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Everything posted by Godspeed

  1. Godspeed

    All about plum!

    MEGAERA [reformulated 5/1/2005] <-– Excolo The Unwilling, The Jealous One Orris, black amber, bergamot, plum and grapefruit. I didn't like Bordello, way too sweet and candy-ish, but I looove Megaera (just ordered a bottle). On me it's plum and orris and a bit of citrus, and it manages to be both fresh and "clean" and soft, dry, a bit spicy and fruity. The imp I have is aged, so I hope the bottle won't be too different. It should be tried if you like plum, anyway
  2. Godspeed

    Iris and Orris scents

    I'm mostly starting this thread because the search on the BPAL site is down and I couldn't find any topics in the forums about this. I have a perfumespray that's mostly pure orris/iris and I'm looking for something to layer this with. I love heavy spicy, resiny, woodsy, incensy scents, but I don't like foody or candy or too sweet scents. What orris-based oils from BPAL would you recommend?