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Posts posted by jentifer

  1. Wow, the spices are quite dominant right off the bat. First the sweet spices, then the more biting ones. There's more chocolate in this one than the orange label, but not as much as the white label. Eventually, it becomes quite woody. Not like a forest, but a lumber mill. A fragrant lumber mill.

  2. This is the only one I've tried fresh, and my first thought is CHOCOLATE. Deep and dark. Very quickly followed by apple. If you've ever had a Mrs. Prindible's chocolate chip covered caramel apple, you have an idea of what this smells like. Sweet, tart, rich, all in one. My favorite of the 13s so far.

  3. This is very light to me. Perhaps I have some blind spots with it. I get a slight masculine feel from it, but not so much that I'd call it masculine. More uni-sex. It's not really spicy, maybe slightly woody (not green), and a little incensy. It's definitely a "background" scent in my book. Like the music at the grocery store or dentist.

  4. With black musk and teak as components, I was expecting this to be somewhat dark. It wasnt' at all. I think the bamboo really lightens and brightens it up. And adds a nice wetness to it. I sort of picture shopping in an unfinished furniture store.

  5. This is probably the heaviest of the snakes to my nose. It's very dark and masculine with the vetiver being dominant, but the black coconut is no wimp here, either. I don't get very much vanilla at all, which might soften it up to me, if I did.

  6. I was afraid of this one, with all the florals listed (darn allergies :P ), and was pleasantly surprised when I tried it on. It's a very soft, feminine scent, and not overtly floral in the slightest. Makes me think of the scenes in YaYa Sisterhood, when they'd sleep out on the porch of summer nights.

  7. I am a HUGE addict of Snapples Lime Green tea, so this scent is right up my alley! It's just a perfect blend of the barely herbal green tea, with the fruitiness from the bergamot, and the up-and-at'em of the mints. It's a regular in my rotation. Not a strong throw, but a nice clean waft every once in a while.

  8. I find Boomslang to be a very comforting scent. Warm and enveloping. The cocoa really has the feel of cocoa powder that you use for baking, rather than chocolate. I would use this much more if the cocoa didn't show so much visually on the skin. But as long as I remember to try to blend it a bit, it's not too bad.

  9. Disclaimer: I am nowhere near as good as most of you at breaking down notes w/in the blends, but I can give my thoughts to a certain degree :D


    One word: SWOON! :P It's just delicious. Sweet and deep and lickable (if only!) The depth of the Snake Oil keep it from being overly sugary, imo, and adds such a sensuality to it. If this scent could be translated into a flavor, it would be excellent as a lickable massage oil or body paint. Very grownup, yet playful too.

  10. Disclaimer: I am nowhere near as good as most of you at breaking down notes w/in the blends, but I can give my thoughts to a certain degree :P


    I think it must be the stargazer lily in this that is off-putting for me. The real flower makes me sneeze and gives me headaches. The scent reminds me of those little bath cubes that my grandmother used to have, and would let me use one whenever I stayed over. That aspect makes it comforting and familiar, but is not enough for me to like it on it's own. I wish it were, as I like the other notes listed.

  11. Disclaimer: I am nowhere near as good as most of you at breaking down notes w/in the blends, but I can give my thoughts to a certain degree :D


    I've worn Nocturne the last 2 nights, and it's been interesting. While the scent is lovely (I get tea with lemon and sugar :P ), and I feel sleepy and comforted right away, I've been having some really weird dreams. Which is funny, considering that it's meant to "help ensure you are not plagued by nagging thoughts and nightmares." So, they weren't quite nightmares, but they were disconcerting. I'm hoping that I'm just in a wierd place that's overriding that aspect of the oil, as I really love the scent and would like to have this (in addition to Oneiroi) be my go-to sleep scent.

  12. Disclaimer: I am nowhere near as good as most of you at breaking down notes w/in the blends, but I can give my thoughts to a certain degree :P



    I get a lemon and honey vibe from Charisma. From start to finish. Sort of like the cough drops, but nice and not medicinal in the least. I wore it around folks I know and am (for the most part) comfortable with, just to see if there would be any noticable effect... And there was! Everyone was super friendly, and even when I made mistakes, no one pointed them out. I really like this one, and will be getting a bottle soon :D
