother of witches. I'm glad I did because I really love it. In the bottle was straight maraschino cherries, which was also a little perturbing. Once I put it on the cherries became much less sweet but stayed the dominant note. I feel like this is perfectly blended because I sense the musk and myrhh without them becoming too incensey. Others have described this blend as "smoky" or "dark" and I think that is a perfect description. Smoked cherries. It's not foody or fruity imo, which seems a little backwards as it is cherries but works nicely. I accidentally applied this a little heavier handed than normal but it worked out, the scent has a medium to strong throw and lasts upwards of two hours without morphing. The cherries fade away after that but the blend stays sweet and reminiscent of them.

  7. This is just beautiful. In the imp i get a strong grape flavor, like a sweet imitation grape. On wet the sense of fakeness kind of dissipates. The musk becomes more noticeable. The cherry is not the maraschino, almond type. It's more like a cherry liquor, like a boozy quality.

    As it dries it blends somewhat but stays sweet and winey. Pretty strong throw.

  8. Thank you for all the beautiful recommendations so far


    And thanks for the bpal document @LizziesLuck , I too am a spreadsheet nerd, although I've been resisting so far cause I didn't want to get "too into it" but I think i'm past the point of no return now so I might as well TuT


    If i like beyond paradise from estee lauder what should i try?


    I found the following description for it Blue Hyacinth and Orange Flower Templar blend with Laelia Orchid and Crepe Jasmin, warmed with Zebrano Wood. does that sound accurate? I've never tried it.


    Based on those notes I immediately think of a fairly recent LE from the Trading Post Do The Dancing Maidens Sleep hyacinth and snow-dusted honeysuckle, sweet with asphodel and honeyed vetiver. Hyacinth doesn't come up a lot and it was strong in this scent.

    Haven't tried it, but Dawn: Mourning Victory sounds like it might be similar? Red sandalwood, night-blooming jasmine, white tea, hyacinth, rosehips, and tuberose.

    Maybe Egle Ocean water, hyacinth petals, star jasmine, and fir.?


    Hopefully someone who has tried it can maybe suggest something.

    Thank you!! I'm super excited because i actually just ordered an imp of egle, so i will let you know if you were right. Def adding the other two to the wishlist.

  10. I love florals! Dark, light, combo, I want to try every floral scent possible but it's really hard to keep track as there are so damn many scents. I just want to hear some people's thoughts on florals to add to my wish list. I love heavy florals rose, jasmine, lilac, honeysuckle, geranium, lilies, etc. Also combos with honey, wine, metallic, or musky type scents (but not so much patchouli or sandalwood heavy). But I want to hear any recommendations so please comment yours!

  11. I got this because i have anger issues. In thr bottle it's a sweetish, resiny cinnamon. On my skin fresh i can smell cinnamon and cloves, pleasant but not overly sweet. This may be the effect of the black pepper, which scentwise is not detectable to me at all. This is a little disappointing as i love black pepper. But it also seems to be mellowing out the other spices and the resin in a very lovely wet. The scwnt stays pretty consistent throughout it lasting period then fades to mostly dragon's blood. My first application was my usual amount and had very light throw and a short last. I applied it a little heavier the second time (2 coats on each pulse point) and it had a medium-lightish throw and lasted a few hours. The cinnamon in this did not burn me.

  12. I got this imp in a musk pack to get something that had been oos for a while. I read up on the rest of the pack, othello included, and figured it would be worth it all around. At the worst i expected it would be vaguely pumpkin pie-ish. In the bottle, this is really weird but, i smell nothing. Vague soapishness. First applied there is still nothing. It doesn't develop over drying out. I got it a few weeks ago and i just tried it again the other day thinking maybe it would have blended a bit. Still nothing. I thought in the bottle i smelled a bit of rose but maybe that was just wishful thinking. No throw and i couldn't guess what the lasting length was.

  13. I purchased this for the blend. Neroli and bitter almond sounded like a beautiful combination. In the bottle it smelled like strong cinnamon and orange candy. I was reminded strongly of ribbon candy, which was unpleasant as i am not a fan of them. On my skin the cinnamon got a little stronger, although the orange was still detectable and still very sweetish. After a few minutes i realized why this was called inferno, as my skin started to burn and red welts came up. I have mildly sensitive skin but i expected it would be ok as i have tried other cinnamon blends and had no reaction. This scenr had a medium throw . The cinnamon lingered but the sweet orange disappeared within the first half hour.

  14. I purchased this for the blend. I love rose. I was also drawn to the claim in the description that this is a based on a romany blend. In the bottle i smell at first soap. It kinds of turns rosy in the bottle but it's a little wishy washy. I think i smell it but then it goes back to soap, then suddenly comes out again. I can't detect cinnamon at all. On my skin the roses just kind of vacate. The cinnamon is very faintly detectable. I was horribly disappointed by this, i have to say. It is has no throw at all and didn't last long. Last time i tried it on i actually put another blend on top of it after about ten minutes and it dodn't affect the second blend whatsoever.

  15. I purchased this mostly for the name. It seemed like a nice reliable floral blend. In the bottle i smell flowers. On my skin i still smell them. They are kind of softened by the musk, which is not overly dominant. I can't really differentiate between the carnation and plu but on my skin it is not overly sweet. Almost as soon as it dried on me and began to waft around i was strongly reminded of my high school guidance counselor, who always wore the same very strong perfume. At first i was like OMG old lady perfume! But as i was wearing it i actually really came to love it. I actually feel very glamorous and sensual wearing it. This has a strong throw and is very lasting.

  16. This came as a frimp. I was intrigued by the blend but not enough to purchase it, so i was pleasantly surprised to recieve it. In the bottle i smell mainly the amaretto. On my skin ithe amaretto is still dominant but turn distinctly fruity, which lessens the sweetness. I don't really detect the wine. The blends stays pretty much the same as it dries and fades. I love it although i think it could be improved if the wine was a little stronger, just to take the sweetness down a notch. However, in that i suppose the name Bordello is fitting. This had a medium throw and is pretty lasting.

  17. This was one of my first purchases and was bought solely for the name. In the bottle it smells very peachy and overly-sweet. Once on my skin the peach mellows out considerably. It is still strong but no longer as candylike. It reminds me more of warm peach syrup. I think this is the effect of the patchouli. Normally i consider patchouli to be a turn off but in this blend i can't smell it on its own at all. It becomes a little more present as it dries but the peach stays fairly consistent throughout. I absolutely adore it all the way through. I would say this had a medium throw and was pretty lasting, 2+ hours.
