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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by DiZZysTARdust

  1. i am really big on flowers, so a blend of 50 official state flowers js hella high on my wishlist. i was very excited to pick up a bottle of this, but also a little cautious, as flowers can get a little soapy on mr. so 50 flowers is 50 opportunities for an off match on the skin. in the bottle this does indeed smell a little soapy, but not unpleasantly so. on the skin it warms immediately. i agree with the green sentiment for the overall vibe, but not in a medicinal way. just sweet flowers <3 the throw is medium. i can definitely smell it on myself as i’m sitting here. the throw is more clean smelling than the skin scent. as it’s wafting i’m strongly reminded of like an unscented deodorant-type smell, but when i sniff up close it’s more sweet and fresh than actual soap/deodorant. after about the first hour of the drydown it morphs and becomes more i would say golden. not a hint of soapiness (for me it’s usually the reverse, with the soap emerging as the other notes fade) and still very sweet and florally. the throw becomes less strong as i’m wearing it however, although still very noticeable up close to the skin

  2. i picked up clytie as a second thoight, because there are others in the same release that i am DISO and after taking a look at the note list i figured why not? and snagged it from a second hand seller. wet in the bottle this is kind of vaguely sweetish, a little musty. i think its the frankincense im getting a first blast of cause its kinda metallic. so here goes. on this instantly sweetens for me. its like, really sweet. the throw from far away reminds me of candy sugar, but not a specific flavor nor really fruit. just candy, like maybe the wrapper of a skittles package thats been emptied- an amalgamation of all the flavors. BUT when i sniff my skin right against it, the frankincense is very prominent with the flowers lending it a musty, very well blended floral sweetness. it legit reminds me of some dried flowers burning on an altar. i cant pick out a specific flower. the throw remains flower candy sweet while its wafting around me. after an hour this stayed exactly the same. the throw became a little less strong but still peeked out here and there. this lasted a good few hours on me, maybe 3+

  3. in the bottle this is a little strange. it smells kind of minty, kind of musty, not too floral. going on it’s like i’m painting my wrist with hothouse gardenias. they just pop into bloom. the mintiness goes a touch plasticky then bam it’s gardenias. this all happens in the span of seconds. i like the morphing blends, some are slower, this one is faster. the gardenia is beautiful, floral with just a hint of greenery. the vanilla i think is what turns this into a perfume. the throw is fairly strong. i can smell myself as i’m moving around doing day to day stuff. it lasted for a little over two hours as gardenia dominant, then the frankincense came out much more strongly. turned vaguely metallic, gardenia infused frankincense. absolutely gorgeous.

  4. i first read this description and read “fur” and was instantly turned off, but after trying the fool’s dog with fuzzy brown musk and finding that very pleasant, the blend of florals in this became too intriguing to pass up. in the bottle this smells sweet and indeed “brownish”, kind of like flat cola. first applied it smells the same. this reminds me of little flora, which starts off murky and then becomes this amazingly beautiful delicate scent. this does the same thing, but it does seem to morph a little faster, perhaps because there’s more florals in this. i can’t really pick them out. they are blended perfectly. definitely no rose peeking out. slight powderiness comes out in the drydown but not like baby powder, and no soapiness. this is imo very worthy of the moniker of “victorian”. i feel like a victorian lady headed to a midnight ball.

  5. Nyx

    the jasmine is definitely the first horse out of the gate in this. in the bottle this smells very warm and powdery. on wet this is pure baby powder. i never understood why jasmine gets such a bad rap but now i get it. some blends can be powdery but this was like i shook it out on my wrist straight from a can. not bad just not special in any way, a bit boring. i was a tad disappointed, but once dried this became quite lovely. i feel like the myrrh came out first. this has a strong throw and as it was wafting at me i kept thinking vanilla, which im guessing was the baby powdery jasmine sweetened by the resin. i noticed the rose last and only when sniffing my wrist directly. it wasnt strong at all but it was enough to turn the blend from baby powder to delicate floral. quite lovely

  6. just recieved this as a frimp in a swap. ive been tempted by it but the citrus throws me off so this was a hppy accident. just out of tthe mailbox so it may be a little green but here we go. in the bottle, this smells like laundry soap, but in a good way. not an artificial flowery kind of scent, but definitely something i would use myself. i read the reviews prior to testing and i read one describing this as bright, summery, and clean and that is the perfect summary. definitely citrus up front which was a little nervous making, but i tested anyway. on this does excatly what i want it to do. the bright citrus fades. the rose is only semi-recognizable as the floral. instead of laundry soap this simply smells like a well-blended unisex perfume, but not really a traditional perfume scent. as ive been reviewing the florally-citrusy notes have all but disappeared, leaving behind just the greenery and woods. i feel like ive traversed the whole season into late august-september summer. interestingly i feel like one wrist is strongly bergamot-tinted and the other is more strongly sage. absolutely love this


    ETA this has really good throw. i can smell myself as ive been typing. the throw is a touch sweeter than the skin scent

  7. hi, im hunting for the perfect wisteria scent! ideally id like it to be the main flower rather than the runner up to something else. ive seen wisteria in a few blends but to me none of them evoke a feminine, flower garden vibe.


    im also hunting for the perfect hyacincth scent with same same feel. ive not seen this in many note lists but im determined to locate at least one. i LOVE the smell of them, i know oils dont always smell the same as their real flower counterparts but hopefully someone knows of one out there


    ETA a google search has just revealed one of my favorite gcs, egle, actually has hyacinth! so i guess i know at least one exists. id still love to hear about others!

  8. Egle and cave of treasures are two of my top favorites in this category. Hearts for ghost friends is a recent addition to this category. I have been tempted by closet raid a few times but the lilac vegetal gives me pause.


    ETA Privilege which i am testing atm and find to be very similar to egle in my opinion

  9. I would like to nominate Hearts for Ghost Friends for this category. Not too spicy as in a cinnamon or peppery component, but definitely floral and definitely creamy. One of my new faves and actually a completely random buy when picking something else up. The florals (magnolia, oleander, and rose) are well blended and none overtake the blend. Frankincense adds some depth. It also has fantastic throw and wear length. A possible similar scent would be Winter at the Capitol (oleander and roses) which has no resin but also a few more light florals. Would love thoughts from anyone whos tried it as I really want to


    ETA that i tested Winter at the Capitol and although it is lovely on its own i wouldnt classify it as spicy or resiny. the florals are similar and its lovely in its own way but the overall vibe of Winter is a much lighter floral with a hint of that white floral soapiness (possibly from the iris?)

  10. I randomly added this in cause I didnt want to buy only one bottle. That note list- I couldnt help myself <3. After collecting a number of Lilith blends by accident I see why theyre so well-loved. This is so beautiful and classy. It reminded me of like an old fashioned gardenia based scent right off the bat. In the bottle this smelled like your average melange of florals. The rose seemed very prominent at this point but maybe because I was expecting it. First on the rose was definitely there, but almost immediately either the oleander or magnolia or both took over. This became the most beautiful well blended scent. It has a great throw. I can smell it wafting around me as im walking around (this might be cause I lost control of myself when putting it on.). For a few brief moments when fresh there was a hint of plastickyness. Not sure what it was but it was more prominent close to the skin and further away it was more perfumey. After 3+ hours its still a gentle floral but the resin base is coming out. Less throw but still there. Total keeper.

  11. I’m comparing the two rose dominant blends from the district series. I’ve got Emma on my left side and Hilma on my right. In the bottle Emma is like candy. Very sweet. Maybe cotton candy. Onceon my skin the rose pops to life and starts to dismantle. I feel that the vanilla is still pretty heavy, too, and additionally either the peppercorn or patchouli begin taming the sweetness almost immediately. I don’t really notice the jasmine. Freshly on this is a sultry, smoky rose. Not rose heavy and I amp rose. The stronger throw of the two blends

  12. I’m comparing the two rose dominant blends in the district series. I’ve got Emma on my left side and Hilma on my right. Hilma is definitely the more complex blend. In the bottle it is as candy-like as Emma. It strongly reminds me of Maenad and the bubblegummy poppy sweetness. On my skin the sweetness disappears almost instantly and is replaced by an herbal bitterness. I’m thinking it’s the black tea and honeysuckle here. No rose or jasmine popping out to make this a traditional floral. The longer it’s on the more the cedar comes out. It turns a little soap reminiscent but more of a luxury lotion bar not so much the anti-microbial hospital soap imo. Pretty low throw

  13. Ok, this is my first time trying black tower. I initially wasn’t interested but then for whatever reason I decided to give it a go while buying some imps from someone some time. Upon receiving it, it was intimidatingly smoky and masculine in the imp, so into the box it went and I never gave it a second thought, until tonight when I reached in for a random imp and pulled that out. Why not? In the imp: still very nice set, kind of strong for me (i’m ALL about the flowers). But I slathered it on. Sandalwood. Very strong off the bat but diluted with something like leather. Actually kind of pleasant. Reminds me strongly of the cheapo glittery incense from gas stations that gets everywhere. After a few minutes it lightens up with what I initially thought was citrus, but must be the grasses and ivy. They’re much greener than I would have expected from the description. It’s like really nice. Contrary to the rough description I feel kind of peaceful with it on. No sign of the wine up to this point and the woods all blend together. Pretty good throw as my grandmother just commented how nice it smelled. But not overbearing in my opinion.

  14. hellllooooo!!! has anyone here tried the post luper DIX and the yule ROSE OUDH AND MYRHH that can please compare the two?


    thank you!

    I have not tried Rose Oudh and Myrhh but i've got dix here and i'll let you know my impressions. In the bottle it's very rosy but with a distinct metallic sweetness. On me it blends very well right off the bat. The rose is still present without screaming "rose" at me. It goes slightly powdery without becoming baby powder or soap. This is actually my first skin test of this and it's very lovely. As it dries the rose fades out even more. Hope that helps.


    If you like chocolate and roses, I loved Quatre from the Une Douzaine de Roses Lupers this year. It's a wonderful cocao/rose blend. (If you ever tried The Orchard ; Quatre has the same elements without the woods. It's a very "Valentine's" scent to me.



    Unfortunately i only splurged on roses 7-12 from this year's lupers, thinking the first six were too "foodie" for me. And of course now i def want to try quatre! I have tested the orchard and i will say i think the woods are def a bit strong for me, which i never expected going into it. And ooh, thanks for all the GC recs, i always forget about GCs cause i'm so dazzled by the LEs, i gotta get in on that GC/LE similarity thread.


    Also gotta second the Symmakhia love! She is def one of my all-time faves (can I just say now that the ode to Aphrodite should be it's own yearly thing? *swoon*) i love especially that it's so beautifully blended, i'm beginning to think i amp rose

  15. Posting to revive this thread cause i love tuberose, too! Consoling Pussy of Horseface mountain is gorgeous murky blue green (in my head) tuberose. Mori girl is actually very close to it but slightly sweeter imo.

  16. The 2017 yule Not Such an Agreeable Seat is a great rose. It's described as golden and that's a very accurate description as ir's warm and sweet without turning foodie. It didn't turn powdery or soapy on me. The rose was very "rosy" a la geraniums or rosewood.


    On a side note i'm looking for a rose recommendation. Is there a red roses-red wine dominant scent out there? I don't know why but i had a thought that it might match perfectly with a chocolate-coffee dominant scent. Kind of in a valentine's day way but also not


    Looking for recommendations as to what BPAL oils might smells like the atmosphere spray Bathing in Cold Water. Every time I hear the name I think oooh, and then I see the notes and i'm like OMG!! but then I see it's an atmo spray and I just can't dig that.


    I would really like to hear about any similarities to perfume oils but i'm not opposed to bath oils or even hair glosses if there's a close one (hopefully bptp to bptp similarities are also ok in this thread!)


    I don't know if this will help, since it's an older fragrance and no longer at the Etsy BPTP, where I snagged it, but These Were the Four Loves Faded has a very similar vibe to my nose as BinCW. Both are cool, damp florals with tuberose. I'm guessing "queen of the night" refers to jasmine, so they both have that note too.


    Also, you might check out Bayou from the GC. It's mossier, but it's definitely got a languid, damp floral thing going on, and I'm pretty sure it's got some jasmine in the mix.



    Omgggg, four loves faded sounds so gorgeous. I LOVE putting old unattainable things on my wishlist so thanks for that rec. I'll have to snag some bayou somewhere and then test it against CP.


    Thanks to those who answered! Much appreciated!


    Looking for recommendations as to what BPAL oils might smells like the atmosphere spray Bathing in Cold Water. Every time I hear the name I think oooh, and then I see the notes and i'm like OMG!! but then I see it's an atmo spray and I just can't dig that.


    I would really like to hear about any similarities to perfume oils but i'm not opposed to bath oils or even hair glosses if there's a close one (hopefully bptp to bptp similarities are also ok in this thread!)


    Autumn Coolness shares a couple notes ' "Autumn Coolness - The scent of wisteria, Cymbidium, lotus blossom, and cassia buds drifting on a breeze through gently swaying bamboo reeds"

    Or maybe Consoling Pussy of Horse Face Mountain - Tuberose incense, blue wisteria, and oakmoss.


    Or you could just get the atmo and spray it all over your clothes, as many do, thus wearing it as a personal scent.



    Oh, i love consoling pussy (XD)! It was the first bpal i tried that made me love tuberose, initiating a mad search for all tuberose scents. And autumn coolness sounds so beautiful, i think it's on my wishlist but if not it def is going on.


    And i would not have thought to do this with an atmo, that sounds like a whole new avenue of possibility is opening up...

  19. Looking for recommendations as to what BPAL oils might smells like the atmosphere spray Bathing in Cold Water. Every time I hear the name I think oooh, and then I see the notes and i'm like OMG!! but then I see it's an atmo spray and I just can't dig that.


    I would really like to hear about any similarities to perfume oils but i'm not opposed to bath oils or even hair glosses if there's a close one (hopefully bptp to bptp similarities are also ok in this thread!)

  20. This has what i assume to be a very strong line-up of notes so i expected a powerful blend. In the bottle it seems very delicate to me, almost im a sense "flat-ish" so i was a little concerned. When testing i could only remember the king mandarin, and it made sense because it seemed a little citrusy but to me more blossom than fruit or candy. I put it on and it seemed the same on the skin. It was initially very close to the skin. I moved on with my life and remembered a few minutes later to re-sniff, and i was completely shocked by the morph. It's like serious floral musk right now, very sexy. I wouldn't even have guessed that patchouli was the muskiness, although now that i know it does have that hippie flavor. Still more strongly blossom than citrus, at this point i would say the citrus is basically gone. It definitely needed the time to warm up because now i can smell it on myself. The throw is more floral than musk to me

  21. I have to emergency review this because the imp of this i have just broke. This perfume is much more delicate than i would have guessed with the rose geranium. It is very well blended. I can't detect any of the individual notes. When i picked up the vial i got a strong impression of a booze note, either light wine or champagne. I was absolutely confident that was going to be listed in the notes. My mom smelled lilacs. On my hands i can detect the rose geranium. While it does overpower the other two notes, it's almost as if they are keeping the geranium in check. It's almost berry-like to me overall. Can't really speculate as to the throw as it's all i can smell at the moment, but hopefully i'll be able to salvage enough for a better test
